# MMO Priority List ###### tags: ` m3` `webaverse` - 🟣 Dework: https://app.dework.xyz/webaverse - 📕 MMO handbook: https://hackmd.io/@XR/webaverse-mmo ## Intro The README.md is the front face of any open source project. The goal for this sprint is to create a beautiful easy to follow README for repos creators can engage with soonest. It should contain a visual of what's inside and be easy to quickly get started with the information. If they need help, there should be links on where to look for more info / community. ### MMO Onboarding ![](https://i.imgur.com/po3uHXE.jpg) **Pick your class** 1. Join Discord, react for roles - Dework is heavily integrated into GitHub + M3 Discord already 2. (Optional) Complete the [git-gud](https://github.com/m3-org/git-gud) guide - We have [badges + pins](https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/3d-skill-role-badges-and-pins-e3329ed59b874aad98586657a5f11630) for avatars based on Dework roles - Helps establish trust and reputation, filters spammy bounty hunters 3. Regular onboarding / MMO co-working meetups - Help establish a rhythm, answer QA, get things done - Can add to M3 calendar, already integrated into Discord ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/HkOVJDqI3.png) 4. Contributor guide - Should be posted in repos + dework + hackmd - https://docs.github.com/en/communities/setting-up-your-project-for-healthy-contributions/setting-guidelines-for-repository-contributors - We should first create quality READMES serving as reference ### Incentives For contributors that are achieving results they can be eligible to level up and ascend the ladder. We can feature roles on Dework front and center as a way to overview classes like in an MMO and motivate people to play to level up. ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/rJbJEv5Uh.jpg) **Increased compensation** ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/BJy3AUqU3.png) **Increased status / reputation** ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/SJ3mQv5L3.png) ![](https://i.imgur.com/MrOewFF.jpg) ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/ByHAMvcIn.png) --- ### 1. Project Overview There's 467 repositories in the Webaverse Github and 88 in the Webaverse-studios Github. It's not clear what the relation is between the projects. I suggest there be some kind of massive overview initiative first to map out the relations between repos and visualize them as such into a better interface than the default GitHub one. Ideas: - https://githubnext.com/projects/repo-visualization/ - https://github.com/vasturiano/3d-force-graph ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/Hyflt85Ih.png) - https://github.com/githubocto/repo-visualizer - https://github.com/githubocto/repo-visualizer-demo ### 2. Getting Started: Webaverse Client It should be easy for a person to get a development environment setup for testing and documenting everything else. Right now it's confusing as to which repo to use. Maybe it will be that way for awhile, but atleast a MVP client would be useful in creating READMEs and helping with QA later. **apps** - https://github.com/webaverse/app#webaverse - https://github.com/webaverse-studios/webaverse#webaverse - https://github.com/webaverse-studios/webaverse-neo **guides** - [Webaverse MMO Handbook: Getting Started](https://hackmd.io/@XR/webaverse-mmo/https%3A%2F%2Fhackmd.io%2F%40metamike%2Flocal-scene-webaverse) - https://docs.webaverse.com/ - https://webaverse.notion.site/User-Docs-3a36b223e39b4f94b3d1f6921a4c297a - https://hackmd.io/@yohangglobal/webaverse-quick-start-guide :::info Note: This does not need to be something super polished like a video game manual right now, it just needs to be usable to get the other READMEs done which can feed back into this later. ::: --- ## READMES ### 3. Pets - https://app.dework.xyz/webaverse/pets/view/board-l72bcb5x This is long overdue for a README. Pets are coming to many platforms, Animus from RTFKT and 3D tubby cats are almost ready to be made. - https://github.com/webaverse-mmo/fox quadruped - https://github.com/M3-org/tubby-pet biped - https://hackmd.io/@XR/pets More examples of pets - https://github.com/webaverse-studios/webaverse-magick-ai-pet ### 4. Weapons - https://app.dework.xyz/webaverse/weapons/view/board-l72bc59v One could create their own weapons in Webaverse and there's been a multitude of different types from baseball bats to pistols and rocket launchers. However, there have been no READMEs in any of these templates which makes it confusing and difficult for a curious creator. Another reason this is 2nd on my list is because we are done 3D modeling all of the weapons in the Anata project which can provide beautiful new assets to use in templates: ![](https://i.imgur.com/CRW1Jis.jpg) Lastly, other platforms such as Hyperfy have implemented weapons making this an interesting case study for avatar wearables, which is one of the big things we're we're focusing on in Metaverse Standards Forum: https://github.com/MetaverseStandards/Avatar-Wearables ![](https://i.imgur.com/iguF1bX.gif) ### 5. Vehicles / Mounts - https://app.dework.xyz/webaverse/vehicles-mounts There's been recent interest in interoperable vehicles / physics in metaverse working groups like the [OMI gltf-extensions group](https://github.com/omigroup/gltf-extensions/discussions/153#discussioncomment-5482684). ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/S1TS4L9Lh.jpg) With other platforms implementing vehicles, having documentation about how to create your own in Webaverse would aid metaverse standards working groups.