# Inco Starter kit
Inco (short for Incognito) is the universal confidentiality layer of Web3, powered by fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) and secured by Ethereum, enabling the development of next-frontier decentralized applications (dApps), providing confidentiality to existing blockchains and breaking down the final barrier to Web3 adoption at scale.
Utilize our cutting-edge FHE (fully homomorphic encryption) tech to deploy confidential smart contracts with our fhEVM (FHE + EVM). Solidity knowledge is all you need, as our fhEVM streamlines the cryptography complexities.
## Network Details
[Adding network to Metamask](https://docs.inco.org/getting-started/connect-metamask)
| | |
| -------- | -------- |
| Network name | Inco Rivest Testnet |
| RPC URL| https://validator.rivest.inco.org/ |
|Chain ID | 21097 |
| Currency symbol | INCO|
|Block explorer URL|https://explorer.rivest.inco.org/|
## Inco FHEVM
### Development resources
- [TFHE library](https://docs.inco.org/getting-started/solidity-+-tfhe/tfhe-library)
- [Hardhat template](https://docs.inco.org/getting-started/hardhat)
- [Scaffold(Hardhat+Nextjs)](https://github.com/muskbuster/Inco-Scaffold)
- [Confidential ERC20](https://docs.inco.org/tutorial-deploying-confidential-erc-20-contract/overview-of-the-tutorial)
- [Client side encryption(fhevmjs)](https://docs.inco.org/getting-started/fhevmjs/installation)
- [Example Smart contracts](https://docs.inco.org/getting-started/example-contracts)
#### [Get Inspiration](https://fhevm-explorers.notion.site/fhEVM-Novel-Use-Cases-c1e637b0ca5740afa7fe598407b7266f) - fhEVM oriented dApp Ideas.
### Video resources
- [Pascal Paillier: A History and the Future of FHE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TupHvXScPkQ)
- [FHE x Blockchain: Use Cases and the Future](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3CZHYvW0tQ&t=32s)
- [Inco: The modular confidential computing network (Presentation at the Zama CoFHE Shop - EthCC 7)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNTYdh3AVBE)
- [EthDenver Workshop](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwD8TQEDQrI)
### Other
- [Website](https://inco.org)
- [Media Kit](https://www.inco.org/branding/)
- Ask questions at the Booth to our engineers or on discord at [Ethglobal Inco channel](https://discord.com/channels/554623348622098432/1257840116974485575) tag @muskbuster or @swayam.