## Nouns Builder Frame Endpoints Nouns Builder is releasing two transaction frame endpoints for builders that want to include auction bidding and proposal voting functionality in their frames. ## /api/frames/bid **params:** - `chainId`: Base (8453), Optimism (10) or Zora (7777777) chainId. - `auctionContract`: The address of the auction contract the bid will be placed on. - `tokenId`: The tokenId to place the bid for. - `amount`: The amount to bid in Ether. - `referral` (optional): The address earning referral rewards. **text input**: Text input can be used as a bid amount in place of the `amount` param. **source**: [nouns builder github](https://github.com/ourzora/nouns-builder/blob/main/apps/web/src/app/api/frames/%5B%5B...routes%5D%5D/route.tsx#L13) **example call**: `https://nouns.build/api/frames/bid?chainId=8453&auctionContract=0x8d133f423da7514c0cb5e27ef04afccd85115626&tokenId=246&amount=1` ## /api/frames/vote **params:** - `chainId`: Base (8453), Optimism (10) or Zora (7777777) chainId - `governorContract`: The address of the governor contract the proposal was submitted to - `proposalId`: The proposal to vote on. This should be the full 32 bytes proposal ID not the proposal index. ie `0x362ee2e6438392b60a29347c7a0a0f2ee695d12ab28388558420432dd7d3bd6c` - `support`: The support choice for the vote. (0 = Against, 1 = For, 2 = Abstain) - `reason` (optional): The reason for the vote **text input**: Text input can be used as a reason in place of the `reason` param. **source**: [nouns builder github](https://github.com/ourzora/nouns-builder/blob/main/apps/web/src/app/api/frames/%5B%5B...routes%5D%5D/route.tsx#L65) **example call**: `https://nouns.build/api/frames/vote?chainId=8453&governorContract=0x16cbbe61efab04f1864cdde5be6d2cf6e9864952&proposalId=0x362ee2e6438392b60a29347c7a0a0f2ee695d12ab28388558420432dd7d3bd6c&support=1`