# UPPMAX Intro Course - Planning Document This document: https://hackmd.io/@UPPMAX/intro-course-planning --- Course website: https://www.uu.se/en/centre/uppmax/study/courses-and-workshops/introduction-to-uppmax Q&A document: https://hackmd.io/@UPPMAX/Intro-Course-QaA GitHub repos for the material: Day 1: https://github.com/UPPMAX/uppmax_intro_day_1 - old with cases: https://github.com/UPPMAX/uppmax_intro_cases - oldest: https://github.com/UPPMAX/uppmax_intro ... Day 4 (Python): https://github.com/UPPMAX/uppmax_intro_python :calendar: August 27-30, 2024 ## Teachers and helpers | Day | Lecture | Teacher | Helpers | | ------------------- | ------------------------- | -------- | -------- | | Tue, Aug 27, 9-12 | Intro to Linux and UPPMAX | Richèl | DI, | | Tue, Aug 27, 13-16 | Intro to UPPMAX | Richèl | ? | | Wed, Aug 28, 9-12 | Linux II | Doug | ? | | Wed, Aug 28, 13-16 | Linux III | Doug | ? | | Thu, Aug 29, 9-12 | Bash scripts | Doug | ? | | Thu, Aug 29, 13-16 | Slurm at UPPMAX | Diana | ? | | Fri, Aug 30, 9-12 | Python I | Richèl | ? | | Fri, Aug 30, 13-16 | Python II | Richèl | ? |