# 英文小蛋糕 - 關係代名詞/關系副詞 ###### tags: `多益考試`, `英文小蛋糕`,`閱讀 單字文法單選題` ## 關係代名詞 ### 生成原則 * <font color=blue>關係代名詞 = 連接詞 + 先行詞</font> * 連接詞 * 對等連接詞:and, but * <font color=blue>句子/附屬連接詞: S+V (連) S+V => 關係代名詞的連接詞指這種類型的連接詞</font> * 先行詞:前面重複的子句(意思重疊) * <font color=red>The Students</font> ars from Japan <font color=red>and</font> Mr. Handerson is punishing <font color=red>the students</font>. * <font color=red>and + the students = 關係代名詞</font> * The students are from Japan <font color=red>whom</font> Mr. Handerson is punishing. ### 基本大綱 ![](https://i.imgur.com/29EZPIJ.png) * <font color=blue>關係代名詞帶出關係子句</font> * 子句:S+V * 解題時先看空格前,決定是「人、事物」;再看後面決定「主格、受格或所有格」 * 後面有V => 主格 * 後面有S+V => 受格/所有格 * 前面人事和後方S有沒有所有權關係 * 有=>所有格 * 無=>受格 * <font color=blue>人的受格可以是who/whom,但前面有介系詞只能用whom</font> * that注意事項 * <font color=blue>**不能**</font>使用情境 1. 前面有「,」 2. 前面有**介系詞** * 若有**介系詞**要改成whom或which * <font color=blue>**必要**</font>使用情境 1. 前面有every/any/no/all (少考) ### 必考補充 * <font color=blue>what * what = all that = the thing(s) which * what => 只能為**單數** * what 前面不會有任何名詞(先行詞) * those * those = those who 凡是...的人 * those => 只能是複數 * </font> ### 陷阱題目 * one of Ns 關代 + 複數動詞 * the only one of Ns 關代 + 單數動詞 ## 關係副詞 ### 生成原則 * <font color=blue>關系副詞 = 介系詞 + 關系代名詞 * 副詞 = 介係詞 + 名詞</font> * 關副的介系詞不能是that ### 基本大綱 * 4種 * <font color=blue>地點:where * 時間:when * 理由:why * 方法:how</font> * 看空格前面的N決定用哪個關副 * <font color=blue>關副會帶出++完整句子++(S+V)</font> * the way跟how不能連用 ### 關代關副解題區分 * 關副 * 空格前面 * 有「時間、地點」 * 不可以有「,」 * 空格後面 * 有完整句子 * 不可有搭配時間地點的介系詞 ## 解題 1. The vice manager yesterday implemented address code **policy,** <font color=red>++which++(=>S)</font> ++[she believes]++(S+V=>插入句(可省)) ++will result in++(V) a more professional work environment. * 策略 * 空格前是policy,所以可以把who/whom刪除 * 空格後面是+V,所以空格要選主格,選that或which * 空格前有「,」,that前面不能有「,」,所以刪除that選項 * 答案就只剩which * best policy 上上策 * 插入句:S + believe/guess/assume (可省略) * <font color=blue>implement 執行 = carry out = execute = put...into practice</font> * result **in** 導致,造成 = lead **to** = bring **about** = give rise **to** = contribute **to** + **N/Ving** 2. Birdy Airlines hired eight vertified pilots, all **of**(介系詞) <font color=red>++whom++</font> were professionally trained at the same institute in Los Angeles * 策略 * 介系詞後面只能加whom/which * 前面pilots(機長)是人,所以選whom * <font color=blue>certify 認證 * certificate(n) 證書,證照 = license * certification(n) 認證(舉動) * gift certificate/voucher 禮券 * certified 被認證的 = qualified * => sklled => professional => experienced (換句話說)</font> * institute 機構,協會 = foundation 基金會 = organization 組織 3. At a meeting this morning, staff studied the most recently proposed financial plan, <font color=red>++which++</font> the general manager believes will help pull the corporation out of the financial crisis * corporation = company = firm * law firm 法律事務所 * <font color=blue>company(n) 陪伴 * accompany(v) 陪伴 * companion(n) 陪伴的人(可數名詞)</font> * beV accompanied by = keep 人(受格) company * financial crisis 財務危機 * deficit 賠錢 = loss * profit 賺錢 = revenue * economic depression/recession 經濟不景氣 * help + to Rv/Rv 4. The government's latest expansion of its education support program has provided students with types of tuition assestance, <font color=red>++which++</font> formerly unavailable. * 策略 * 關係子句不是完整的句子(S+V),所以選主格which/that * 「,」不能用that,所以選which * expansion 擴張 * expand(v) 擴張 = expansion(n) * expense(n) 支出 * extend 延長 * extension 分機 * extent(n) 範圍 = range * provide 人 with 物 = provide 物 for * formerly 先前 5. To avoid communication problems, employees assigned to work abroad area required to study the language of the country **in** <font color=red>++which++</font> they will reside for a certain period of time. * 策略 * 介系詞 + 關代(which/whom) : 選一 * country是物,所以選which * country 國家/鄉下 = rural area 鄉下 * city = urban area 城市 * suburban area 郊區 * To + Rv 為了 = in order **to + Rv** = so as **to + Rv** = for the purpose **of + Ving** = with a view **to + Ving** = with an eye **to Ving** * abroad = overseas * be required to + Rv 被要求 * reside + in 居住 * resident (n) 居民 * residence (n) 居住 6. The annual Fancy Show, <font color=red>++which++</font> demonstrates the latest technology in horticulture, draws over 5000 attendees during its week-long run. * demonstrate 展示出,教導示範 * horticulture 園藝 * agriculture 農業 * draw 吸引 = attract * attendee 出席者 * attend 出席 * attend to 照顧 = take care of * run (n)展期/(v)經營 7. Amazing Talker, one of the biggest educational platforms, announced its intention to hire a qualified operation manager <font color=red>++that++</font> has strong problem-solving skills. * intention 意圖 * intend to Rv 意圖 * intention (n)計畫,意圖 * intentional (a) 有意圖的 * intentionally (adv) = on purpose = 介系詞+名詞 = 副詞 * by accident 不小心 * qualified = certified = competent 夠格的 * compete(v) * competition 競賽 * competitor 競爭者 * competitive 競爭的 * <font color=blue>competent 有能力的</font> * <font color=blue>competence 能力 = ability</font> * imcompetent 無能的 * edutation * educational 教育資源 * educative 富有教育資源的 8. **A dinner party** will take place next Friday to honor David Hanson, <font color=red>++where++</font> there will be full of important clients and ambassadors from all over the word. * where = **and at** the party * ambassador 大使 * diplomat 外交官 9. Emplyee <font color=red>++whose++</font> performance during the probation is impressive may receive a raise based on current pay standards. * probation 試用期 * internship 實習期間 * raise 加薪 * promotion 升官 * <font color=blue>competentbase on = according to = on the basis of = in accordance with</font> 10. There was a time <font color=red>++when++</font> the restaurant served hundreds of thousands of dinners every month but everthing 's changed ever since a new one was opened on the corner of Maple Street and Pelple Boulevard. * 關副(when)跟關代(which)同時出現時,找後方有沒有**介系詞** * hundreds of thousands of = 100,000 ## 補充 * hire = recruit 雇用 * responsible = conscientious 認真負責 * mansion 豪宅 * property 房地產 = real-estate * 地方副詞放句首 1. 代名詞+動詞:Here she comes 2. 動詞+普通N:Here comes the girl * Apply * 申請 apply for+目的/to+機構 * 套用 apply to * 塗抹 apply to * volunteer to 志願做...