# dotreasury maintenance from 08.2021 to 10.2021 [dotreasury](https://www.dotreasury.com) aims to introduce retrospect mechanism for Kusama/Polkadot treasury, while you can see it as a treasury explorer. Check [here](https://www.dotreasury.com/dot/projects/dotreasury) for this project history. We request maintenance and continuous development fees from kusama and polkadot in turn every 3 monthes. Check the [last one](https://kusama.polkassembly.io/treasury/103) with kusama treasury proposal. ## Server Server fees for 08.2021 and 10.2021: (8vCPU + 16G + 1 TB SSD + 10Mbps) * 3 = $200 * 3 = $600. You can see the server cost from the comments last maintenance [proposal](https://kusama.polkassembly.io/treasury/103). We cut some budget since the server we adopted is more expensive than solutions like hetzner server and k8s. dotreasury is still run in the previous server and we are switching it to hetzner. ## Continuous development We are still actively developing to improve it. Please check the code [diff](https://github.com/opensquare-network/dotreasury/compare/release-2.3.1...fast-scan-726) from last delivery. Main work includes: - We created output-scan and input-scan package to separate the input/output scan process. This will help us quickly go through the treasury output scan because we can only scan the already known blocks, better for bug fix and product refactor. - We improved the proposal list page by introducing a description column, so users can know what one proposal aims to do generally. - We added a trend bar chart for burnt page, so users can see the burnt trend. - Other development issues: - Added more unit test cases - Track and update the dependency to @polkadot/api. This involve much work to query onchain info. - Improve the way get history const from metadata. - Fix income inflation, staking and democracy slash check(the way changes due to runtime update) - We provided some treasury data and api help to [feixiaohao](https://www.feixiaohao.co/), one of the most popular market site in Chinese community. - Some manual information update work: - Update the funded projects info - Update the proposal description We request 10 days labor cost for 1 developer, and it's $500 * 10 = $5000. ![](https://i.imgur.com/Lru2c33.png) ![](https://i.imgur.com/wRV5w4Y.png) ## Metrics Please check metrics from cloudflare. We added dotreasury links to [polkadot apps](https://polkadot.js.org/apps/#/), and visitors grow a lot since last report. ![](https://i.imgur.com/ve4KO41.png) ## Total cost The work is for both kusama and polkadot, but to make the on-chain work simple, we apply from kusama and polkadot in turn every 3 monthes. See [last maintenance proposal](https://kusama.polkassembly.io/treasury/103). ```bash= +-----------------------------------------+---------------+-------+ | Description | Time | Cost | +-----------------------------------------+---------------+-------+ | Server(8vCPU + 16G + 1 TB SSD + 10Mbps) | last 3 months | $600 | +-----------------------------------------+---------------+-------+ | Maintenance and continuous development | last 3 months | $5000 | +-----------------------------------------+---------------+-------+ | Total | | $5600 | +-----------------------------------------+---------------+-------+ ``` --- [OpenSquare](https://www.opensquare.network/team/) team develop public goods and are dedicated to facilitate the collaboration between projects and developers.