#$@lizelle ADSActly Food - Gifts from the Kitchen Gifts from the heart Edition 2019 - Sweet Indulgences ![20191203_144142.jpg](https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmY2gNrytkzMXGFX9yAK2eZCaYnbEoBif6PwkmXrfcrSW4/20191203_144142.jpg) Counting down to Christmas and we do not have that many days left to find that special gift for our loved ones. This year however, we're doing something different by making gifts that come from the heart and we can make right here in our own kitchens using very basic pantry staples. ![20191203_145856.jpg](https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmTbHjtW7FZfG7SbS6hvjtAZ5PuiiUBSJMXhGkH8wEwjGH/20191203_145856.jpg) Today's theme is all about indulgence; sweet treats that are our guilty pleasures; how about sneaking one as you sit by the fireside with that gripping book that you simply cannot put down. Nothing wrong with a taste sensation, we can always work a little harder at the gym tomorrow or take the stairs instead of the lift at work, right? ![20191203_173231 COVER.jpg](https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmV6wFTd2oHf8gmSFUfYY6mc1r4KuqZHpSsgpxmtdMZ2NR/20191203_173231%20COVER.jpg) ![Chef line break.png](https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmeu1t8LiQXXKiyDgKAUP7SxS9REJiUDQukPHxYSLFfSKe/Chef%20line%20break.png) **DATE CRUNCHIES** Crisp, crackle and pop is the right word for these Date Crunchies made the old time favourite Rice Krispies, Dates, Butter, Sugar & Coconut. We can get our hands all sticky and messy and become a child again as we turn the gooey mess into gorgeous little Date Balls or simply place the mixture into that old baking pan and make Date squares. ![Date squares balls.png](https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmPzbvdWR1pp6F1UDUagP4yjwiGgmHrrZ3imitTauMGU8x/Date%20squares%20balls.png) **RECIPE** * 250 gram Butter * 250 ml Sugar * 500 ml chopped Dates * 250 ml Coconut flakes * 1250 ml Rice Krispies (5 cups) *Place butter, sugar & dates in a pot, stir over medium heat till melted and mixture becomes smooth.* *Stir the cereal in.* *Pour a thin layer of Coconut in base of buttered cake pan, spoon mixture into pan.* *Top with more Coconut and press down firmly.* *Leave to set in refrigerator and cut into squares when set.* **Note:** *This makes a large batch and you can also make date balls with half the mixture and roll it into Coconut.* ![Date squares making.png](https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmZsBCPgWLEUGjTqLRqmJgYqq3qPGvB4AsdghRZnKAaSG9/Date%20squares%20making.png) ![20191203_173213.jpg](https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmSGErBJffJNd9mAUHpxHotM4o8mnRASPfsAmoYUkH5hDf/20191203_173213.jpg) ![20191203_144249.jpg](https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmS5ZACQLsD4wvQGXMBYXafqcHtyhDAw6adD49vHfwP1C6/20191203_144249.jpg) ![Heart page break.png](https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmVPMrWqf6LLARHr3Y1JuADFt2bR954M7QAFkh2nkkmVjN/Heart%20page%20break.png) **FUDGY SALTED CARAMELS** Now for a real old time favourite sweet treat - rich and creamy Fudgy Salted Caramels that can be made in the microwave oven in only about 6 minutes or a little longer on the stove top, the latter making a darker Fudge. ![20191203_150931.jpg](https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmRvPyj4XXVod25Hv8JJpMfm4dQTQYQfajBe1gwrFSWjsn/20191203_150931.jpg) **RECIPE** * 1 can sweetened Condensed Milk * 250 gram Butter * 500 ml Castor Sugar * 5 ml Salt * 5 ml Vanilla Essence *Place all ingredients except Vanilla into a deep heavy based pot on a low heat.* *Stir continuously till it turns into a rich caramel colour and reaches setting stage.* *Test by placing a little into a cup of cold water.* *Remove from heat, add Vanilla and beat till thick.* *Pour into buttered pan, leave to set before cutting into squares.* *Place squares into small paper cupcake liners.* **Note** *When making in the microwave, use a very deep microwave proof glass or plastic bowl, cook for approx 6 minutes, stirring every minute.* ![Fudge making.png](https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmWmRzadXKhUYrUs3NM2CD5hCnwB2DL1V1WNo9YVsp7ftW/Fudge%20making.png) ![20191203_144314.jpg](https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmeJrfPLPWRXMt4UcwrXV3HUJE4T4jNLP5WWQSjbiVH93r/20191203_144314.jpg) ![20191203_145904.jpg](https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmebXtFLsPukePugADZFcQFo8ERoLhGqGsfeoGnKUrKS9E/20191203_145904.jpg) ![20191204_160551.jpg](https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmcq3XrCpBBKyfD6YKw6T2DHTmcQDZpYsqT79ZtjPTDqMx/20191204_160551.jpg) <center>**One last look for all our busy people** ![20191128_175936-ANIMATION.gif](https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmVScNWVSCumtPyUrjgsi2NtccRiG97nzKk1x27fWjVyCb/20191128_175936-ANIMATION.gif) ![Heart page break.png](https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmVPMrWqf6LLARHr3Y1JuADFt2bR954M7QAFkh2nkkmVjN/Heart%20page%20break.png) Till next time when we will share more **Gifts from the Heart, Gifts from the Kitchen Edition 2019**</center> <center>Original Content by @lizelle</center>