

Joined on Sep 4, 2020

  • A mostly turring incomplete language for graph selection with lisp syntax, duck typing and wasm extensions. Killer features (design goals): Extremely low development bootstrap costssingle pass compiler (this include lexing, parsing and compiling, all in one single pass) Lisp syntax (the easiest thing in the world to parse) Pay (implement) only what you use approach Duck typing, QUACK!
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  • /* Introduction */ IPFS works because... magic. Ok, that is not actually true. But how does an IPFS client ask everyone for anything and actually get a reasonable response in a reasonable amount of time? The answer is: content resolution algorithms built on distributed database architectures. That's not helpful? Ok then how about this: The Distributed Hash Table, referred from here on out in this post as the DHT. Why do I care? If you're a developer who has spent most of their coding life using HTTP, then you're one of around twenty million people... almost none of whom have actually built production applications on top of a peer to peer architecture. You're going to need to know a few things in order to build, profile, debug... and to know who to curse at. If something goes wrong while you're building with IPFS, this post will ground your debugging approach in some practical knowledge of how the underlying system works. WTF is content routing anyway and why we need it ?
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  • Proposal Allows this sytax const[]T to create read-only slices. []T is ABI compatible with const[]T, that means: You can implicitely cast []T to const[]T. Methods and Functions implementing const[]T also implements []T. Function pointers of type const[]T also implements []T. Most importently you can implicitely cast string to const[]byte.
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  • A CID (Content IDentifier) is the hash of the content of the files so if you change the content the CID must change. But how to do it anyway The goal should to not share a CID but share something else that points to a CID that is updatable. IPNS IPNS (InterPlanetary Naming System) is a stack that allows to create things that points to a CID, so you instead of updating the CID you update the IPNS address, IPNS supports multiple resolving technology. IPNS records
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