# 英文小蛋糕 - 詞性題 ###### tags: `多益考試`, `英文小蛋糕`,`閱讀 單字文法單選題` #### 考試最多考 ++**3題**++ ## 詞性題 * 詞性 * 名詞 * 形容詞 * 副詞 ### 名詞 * 功效 * 主詞 * 受詞 * 補語 * 出現 * 冠詞(a/an/the) + 名詞 * 所有格(her/his...) + 名詞 * 介系詞 + 名詞/動名詞 * 動詞 + 名詞 * 名詞 + 關代(who/whom/whose/that * <font color=blue>技巧:有單純名詞出現先選**單純名詞**沒有的話在**選動名詞**</font> ### 形容詞 * 形容詞修飾名詞,也會跟出現的動詞有關連 * 修飾名詞 * 冠詞和名詞中間:A beautiful lady * 所有個和名詞中間:His cute dog * 介系詞和名詞中間:In his own house * 動詞和名詞中間 * 直接出現在動詞後面:動詞+形容詞 * <font color=blue>beV後面:lady is beautiful * get後面:It's getting hot. * turn後面:The leaves have turned red. * go後面:He goes crazy. * become後面:Thing in Taiwan have become expensive. * keep後面:Keep quiet! * stay後面:Stay calm! * **remain後面:Please remain silent.** * **seem/appear後面:He seems/appears angry.**</font> * 動詞+N/O+形容詞 * <font color=blue>make+N/O+adj</font>:The game is making me excited. * <font color=blue>keep+N/O+adj</font>:Please keep your room clean. * <font color=blue>find+N/O+adj</font>:I find the movie interesting. ### 副詞 * 記得 **++位置++** 及 **++標點符號++** * 句子最前面或最後面 * 句首+,:**Unfortunately,** I have fallen in love with your girlfriend. * You have to finish it **quicky**. * 修飾動詞/形容詞 * 修飾動詞:He sings **beautifully**. * 修飾形容詞:She is very **beautiful**. * 喜歡放在別人中間 * 主詞和動詞中間:You certainly have no reason to kiss me. * 助動詞和動詞中間:I can hardly understand you. * have/had/has和p.p.中間:We have recently fired some employees. * beV和Ving中間:I am now crying * beV和p.p.中間:The task is not yet finished. * 動詞和介系詞中間:I depend wholly on my father. * 動詞和Ving中間:I considered carefully signing the contract with them. * 動詞和Rv中間:I expect to promptly begin this project. * 介系詞和Ving中間:After carefully considering your suggestion, I decide to quit. ### 大亂鬥 * **副** ++副++ <font color=red>型</font> * The project is **totally** ++well++ <font color=red>prepared</font>. * **型** ++形++ <font color=red>名</font> * He is a **tall** ++handsome++ <font color=red>man</font> * **副** ++形++ <font color=red>名</font> * He is a **very** ++handsome++ <font color=red>teacher</font> * <font color=blue>**動** ++副++ <font color=red>型</font></font> * He **keeps** ++very++ <font color=red>quiet</font> * 鎖定直接加在動詞後的形容詞:keep,remain,seems...... ## 解題 * The mall will offer its (<font color=red>++customers++</font>/customize) discounted rates to celebrate their 3rd anniversary. * **Without the** (assist/<font color=red>++assistance++</font>/assistant/assisting) I need right now, I would definitely fail * without 是介系詞,後面放N/Ving -> assistance/assistant/assisting * assistant 是助理的意思,不符合原意 * 優先選擇N再選Ving -> **assistance** * In order to complete this project, we require (add/addition/<font color=red>++additional++</font>) **employees**. * Due to the new system, our department has **become** (efficiency/<font color=red>++efficient++</font>). * <font color=blue>remain/keep/turn/go/become/stay/seem/appear/get</font> 後面加形容詞 * It is (certain/<font color=red>++certainly++</font>/certainty) **ture** that the sales performance will be good. * beV跟名詞中間加副詞 * You **should**(aux) (adequate/<font color=red>++adequately++</font>/adequacy) **prepare**(V) for the questions in case some people will be curious. * 助動詞跟動詞中間要加副詞 * Since the economy **remains** (finance/financial/<font color=red>++financially++</font>) **stable**(形), the umemployment rate will definitely fall * <font color=blue>remain/go/keep/turn/seem/appear/get/become/stay</font> + ++_空格_++ + 形容詞時,空格要選副詞 ## 補充 * economic 經濟上的 * economical 經濟實惠的 * **-ize** 結尾一定是動詞 * assistant 助理 * promptly 立即/立刻 * <font color=blue>adequate 充足的/適任的</font>