# A splash of color
Pimping up your terminal experience
## The default experience
Most of us are probably doing must of our EB work
1. on a ~RHEL 8 system
2. in bash
3. over SSH
4. using vim
- The terminal is pretty black and white.
- Your `ls` *maybe* show some colors by default for directories and images.
- Your editor doesn't know what to make of `.eb` files.
## The basics
### `eb` itself
You do know EB supports colors right?
Just install `rich`!

Oh, you heard about that yesterday?
## The basics
### `ls` colors
I'm sure many have spotted the `LS_COLORS` environment variable, but have been to lazy to customize it.
When you work a lot with eb, patch and out files (from slurm jobs) adding a few extra colors in your .bashrc is a blessing:
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
### Pick your favourite colors
for color_code in {30..37} {90..97}; do
echo -e "\e[${color_code}mTesting ${color_code}\e[0m"
## The slightly more advanced
### Editor highlighting
- `.eb` files are just python scripts, be sure to tell your editor this
- `.vimrc`:
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.eb set syntax=python
- But we can do even better!
### Custom easybuild highlighting
- `.vim/ftdetect/eb.vim` or `.config/nvim/ftdetect/eb.vim`
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.eb set syntax=easybuild
- `.vim/syntax/easybuild.vim` or `.config/nvim/syntax/easybuild.vim` which start off with default python:
runtime! syntax/python.vim
To which we can add custom `keyword` or `match` rules for our constants and template arguments.
### Reusing the color schemes in Vim
<!-- .slide: style="font-size: 26px;" -->
- The vim color schemes:
- `Normal`
- `Comment`
- `Constant`: `String`, `Character`, `Number`, `Boolean`, `Float`
- `Identifier`: `Function`
- `Statement`: `Conditional`, `Repeat`, `Label`, `Operator`, `Keyword`, `Exception`
- `PreProc`: `Include`, `Define`, `Macro`, `PreCondit`
- `Type`: `StorageClass`, `Structure`, `Typedef`
- `Special`: `SpecialChar`, `Tag`, `Delimiter`, `SpecialComment`, `Debug`
- `Underlined`
- `Ignore`
- `Error`
- `Todo`
- Actual colors are typically the same for variant in this line.
### Custom keywords
- `Define` seems like a good fit for the pre-defined keywords.
syntax keyword eb_CONSTANT
\ ETC...
highlight link eb_CONSTANT Define
# Template strings
<!-- .slide: style="font-size: 28px;" -->
- Matching any `%(template)s` strings
syntax match eb_Templates "%([a-z]\+)s" containedin=pythonString contained
- or match the exact list of templates:
syntax match eb_Templates "%(name\(l\(etter\(lower\)\?\|ower\)\)\?)s" \
containedin=pythonString contained
syntax match eb_Templates "%(version\(_m\(ajor_m\)\?inor\|_major\|prefix\|suffix\)\?)s" \
containedin=pythonString contained
- Multiple matching rules can be used
highlight link eb_Templates Macro
### and more
- Why not highlight those trailing spaces that the CI is going to complain about anyway?
syntax match eb_TrailingSpace /\s\+$/
highlight link eb_TrailingSpace Error
- Difficult to do much more with just syntax highlighting
### or emacs :man-shrugging:
- `.emacs`: maybe something like this
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.eb\\'" . python-mode))
- or define an eb-mode
(define-derived-mode eb-mode python-mode "EB")
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.eb\\'" . eb-mode))
- and add a bunch of custom rules to that
# More goodies
## Bash completion
- EB ships with bash completion scripts, though I found them a bit lacking
- The search is slow
- I only want local paths when i use --new-pr
## Bash completion improved
<!-- .slide: style="font-size: 24px;" -->
_eb_completion() {
# Generate and cache these?
local robot_paths=(
local flags=(
if [[ "$cur" == -* ]]; then
COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "${flags[*]}" -- "$cur"))
local search_robot=true
case "${COMP_WORDS[@]}" in
*"--new-pr"*) search_robot=false ;;
*"--update-pr"*) search_robot=false ;;
*"--pr-commit"*) search_robot=false ;;
*"--inject"*) search_robot=false ;;
# Any eb files or patches matching the current path
COMPREPLY=($(compgen -f -X '!*.@(eb|patch|py)' -- "$cur"))
# Anything in any of the robot paths
if $search_robot && [[ -n "$cur" && $cur != *"/"* ]]; then
for robot_path in "${robot_paths[@]}"; do
local first="${cur:0:1}"
local first_lower="${first,}"
local first_part="${cur%%-*}"
local search_paths="${robot_path}/${first_lower}/${first_part}*/ ${robot_path}/${first_part}*/ ${robot_path}/"
COMPREPLY+=($(find $search_paths -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "${cur}*.eb" -printf '%P\n' 2> /dev/null))
complete -o plusdirs -F _eb_completion eb
- Smarter rules
- Only considers `.eb`, `.patch`, `.py` file paths.
- Fast conditional traversing of robot paths and only considers `.eb` files.
## Tips
### Add some aliases
<!-- .slide: style="font-size: 38px;" -->
alias buildGPU='SBATCH_GPUS_PER_NODE=A100:1 eb -r --job'
alias ebbuild='eb --upload-test-report -r --rebuild --from-pr '
alias ebrev='eb --review-pr-max=1 '\
'--module-naming-scheme=EasyBuildMNS '\
'--disable-minimal-toolchains --review-pr '
alias ebinject='eb --inject-checksums --force '
## Testing builds?
<!-- .slide: style="font-size: 38px;" -->
testing () {
module purge
module unuse $MODULEPATH
module use /apps/Test/modules/all
module load EasyBuild
export EASYBUILD_REPOSITORYPATH=/apps/Test/ebfiles_repo
PS1="\[\e[0;32m\][Test \u@\h($ARCH) \W]\$ \[\e[m\]"
Quick switching into testing mode (switching back with equivalent `prod` function)
## Developing framework features
<!-- .slide: style="font-size: 38px;" -->
framework_dev () {
module purge
module unuse $MODULEPATH
module use /apps/Test/modules/all
export PATH=$HOME/easybuild-framework:$PATH
export PYTHONPATH=$HOME/easybuild-framework:\
export EASYBUILD_REPOSITORYPATH=/apps/Test/ebfiles_repo
PS1="\[\e[0;36m\][Dev \u@\h \W]\$ \[\e[m\]"
## Future outlook
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- Working with Yunqi on a LSP for easyconfigs:
- Warnings:
- ~~EC options and constants typos~~
- Filename = name+version+toolchain
- ~~Dependencies and versions~~
- Autocomplete
- constants and options
- templates
- dependencies and versions(!)
# Get the stuff
- See thread in the #eum chat for snippets
- Plan:
- Add the syntax highlight parts to the docs
- A PythonBundle easyconfig for the LSP
- Polish up the bash completion and include in EB?
{"title":"A splash of color","slideOptions":"{\"transition\":\"slide\"}","contributors":"[{\"id\":\"55eac381-f2db-4e9a-86ff-af8ac33b58d4\",\"add\":11138,\"del\":3477}]","description":"Pimping up your terminal experience"}