## Writing controllers... But in Rust

## Ease of Use
### `kube-rs`
- Rust ecosystem's primary Kubernetes SDK
- Provides async support with Tokio
- Strong type safety and Rust's ownership model
- Rich and simple API but has a learning curve due to Rust's complexity
### `controller-runtime`
- Designed for writing Kubernetes controllers in Go
- Uses idiomatic Go patterns (structs, interfaces, reconciliation loops)
- Well-documented with many examples
- More widely adopted and mature in the Kubernetes ecosystem
## Quickstart
### `kube-rs`
use kube::{Client, Api};
use k8s_openapi::api::core::v1::Pod;
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let client = Client::try_default().await?;
let pods: Api<Pod> = Api::default_namespaced(client);
for pod in pods.list(&Default::default()).await? {
println!("Pod name: {}", pod.name_any());
### `controller-runtime`
func main() {
cfg, _ := config.GetConfig()
cl, _ := client.New(cfg, client.Options{})
podList := &corev1.PodList{}
_ = cl.List(context.Background(), podList);
for _, pod := range podList.Items {
fmt.Println("Pod name:", pod.Name)
## Client Creation
### `kube-rs`
- `Client::try_default()` provides a simple initialization
- Supports async operations out-of-the-box
- Strongly typed API clients using `Api<T>`
- Trait extensions
### `controller-runtime`
- Uses `client.New(config, options)` pattern
- Requires manual handling of structured types (e.g., `corev1.PodList`)
- Less boilerplate for sync operations compared to `kube-rs`
### Error handling
use thiserror::Error;
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum Error {
#[error("Kube Error: {0}")]
KubeError(#[from] kube::Error),
#[error("Cert config fetch error: {0}")]
CertFetch(#[source] kube::Error),
async fn collect(
client: Arc<Client>,
) -> Result<ConfigMap, Error> {
let ns = Namespace::from("default");
let _cert_config_map: ConfigMap = client.clone().get(
"kube-root-ca.crt", &ns,
client.get("fallback-config", &ns).await
### Error handling - simpler
- `anyhow` + `tracing` + `?` = ❤️
#[instrument(skip_all, fields(node = node.name_any()), err)]
async fn representations(
&self, node: &Node,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
tracing::info!("Collecting node logs");
let pod = Self::get_template_pod(
&"node-debug", node.name_any(),
self.collect_logs(node, pod.name_any()).await
## Performance
### `kube-rs`
- Efficient due to Rust’s memory safety and async runtime (Tokio)
- No garbage collection overhead
- Can be challenging due to async complexity and borrow checker
- Clone is allowed :smile:
### `controller-runtime`
- Well-optimized for Kubernetes workloads
- Advanced configuration options for further optimizations
## Caching
### `kube-rs`
- (+) Uses `kube-runtime`s `watcher` and `reflector` to manage local caches
- (+) Built on async streams, allowing fine-grained control
- (+) Allows stream sharing between controllers
- (+) Allows to adjust object state before storing it in cache
- (-) No default client level dynamic cache beyond controller watches
### `controller-runtime`
- (+) Uses `client-go`’s shared informers for caching
- (+) Automatically managed cache updates and invalidation
- (+) Optimized for typical controller reconciliation loops
- (-) Advanced configurations are complex
## Controller Setup
### `controller-runtime`
type MyCustomResourceReconciler struct {}
func (r *MyCustomResourceReconciler) Reconcile(
ctx context.Context, req ctrl.Request
) (ctrl.Result, error) {
return ctrl.Result{}, nil
func main() {
mgr, _ := ctrl.NewManager(
ctrl.GetConfigOrDie(), ctrl.Options{})
### `kube-rs`
use kube::runtime::controller::{Context, Controller, Action};
use kube::Api;
use std::sync::Arc;
use tokio::time::Duration;
async fn reconcile(
_cr: Arc<MyCustomResource>,
_ctx: Arc<Context<()>>) -> Result<Action, ()>
Ok(Action {
requeue_after: Some(Duration::from_secs(10)),
async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let client = Client::try_default().await?;
let api: Api<MyCustomResource> = Api::all(client);
let pods: Api<Pod> = Api::all(client.clone());
Controller::new(api, Default::default())
.owns(pods, &Default::default())
.run(reconcile, |_obj, _| {}, Context::new(()))
## Unstructured resource
### controller-runtime
obj := &unstructured.Unstructured{}
Kind: "Pod",
Group: "",
Version: "v1",
err := cl.Get(ctx, types.NamespaceName{
name: "pod",
namespace: "default",
}, obj)
## Unstructured resource
### kube-rs
let ar = ApiResource::erase::<Pod>(&());
let api: Api<DynamicObject> = Api::all_with(client, &ar);
- https://kube.rs/controllers/object/#untyped-resources
## CRD Generation
`kubebuilder init`
// +kubebuilder:object:root=true
// +kubebuilder:subresource:status
type MyCustomResource struct {
metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
Spec MyCustomResourceSpec `json:"spec,omitempty"`
Status MyCustomResourceStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`
type MyCustomResourceSpec struct {
Foo string `json:"foo,omitempty"`
type MyCustomResourceStatus struct {
Bar string `json:"bar,omitempty"`
### `CustomResourceDefinition` trait
use kube::CustomResource;
use schemars::JsonSchema;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
#[derive(CustomResource, Deserialize, Serialize,
Clone, JsonSchema)]
#[kube(group = "example.com", version = "v1",
kind = "MyCustomResource", namespaced)]
pub struct MyCustomResourceSpec {
pub foo: String,
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Clone, JsonSchema)]
pub struct MyCustomResourceStatus {
pub bar: String,
## Typed ConfigMap/Secret
use k8s_openapi::api::core::v1::ConfigMap;
#[derive(Resource, Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone)]
#[resource(inherit = ConfigMap)]
struct CaConfigMap {
metadata: ObjectMeta,
data: CaConfigMapData,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone)]
struct CaConfigMapData {
#[serde(rename = "ca.crt")]
ca_crt: String,
let api = Api::<CaConfigMap>::all(client);
- https://kube.rs/controllers/object/#derived-resource
## New type for external API
use cluster_api_rs::capi_cluster::{ClusterSpec, ClusterStatus};
use kube::{api::ObjectMeta, Resource};
#[derive(Resource, Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]
inherit = cluster_api_rs::capi_cluster::Cluster)]
pub struct Cluster {
pub metadata: ObjectMeta,
pub spec: ClusterSpec,
pub status: Option<ClusterStatus>,
let api = Api::<Cluster>::all(client.clone());
- https://github.com/capi-samples/cluster-api-rs
## CRD Validation
### `controller-runtime`
// +kubebuilder:validation:XValidation:rule="self == oldSelf",message="Object cannot be modified"
// +kubebuilder:validation:XValidation:rule="self.field != ''"
type MyStructSpec struct {
Field string `json:"field,omitempty"`
// +kubebuilder:object:root=true
// +kubebuilder:resource:scope=Cluster
// +kubebuilder:validation:XValidation:rule="self.metadata.name == 'singleton'",message="Only a singleton instance is allowed"
type MyStruct struct {
metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
Spec MyStructSpec `json:"spec,omitempty"`
### CRD Validation
use kube::{CELSchema, CustomResource};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
#[derive(CustomResource, CELSchema, Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug)]
group = "kube.rs", version = "v1", kind = "Struct",
rule = Rule::new("self.matadata.name == 'singleton'"),
#[cel_validate(rule = Rule::new("self == oldSelf"))]
struct MyStruct {
#[serde(default = "default")]
#[cel_validate(rule = Rule::new("self != ''")
.message("failure message"))]
field: String,
## CLI
- `clap` :clap:
/// Secret environment variable name with data to exclude in the collected artifacts.
/// Can be specified multiple times to exclude multiple values.
/// Example:
#[arg(short, long = "secret", action = ArgAction::Append)]
secrets: Vec<String>,
-s, --secret <SECRETS>
Secret environment variable name with data
to exclude in the collected artifacts.
Can be specified multiple times to exclude
multiple values.
## Crust-gather
## Record and Replay
## Controller
## Ecosystem
- No `apimachinery` equivalent, but multiple extendable trait-default methods
- `kopium` to create and sync CRD definition
cargo install kopium
curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/my-controller/crd.yaml \
| kopium -D Default -D PartialEq -A -d -
## Testing
- https://kube.rs/controllers/testing/
- `kwok` [wrapper](https://github.com/crust-gather/crust-gather/blob/main/src/tests/kwok.rs)
- `just` `kind`ly `kubectl wait` for it!
## What is Missing?
- Automatic informer-based caching similar to `controller-runtime`
- Rust imports - no automatic API `import` resolve
- Testing frameworks - no `envtest`, but one can still use `kind`/`kwok`
- Patterns for CRD conversion. [`MutatingAdmissionPolicy`](https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/mutating-admission-policy/) to the rescue?
- Ecosystem... But we can "go on `kopium`" :)
## Conclusion
- **Choose `kube-rs`** if you need Rust’s performance, memory safety, and async capabilities, powerful trait extensions and blanket implementations. Go-to choise for CLI tools.
- **Choose `controller-runtime`** if you prefer Go’s ecosystem, simplicity, and Kubernetes-first design, established ecosystem.
## References
- https://kube.rs
- [`kube-rs` GitHub](https://github.com/kube-rs/kube-rs)
- [`controller-runtime` GitHub](https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/controller-runtime)
- [`kopium` GitHub](https://github.com/kube-rs/kopium)
- [`kubebuilder` GitHub](https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kubebuilder)
- [`crust gather` GitHub](https://github.com/crust-gather/crust-gather)
- [`CAPI Fleet addon provider` GitHub](https://github.com/rancher-sandbox/cluster-api-addon-provider-fleet)
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