This is an auxiliary analysis for EIP-4488. It looks at the impact of different stipend sizes and mining algorithms on miner profits. It shows that even for moderate stipend sizes, both an optimal miner packing algorithm and a simple backlog-based algorithm are able to include almost all available transactions, leading to very similar profitability. Fully naive mining is a bit less profitable and requires a higher stipend to start converging with the other two.
Data & Method
The data is a sample (10%) of Ethereum mainnet blocks of the 1 week period between November 30 and December 6 2021. It has been collected via Google BigQuery (sql queries here).
To reduce complexity of the analysis, several simplifications are made:
Even for full blocks, there are no additional available transactions besides those in the block
Miner profitability is only determined by direct fee payments (not e.g. taking into account manual payments to the coinbase address)