# Boom-Tools M3 Demo Day [toc] ## AI meeting summary {%youtube zBSfNA8AWIk %} Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBSfNA8AWIk Godfrey, aka Boombox Head, introduces himself and discusses his tool called Boom Tools, which focuses on VRM avatars and avatar interoperability. He mentions that Boom Tools is open source and available on GitHub. The tool allows users to compile 3D assets into a VRM collection using Unity. It also offers randomization features and the ability to load metadata from previous collections. Boom Tools exports collectibles in GLB format and uses Univrm for exporting VRMs from Unity. Godfrey plans to release additional tools for texture atlasing optimization soon. He mentions that the output images are four k resolution and talks about a newer version of HDR PD Boom Tools coming out as well. The tool can export NFTs with rich dynamic content, utilizing the VRM URL attribute for loading VRM avatars in metaverses like Openc or HyperFire. IPFS is used as the storage medium, and platforms like Zora can be used for minting collections as NFTs with custom metadata. Godfrey invites viewers to check out Boom Tools on GitHub or reach out to him for help through Discord if needed. ## Action items Based on the transcript, I have identified the following follow-ups and action items: - Follow-up: Explore Boom Tools on GitHub - The speaker, Godfrey, mentioned that Boom Tools is available on GitHub. Users who are interested in learning more about Boom Tools and its capabilities can visit the GitHub repository to access the tool and its documentation. - Follow-up: Check for upcoming extra tools - Godfrey mentioned that they are working on additional tools to assist with texture atlasing optimization and other related tasks. Users can keep an eye out for future updates and releases of these tools to enhance their experience with Boom Tools. - Follow-up: Monitor the release of HDR PD Boom Tools - Godfrey mentioned that they are working on a newer version of Unity with more HDR features. Users who are interested in utilizing high dynamic range (HDR) capabilities can look out for the release of HDR PD Boom Tools in the near future. - Action item: Explore VRM avatars and avatar interoperability - Godfrey discussed the concept of VRM avatars and their use in various metaverses. Users who are interested in creating and utilizing VRM avatars can further explore this topic and understand how Boom Tools can help with the creation of multi-format NFTs. - Follow-up: Investigate the usage of VRM URLs - Godfrey mentioned that VRM URLs are gaining popularity as a means to load VRM avatars in different metaverses. Users who want to leverage VRM avatars and participate in platforms that support this standard can further investigate the usage and adoption of VRM URLs. - Action item: Explore platforms that support VRMs - Godfrey mentioned that VRMs are being adopted by various platforms and that IPFS is commonly used for storing them. Users who are interested in utilizing VRMs can explore different platforms that support this format and understand the process of minting and storing VRM collections. - Follow-up: Reach out for support and tutorials - Godfrey offered assistance and guidance to anyone who wants to learn more about Boom Tools or needs help using it. Users who require support or wish to access tutorials can reach out to Godfrey on Discord for personalized assistance. Please note that this list is based on the information provided in the transcript, and there may be additional follow-ups and action items that could be relevant depending on the specific needs and interests of the individuals involved. ## Outline Outline with Chapters: Chapter 1: Introduction to Boom Tools and VRM Avatars Timestamp: 00:11-01:20 Speaker: Godfrey (aka boombox Head) Overview of Boom Tools and its open-source nature Explanation of VRM avatars and avatar interoperability Brief overview of how Boom Tools can create VRM avatars and compile them into a multi-format NFT Chapter 2: Features and Functionality of Boom Tools Timestamp: 01:20-03:00 Running on Unity, with regular updates and documentation on GitHub Customization options for randomization and loading metadata from previous collections Exporting GLB format collectibles and VRMs using univrm Future tools for texture atlasing optimization and more Output of high-resolution images (4k) with a standard shader Chapter 3: Integration of VRMs in Metaverses Timestamp: 03:00-03:50 Adoption of VRM avatars in various metaverses Introduction of the VRM URL attribute for loading VRM avatars Use of IPFS as a storage medium for VRMs Minting VRMs as NFTs with custom metadata using platforms like Zora Chapter 4: Conclusion and Resources Timestamp: 03:50-05:17 Thanking the audience for watching and introducing Boom Tools Providing links to GitHub (githuboomtools) and Twitter for more information Offering assistance and tutorials for using Boom Tools via Discord Note: The timestamps provided are approximate and may vary slightly depending on the actual video or audio source. ## Notes - Godfrey, aka boombox Head, introduces himself and talks about Boom Tools. - Boom Tools is an open-source tool for creating VRM avatars and avatar interoperability. - Boom Tools can compile 3D assets into a VRM collection and prepare ERC metadata. - It runs on Unity and is regularly updated on GitHub. - Boom Tools allows customization of randomization and can load metadata from previous collections. - It exports a collectible 3D GLB and uses Univrm to export VRMs. - There are plans to add extra tools for texture atlasing optimization. - The output images are currently in 4k resolution. - There is a version of HDR PD Boom Tools being worked on for release. - Boom Tools can export NFTs with rich dynamic features. - VRM avatars can be loaded using the VRM URL attribute. - VRMs are being adopted by many metaverses, including HyperFire. - IPFS is used as the storage medium for VRMs. - Zora was used to mint Godfrey's collection of NFTs. - Boom Tools can be found on GitHub (github.com/gm3) or on Twitter. - Questions can be asked by typing in the chat or walking towards the stage. Godfrey is available to provide tutorials and assistance on Discord.