<h1 style='border: none'><center>Parallel and Distributed Systems Lab 3</center></h1> <h2 style='border: none'><center>Amazon Web Service(AWS)<br>EC2 & AMI</center></h2> <h5><center>The Islamic University of Gaza<br>Engineering Faculty<br>Department of Computer Engineering</center></h5> <h6>Authors: Usama R. Al Zayan<span style="float:right">2022/09/12</span></h6> --- ## Amazon EC2 * EC2 is one of the most popular of AWS’ offering * EC2 = Elastic Compute Cloud = Infrastructure as a Service * It mainly consists in the capability of : • Renting virtual machines (EC2) • Storing data on virtual drives (EBS) • Distributing load across machines (ELB) • Scaling the services using an auto-scaling group (ASG) * Knowing EC2 is fundamental to understand how the Cloud works ### EC2 sizing & configuration options * Operating System (OS): Linux, Windows or Mac OS * How much compute power & cores (CPU) * How much random-access memory (RAM) * How much storage space: • Network-attached (EBS & EFS) • hardware (EC2 Instance Store) * Network card: speed of the card, Public IP address * Firewall rules: security group * Bootstrap script (configure at first launch): EC2 User Data ### Security Groups * Security Groups are the fundamental of network security in AWS * They control how traffic is allowed into or out of our EC2 Instances. <center> ![](https://i.imgur.com/BDSy4q1.png =500x) </center> * Security groups only contain rules * Security groups rules can reference by IP or by security group * Security groups are acting as a “firewall” on EC2 instances * They regulate: • Access to Ports • Authorised IP ranges – IPv4 and IPv6 • Control of inbound network (from other to the instance) • Control of outbound network (from the instance to other) ![](https://i.imgur.com/G5WaeAo.png) ### How to Create EC2 Instance: #### The steps are explained in this [video](https://youtu.be/rjxWiX01iCQ). 1. Search for EC2 service in the top search bar. ![](https://i.imgur.com/4hTUz7n.png) 2. Choose an instance from the left menu. ![](https://i.imgur.com/qg6G20o.png) 3. Click Launch instance Button. ![](https://i.imgur.com/JzryohD.png) 4. Enter instance Name and choose the operating system you want, we usually use Amazon Linux or Ubuntu. ![](https://i.imgur.com/lR7bNgp.png) 5. Chosse instance type (t2.micro For free tier). You can press Compare instance types to compare between different types. ![](https://i.imgur.com/gj8vziN.png) 6. As you can see $t2.micr$ has one vCPU, one GiB Memory and 0.0116 USD per Hour. ![](https://i.imgur.com/2P0lQVL.png) 7. Click Create new key pair Or you can Proceed without a key pair (Not recommended). ![](https://i.imgur.com/FnQxO8f.png) 8. Enter key pair name, chosse RSA and .pem the click create key pair. <center> ![](https://i.imgur.com/Nt9fzeV.png =500x) </center> 9. Create security group or Select existing secutity group. ![](https://i.imgur.com/9YAe1yw.png) 10. Configure storage. By default 8 GiB is mostly enough. ![](https://i.imgur.com/tPMdwts.png) 11. (optional) In Advanced details you can add User data. Specify user data to provide commands or a command script to run when you launch your instance. ![](https://i.imgur.com/NSOLhxh.png) 12. Finally, in the summary, you can see a summary of the instance, specify the number of instances you want to create, and then click Launch instance. <center> ![](https://i.imgur.com/ktZRGUg.png =400x) </center> 13. Click view all instance. ![](https://i.imgur.com/zoA62Fi.png) ### Connect to EC2 instance using the console (browser) 1. Select EC2 instance then Click connect form Action. ![](https://i.imgur.com/TUBooTp.png) 2. Then Click connect. ![](https://i.imgur.com/Ufqx2lC.png) 3. Now you are in the EC2 instance. ![](https://i.imgur.com/hdaWwvM.png) ### How to SSH into your EC2 Instance #### The steps are explained in this [video](https://youtu.be/CvnfQpdzDuE). 1. Open an SSH client. 2. Locate your private key file. (key.pem) 3. Run this command, if necessary, to ensure your key is not publicly viewable. ````linux chmod 400 EC2_test_key.pem ```` 4. Connect to your instance using its Public IPv4 address (in the Details): ````linux ec2-54-234-126-10.compute-1.amazonaws.com ```` ![](https://i.imgur.com/jUw5DaN.png) #### Example: ````linux ssh -i .\test.pem ec2-user@ ```` ![](https://i.imgur.com/tZaxjFx.png) ### How to terminate or Stop EC2 Instances? ![](https://i.imgur.com/J1ROz04.png) ## Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) * AMI are a customization of an EC2 instance * You add your own software, configuration, operating system, monitoring… • Faster boot / configuration time because all your software is pre-packaged • AMI are built for a specific region (and can be copied across regions) * You can launch EC2 instances from: • A Public AMI: AWS provided • Your own AMI: you make and maintain them yourself • An AWS Marketplace AMI: an AMI someone else made (and potentially sells) ### AMI Process (from an EC2 instance) * Start an EC2 instance and customize it * Stop the instance (for data integrity) * Build an AMI – this will also create EBS snapshots * Launch instances from other AMIs ### How to create image form Ec2 instance? ![](https://i.imgur.com/nHzLJZg.png) ### How to create EC2 from AMI To help you get started, an AMI (AMI ID = 080ff70d8f5b80ba5) is provided with the following software: * Python * MySQL Server (root password ece1779pass) * Database and AWS Flask examples covered in lectures * gunicorn This is a high-performance server for Python-based applications. For an example of how to run it, look at the `run.sh` file inside /home/ubuntu/extras/run.sh * In addition the directory in Desktop/ece1779 contains the following: • databases: A PyCharm project with all examples from the databases lecture and tutorial • extras: A PyCharm project with code for transcoding photos and a sample form that conforms to the load testing interface <span style="color:#e20000" >**Note: Use ubuntu as user name when ssh.**</span> ````linux ssh -i .\test.pem ubuntu@ ```` ![](https://i.imgur.com/IOGLFpJ.png) ###### tags: `Parallel and Distributed Systems` `Cloud computing` `IUG` `Computer Engineering` <center>End Of Lab 3</center>