# Ubuntu 22.10 Release Party @ Taiwan 台北場 活動記錄 ###### tags: `活動記錄` `Release Party` <!--![Banner Kinetic Kudu](https://i.imgur.com/OCEMXm0.jpg "Kinetic Kudu")--> <img src="https://i.imgur.com/OCEMXm0.jpg" title="Banner Kinetic Kudu" alt="Banner Kinetic Kudu" height="240" /> 活動時間:2022-12-03 14:30~17:30 活動地點:摩茲工寮 報名網址:https://ubuntu-tw.kktix.cc/events/urptw2210-tp 活動相簿:https://photos.app.goo.gl/fBfcUy7LuqDQrvsd9 線上會議網址:https://meet.google.com/dua-brzv-hnu 本頁網址:https://hackmd.io/@Ubuntu-TW/urptw2210-tp ![https://hackmd.io/@Ubuntu-TW/urptw2210-tp](https://zxing.org/w/chart?cht=qr&chs=200x200&chld=L&choe=UTF-8&chl=https%3A%2F%2Fhackmd.io%2F%40Ubuntu-TW%2Furptw2210-tp "https://hackmd.io/@Ubuntu-TW/urptw2210-tp") --- [TOC] --- ## 虛擬到場簽到 請協助輸入報名序號,感謝 * RJ #1 * Thistle #15 * Kazan #21 * Rex #31 * Mat #38 * Sheldon #18 * Kuan-Chang Lee Jimmy #11 * David fox #33 * scc #7 * $4 #4 ## 議程 * 14:30~15:00 輪流自我介紹+工寮介紹 * 15:00~16:00 Rex 分享 * 16:00~16:30 Pellaeon 分享 * 16:30~17:00 其他與會者分享(TBD) * 17:00~ 自由交流時間 ## 共筆 ### 摩茲工寮工商 [摩茲工寮 Mozilla Community Space Taipei | MozTW, Mozilla Taiwan Community](https://moztw.org/space/) ### Ubuntu 預載筆電 * [Dell XPS 13 Plus developer edition -- with Ubuntu 22.04 LTS pre-installed](https://www.dell.com/community/Developer-Blogs/Dell-XPS-13-Plus-developer-edition-with-Ubuntu-22-04-LTS-pre/ba-p/8255332) * Dell XPS 13 Plus developer edition with Ubuntu 22.04 LTS is available in the following countries (available configurations may vary by country): * United States * Canada * Germany * France * United Kingdom * Austria * Netherlands * Sweden * Ireland * Italy * Belgium * Switzerland, German * Switzerland, French * Spain * Denmark * Norway * 想要出貨到其他地區市場跟 DELL 反應需求 * [其他 Certified desktops](https://ubuntu.com/certified/desktops?release=22.04%20LTS) * 買有預裝系統的產品才能確保相容性(同型號預裝別的系統的產品可能會使用不相容的硬體組件) * [Ubuntu Touch devices](https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io/) ### Ubuntu 22.10 介紹 * 非長期支援版本 * [Linux_5.19 - Linux Kernel Newbies](https://kernelnewbies.org/Linux_5.19) * 支援大小核 CPU 配置 * GNOME 43 * gnome-text-editor 取代 gedit 成為預設編輯器 * 特色是,會依螢幕寬窄調整視區。(RWD) * 新的 GNOME Console 終端機應用軟體(預裝仍是 GNOME Terminal) * 系統管理、檔案管理等應用支援響應式使用者界面設計(界面設計會根據視窗大小調整) * Pipewire screenshot sharing 目前是不能用的 * 若用 Wayland 的話,要 disable pipewire 的 screens sharing * 預設支援 WebP 圖檔格式 * Confined desktop * 全部包在 Snap 中 * 有 LXD 支援可以用於開發 * 實驗性 Steam Snap * 支援 Photon * 基於 Flutter 的圖形界面安裝程式 * 底層一樣是 Subituity * 是跨平台開發 GUI 的好選擇 * 原生韌體更新支援(fwupd) * 廠商有把韌體上到 LVFS 的話 * 底層是 fwupd * Ubuntu Pro 新推出 realtime kernel(機器人應用、IoT……) #### Comments & Shares * LDAC * https://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/LDAC * 藍芽高音質 * Pipewire 有支援, pulseaudio 好像還沒有試出來 * 音訊 Codec 是由藍牙的控制器晶片支援 * Netplan * https://netplan.io/ * Ubuntu 出的網路設定工具 * yaml 為設定格式 ### Pellaeon 分享 - Zenmonitor - 看 CPU 目前的功率 - MSR register - `tlp-stat -b` - 閒置時, 7~10 瓦 (22.10) - kernel 5.15 + AMD p state back port + powersave governamer 沒有效 - 換到 22.10 之後,這個狀況有改善 - AMD embedded controller 是跟著 BIOS 更新, via fwupd. - 產品溫控有可能是由主板嵌入式控制器(而非 kernel)決定,有可能無法由使用者自由控制 - Linux 上顯示中文字型的研究、Kubuntu 的 bug (56-kubuntu-noto.conf) - https://nyllep.wordpress.com/2022/11/30/linux-cjkfont/ - 打開 hinting 讓字的筆劃會比較清楚 - 上述的 `56-kubuntu-noto.conf` 會強制打開 hinting #### Rex's investigation ``` % apt-file search 56-kubuntu-noto kubuntu-settings-desktop: /etc/fonts/conf.avail/56-kubuntu-noto.conf kubuntu-settings-desktop: /etc/fonts/conf.d/56-kubuntu-noto.conf ``` * Upsream - https://invent.kde.org/neon/neon/settings/-/commits/Neon/unstable/etc/fonts/conf.avail/56-neon-noto.conf * cherry pick Neon's font Noto settings - https://git.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/+git/kubuntu-settings/log/desktop/etc/fonts/conf.avail/56-kubuntu-noto.conf?h=kubuntu_lunar_staging Feedback on CJK font settings. * Today, 56-neon-noto.conf is wrong for Noto Sans/Serif CJK - https://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=309&t=161526 People make changes to improve hiting ruls for Roboto * remove the roboto hinting rules - https://invent.kde.org/neon/neon/settings/-/commit/b52ae1e91dd3cd0bdf7f11d6d36fde0141be1afc * 437547 – Bad font kerning in internet browsers (Firefox on Wayland, Opera and Vivaldi) - https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=437547 * Bug #1995140 “Sync /etc/fonts/conf.avail/56-kubuntu-noto.conf wi...” : Bugs : kubuntu-settings package : Ubuntu - https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1995140 ### Hacking Thursday 報名網址: https://hackingthursday.kktix.cc/events/2484fe2e-36e50c-2022 ### Ubuntu-TW LoCo Team 行事曆 [Google Calendar - Ubuntu-TW LoCo Team Event Calendar](https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/embed?src=c_4b189b54a9b4a52cf8c551085a7aeb44f5cf47bf4b82cbc2747617954fac1716@group.calendar.google.com) ### Ubuntu certified devices with OEM metapackages * [People and processes behind “Ubuntu certified” devices](https://ubuntu.com/blog/people-and-processes-behind-ubuntu-certified-devices) * https://people.ubuntu.com/~fourdollars/oem-meta-packages/ ### 林博仁 - Image Scan for Linux! V2 Snap 軟體包開發歷程分享 * Snap 商店頁面:https://snapcraft.io/iscan * 源碼:https://github.com/brlin-tw/iscan-snap * [Suddenly got >1M installs from one snap - store - snapcraft.io](https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/suddenly-got-1m-installs-from-one-snap/32139/) * [Install BLOCK on Linux | Snap Store](https://snapcraft.io/block) #### Ref * If someone is till interested in how to work around the problem of a Snap not being able to install UDEV rules into the system, I have found a solution, as I need UDEV for my printing-related Snaps. - https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/how-to-add-or-workaround-a-udev-rule/12829/8 ### Fourdollars - Hardware enablement * 使用 modalias 識別認證硬體 * 目前 Linux 廠商只有 Canonical 有在大量地對新上市電腦硬體進行 enablement * 一個產品可能有多個 SKU 有不同的硬體配置,沒有跟廠商配合難以透過社群支援 * 在一個 Ubuntu 釋出版本認證過的硬體不保證在後續的釋出版本(LTS+1)會完全相容(資源限制) ### Vostro 5481 意外醒來問題 Rex: we can try to disable the wakeup sources * How to check my linux system wakeup sources? - https://microchipsupport.force.com/s/article/How-to-check-my-linux-system-wakeup-sources Check if you have meta % dpkg -l|grep oem % ubuntu-drivers install