# High Level Possible Roadmap * WASM integration as an execution environment for smart contracts * Higher level language that compiles to Michelson and/or WASM * Fully private payments for transfers between two accounts (1) * add them to the smart contracting environment to allow aribtrary assets * ensure that it works within the staking environment * Change the consensus layer to Tendermint consensus for faster blocks and finality (1) * Use something like Avalanche for block production or Ouroborous Prios (borrowed from AFG) * Light clients for Tezos that allow phones to verify the state of the chain (1) * IBC integration to allow token movements from and to other chains * can be added by adding a primitive to Michelson to track Tendermint chain commits * Better randomness generation through a VDF (1) * State-syncing for faster synchronisation * Shared security for WASM state machines to allow more complex state transition functions (similar to Polkadot) * Overhaul of the account system (our upgrade) * Allow bakers to determine their operations in smart contracts (our upgrade) * Consider changing to a governance model similar to Polkadot * requires research on what features we want from governance and whether the new one is an improvement * enforce that some changes require larger approval than others (ie restrict the surface area that governance has access too) * futurachy style (1) * mempool optimisation that make transaction verification cheaper (1) * transactions that reference a recent block hash are cheaper to execute and transactions without it are more expensive * enables people to offline sign transactions more easily * add cryptographic primitives to Michelson * enable multiple entry points into smart contracts (1) * allow automatic and delayed invocation of smart contracts * state sharding similar to Ethereum * better PoS model * it's not inflation but demorage * GC implementation to reduce the state growth for normal users * Improvements to storage, maybe switch away from irmin * Change the merkle-tree to be more light-client friendly * Build derivatives over the staked assets * Change the account model to allow for pruning * Simplest way is with a global counter that always goes up and a local counter that can be reset to 0 * updated fork choice rule in order to include uncles in the block reward * an event system 1 - https://medium.com/tezos/a-few-directions-to-improve-tezos-15359c79ec0f