# 英文小蛋糕 - 代名詞 ###### tags: `多益考試`, `英文小蛋糕`,`閱讀 單字文法單選題` ## 代名詞 * 代替前面出現的名詞 ### 人稱代名詞 * 主格:後面有動詞 * 受格:放在介系詞或動詞後面 * 所有格:跟形容詞一樣,後面放名詞 * 所有格代名詞 * S * 受 * 補 ### 反身代名詞 * 主詞和受詞對象一樣 * I love <font color=red>myself</font> * 當受詞時不能省略 * 強調主詞,放在主詞後方 * The president <font color=red>himself</font> announced the result. * 可省略 * 親自、靠自記,放在句尾 * He finished the report <font color=red>himself</font>. * 可省略 * by oneself = oneself = alone = on one's own 獨自 ### that/those * that同類比較 * The weather in Bangkok is hotter than the weather in Taipei. => The weather in Bangkok is hotter than <font color=red>**that(單數)**</font> in Taipei. * Pepple in Europe are taller than <font color=red>**those(複數)**</font> in Taiwan. * those特殊用法 * God help **those who(複數)** help themselves. * Those who = those * Those who are interested in the job can come to me. * Those punished by the teacher are crying over there. ### 不定代名詞 * 可數單數名詞 * My T-shirt doesn't fit. I need a smaller one. * 可數複數名詞 * 特定範圍兩個 * I have 2 cats. One is black; the other is white. * 特定範圍三個 * I have 3 dogs. One is black; Another is yellow and the other is white. * another用在三者(含),還可單獨存在,也可後面+**單數**名詞 * Other * +可數複數名詞/不可數名詞 * Other people are in the kitchen. * +本身+s當複數名詞,後面不可加名詞 * Some are on the desk; other**s** are in the drawer. * the other/the others * one ... the other(單獨出現) * the other + N(單數名詞) * the other + N(複數名詞) * the others後面不要再加N * each other = one another 彼此 ## 解題 1. When the ambassadors from Japan arrived at the airport yesterday, <font color=red>++they++(S)</font> were picked up and brought to a fancy hotel. A.they <font color=red>主格</font> B.theirs <font color=red>= their+N 所有格代名詞(主格or受格or補語)</font> ~~C~~.them <font color=red>受格</font> ~~D~~.thenselves <font color=red>反身代名詞(1.S=受 2.強調S 3.句尾)</font> 2. After revising <font color=red>++his++</font> proposal, Mr. Chen went to the conference room to resent his new ideas to his supervisor. * revise 修訂修正(v) / revision (n) 3. For <font color=red>++those(受)++</font> hoping to participate in this annual narathon, an application from has been made available on the website and you have to download it and fill it out by the end of this week. * fill out = complete 填寫(表格) 4. Generally speaking, food prices last year rose **drastically**, with **the cost(單數)** of meat nearly doubling **and** <font color=red>++that++</font> of begetables and fruits increaseing **by over 20%**. * rise-rose-risen * drastically 急遽的 * <font color=blue>drastic = dramatic = sharp = considerable = significant 攀升</font> * <font color=blue>drop = decrease = fall = decline = slump 下降</font> * by * 被 * 方法,手段 * 差距 5. **Since** her intern was sick yesterday, Miss Debrah Chao had no alternative but to visit the plant in another city all **by** <font color=red>++herself++</font> * 句尾又有by=>反身代名詞 * <font color=blue>intern = trainee = apprentice 實習生,學徒</font> * <font color=blue>had no/little alternative/choice but to + Rv 別無選擇只好...</font> * plant 工廠/職務 6. As I was absent yesterday, not being able to present the proposal to the client <font color=red>++myself++</font>, I thus asked Thomas to go over the product information with her. * 空格在句尾 => 反身代名詞 7. The facilities at this new gymnasium are quite comparable to <font color=red>++those++</font> in other sports centers. * 複數 同級比較 * facilities = amenity 設備,設施 8. Several suppliers agreed to our company's request for more discounts; however, <font color=red>++others++</font> **were** quite **unwilling** to reduce the prices of their products. * <font color=blue>other * +複數N + 複V * +不可數N + 單V * the other * one ... the other * 單 + 單V * 複 + 複V</font> * beV willing to Rv 有意願去做 * beV unwilling/reluctant to Rv 不情願的 9. **Demand** ++for++(對於) our company's products is so high that the manager has decided to launch one line of clothing in April and <font color=red>++another++</font> in August to **meet customers' needs**. * <font color=blue>選項 * other +N [people(可數複數)/information(不可數)] * another [單獨存在/+單數名詞] * each other = one another * one-another-the other * one-the other</font> * demand (v)要求 = request = require * S1 要求 that S2 **<font color=blue>行為[Rv(主動)/be p.p.(被動)]</font>** 10. Dr. Schweiz's latest research on mental illnesses **is**(V) quite popular in this filed and <font color=red>++it++</font>(S) also **received**(V) praise from many important critics in the relevant industries. * research **on** * **in** filed 領域 = domain = area = sphere * praise 讚賞 = compliment = admiration = appreciation * <font color=blue>be relevant to 跟...相關聯</font> 11. **One** employee at the marketing department prefers working juring fixed hours; nonetheless, <font color=red>++another++</font> appreciate**s**(單數動詞) the flexible working hours system recently implemented by the general manger. * nonetheless 但是 * flexible <-> fixed * flexible = <font color=blue>tentative</font>(暫時的) = temporary * 12. The accounting department has finished its budget plan for next year, but **we** in the sales department, on the other hand, haven't even started <font color=red>++ours++</font> yet. * ours = our budget plan * <font color=blue>on the other hand 反面來說 = on the contrary = by contrast = in contrast to/with</font> 13. According to the regulations, it is the company policy that **the CEO**(S) <font color=red>++himself++</font> must <font color=blue>**abstain**(V) from</font> any unnecessary political involvement when carrying out his official duties. * his * 代名詞 +N * 所有格代名詞 (S,O,補語) * <font color=blue>Accourding to 根據 = base on = on the basis of = in accordance with</font> * abstain from 戒除掉,不沾染 * involvement in 參與 * when + [S+V/Ving/p.p] 14. Because of the same lawsuit they are involve in, the two companies have agreed to **reveal** research findings only to <font color=red>++each other++</font>, and not to release the results in public. * 選項 * another 單獨出現/後面+單數N/三者以上 * ones 前面出現複數名詞 * others 屬於複數名詞 * lawsuit 訴訟,官司 * file a lawsuit + [against+人/for+目的] * reveal 揭露,透露 = uncover = unveil = unmask = disclose * veil 面紗 * findings 發現的東西 15. <font color=red>++Those++</font> **determined**(分詞) to be **qualified for** this managerial position at the company **should spare no effort** in developing leadership skills. * 人 + <font color=blue>should spare no effort 不遺餘力</font> = make effort to Rv * Those **who**(連接詞+先行詞) are determined to ... = Those (being) determined to * Those + [who+V / Ving / p.p.] * qualified 夠格的 = certified = license * certify 資格 * certificate 證書 * gitf certificate/voucher 禮券 * managerial 管理的 * managerial position 管理職 ## 補充 * <font color=blue>major 主要的 = main = principal(a) * majority(n) 大眾 * principle(n) 原則 * minor 次要的 * minority 小小眾(n)</font> * urban 都市的,城市的 * suburban 郊區 * rural 鄉下 * retreat 撤退,躲起來 * diplomat 外交官 * Becaus = Since = As * <font color=blue>demand = request = require 要求 * recommend 推薦 * suggest 建議 = advise = propose * order 命令 = command * insist 堅持 * </font> It is **(adj)** that S **<font color=blue>行為[Rv(主動)/be p.p.(被動)]</font>** * **adj** * <font color=red>(每月必考)</font><font color=blue>重要的 = necessary = critical = vital = essential = indispensable(不可或缺) = mandatory(強制) = compulsory(義務)</font> * so ..(ajd/adv).. that ...(S+V) * so 前 * BeV/連綴V so +adj * 普通V so +adv * meet ... needs/requirement