# 20210311 UniSFA committee meeting
###### tags: `committee meeting 2021`
#### Attending: Merlin, Jack, Keifer, Harry, Lexie, Darcy, Ed, Will
#### Apologies: Chase
#### Meeting scheduled: 2:00pm 11/3/21
#### Meeting opened: 2:00pm
## Committee reports
### President (Merlin)
- We did club carnival, it was okay, weather was terrible but what are you gonna do
- We did get some signups though
- The fresher cralw EMP has been approved
- I made the booking for camp later in the year
### Vice President (Jack)
- I did something but forgot what it was
### Librarian (Chase)
- Book club happened, it's not something I can run every week but i can do every second week
### Secretary (Keifer)
- I have learnt that I am now obligated to bug people on the weekend until they post facebook events so I can add them to the emails
- Sorry guys
- Please post your events though
- I have talked to Jackie about Charity Vigil stuff
- I have promoted UniSFA goes to Artemis LAN
- Found interesting material when digging through UniSFA history
- Day 15 of refreshing the Guild website: they still have not given me EMP permissions
### Treasurer (Harry)
- Got our account total
- Did a food run on Sunday
- That's about it ngl
- need to do a deposit
> Harry: do a deposit
### Fresher Representative (Lexie)
- I have done nothing including not attending club carnival because I was sick
- I did plan on attending
### OCMs
#### Darcy
- I went to club carnival.
- **The week before last I got two books signed and I'm very proud of myself**
#### Ed
- I arranged my first screening event (Corin's), I'll do more as I settle in
- I have attempted to contact Emerald about Prosh but no response
- I have a prosh Marshal training I can go to at Thurday 4pm
- Continued coming up with screening ideas
- Will take suggestions but obviously my ideas are the best
> Get in contact with Emerald regarding Prosh
#### Will
- I helped at club carnival and held the room open a lot
## Events
### Screenings (ongoing)
> Ed: make a poll about if people prefer screening or movie theatre for new releases: DONE
- Case by case basis was the consensus
- Screening ourselves is cheaper
> Ed: figure out screenings things: not done
- Ed will make a post about organising screenings
> Ed: put together schedule of screenings ideas
> Ed: experiment with VPNs
#### 80's dark fantasy (5/mar)
> Darcy: screen 80's Dark Fantasy: DONE
#### Daft Punk's Interstellar 5555 (17/mar)
- Corin is a Guardian, they can host this themself
- There is a facebook event up
### Book clubs (ongoing)
#### Rulers and Leaders in Sci-fi and Fantasy (9/mar)
> Chase: work on book club: DONE
- It was okay but a little low energy because Chase was coming off of a long lab and still figuring things out
- People were exhausted from club carnival
### Club carnival (9/mar)
- How'd it go?
- Went from one bad weather to be delayed to the next week's bad weather
- We got signups and a promise to visit the clubroom
- Next semester again
### Artemis LAN (20/mar)
- We have opted to support UCC's Artemis LAN event
- Our clubroom will be open and available
- We have made a UniSFA Goes
> Keifer: Do discord ping for Artemis LAN
### Prosh (24/mar)
> Merlin: dig up PROSH stuff
- Ed can attend Marshal training and is trying to get into contact with Emerald
- Ed is our Prosh Marshal, but Darcy may be one too
- Having more than one is good
> Ed: make facebook posts for UniSFA goes to Prosh and Prosh olympics
> Any/everyone: get bugs and bunnies costumes for Prosh
### Fresher crawl (27/mar)
> Merlin, Chase: update sponsors about fresher crawl: DONE
> Merlin, Chase: update fresher crawl EMP: DONE
> Merlin, Chase: post fresher crawl facebook event: DONE
- EMP has been updated and approved
- We need to get a budget together
- Throne of glass?
- Throne of glass?
### Charity vigil (3-4/apr)
- Our representatives are Will and Keifer
- Jackie of Unigames fame has made a discord server for the subcommittee and started on the EMP
- UCC is yet to appoint their reps
- PCS is apparently onboard and they have reps in the Discord now
- UCC to meet on Sunday so hopfully subcommittee will meet next week
> UCC: appoint Charity Vigil reps
- Holding a tournament is a good idea, it worked well at uncharity
- Visual Novels such as Ace Attourney could be a good idea
- Bidding wars for screenings, as always
### Sponsor crawl (week 6/7)
- no updates
### Quiz night (aug)
- no updates
### Relay for life (oct)
- no updates
### Hall-o'ween (oct)
- no updates
### [redacted] in 3D^2^ (19-22/nov)
> Merlin: look at [redacted] budget: DONE as much as possible
- Booking has been made
- We need to sort out the deposit within a week
- Merlin, Lexie, Harry are our reps
> Merlin: show us [redacted] money figures
### Uncharity Vigil (jan)
- no updates
## Library
> Chase: Sort out comics
> Chase: Produce a budget for new books
> Harry: Calculate obligatory book buy budget: not done
- No Chase no Library
## Communications
- I'm trying to find a good way to distribute minutes without people having to download PDFs
- Attaching documents to the emails is whacky
- I am updating the website events list whenever I do the emails
> Keifer: look at minute distribution
- Merlin isn't happy with how the discord is currently structured
> Any/everyone: think about Discord
## Treasury
> Harry: get us a bank account total for this week: DONE
> Harry: arranged float for Club Carnival: DONE
> Harry: organise fridge run: DONE (but no fanta :pensive:)
- Current account balence: $6,974.57
- We need to reimburse Cam for fresher welcome pizzas ~$120
> Keifer: digitise post-o-day memberships
## Content Creation
- was deferred to this meeting
### Piffle
- For those who don't know, the piffle is the name of the magazine that UniSFA used to release (about a decade ago)
- We're thinking we'd like to be able to release one each semester or year
> Lexie: Brainstorm ideas for Piffle
### Podcasting
- For those who don't know, last year we invested in podcasting equiptment and we've been needing to set up policy and whatnot for it to be useable
#### Podcasting policy
- Harry reads through the document
- Issues to be resolved are noted, changes are made
> Keifer: review podcast policy document
- Editor application form deferred to when podcast policy is passed
## Guardian updates [closed section]
> Keifer: Make new Guardian quick reference document: DONE
> Jack: contact unsuccessful Guardian applicants: DONE
> Jack: contact accepted Guardian applicants: DONE
> Jack: provide Guardian training for new Guardians and Committee members: not done, some to be done immediately after the meeting
- Cam is now a Guardian
> Jack: contact new Guardian
## Guild affairs
- SOC meeting next wednesday ~5pm
> Keifer: attend SOC meeting
## General business
- Harry would like to change the tv veto rule
- UWAnime's rule is that after 3 episodes ask if anyone wants to watch something else
- Veto rule should stand for specific content
- The clash between being fun and chill can be a problem when the veto rule is in play
- Accessability is a point in favour of the veto rule but there may be other solutions
- No decision made
> Keifer: check if the veto rule is currently real
### Regular meeting times
- Friday versus Thursday
- No Darcy we're not doing 7am meetings
- Yet not another whenisgood
> Keifer: make a whenisgood for regular meeting times (properly)
#### Meeting closed: 3:51pm
## Action items:
### Merlin:
- dig up PROSH stuff
- show us [redacted] money figures
### Jack:
- provide Guardian training for new Guardians and Committee members
- contact new Guardian
### Chase:
- Sort out comics
- Produce a budget for new books
### Keifer:
- Do discord ping for Artemis LAN
- Review podcast policy document
- look at minute distribution
- digitise post-O-Day memberships
- attend SOC meeting
- check if the veto rule is currently real
- make a whenisgood for regular meeting times (properly)
### Harry:
- Calculate obligatory book buy budget
- do a deposit
### Lexie:
- get Guardian training
- Brainstorm ideas for Piffle
### Darcy:
### Ed:
- figure out screenings things
- Get in contact with Emerald regarding Prosh
- put together schedule of screenings ideas
- experiment with VPNs
- make facebook posts for UniSFA goes to Prosh and Prosh olympics
### Will:
- get Guardian training
### Any/everyone:
- Vote
- get bugs and bunnies costumes for Prosh
- think about Discord
### UCC:
- appoint Charity Vigil reps