# Compound Market Listing Framework Consideration points: - Token Etherscan link - Contract code verified and open-source? - Team - Who? - Experience in their respective field - Whitepaper - Audits - Governance structure - Multi-sig, snapshot, or fully on-chain governance? - Number of contract transactions - Age of the token - Social channels - Pausability - Mintability - Upgradeability - Who is authorized to make an upgrade? - Can an upgrade happen instantaneously or is there a time-lock delay? - Which components can be upgraded? - Under what circumstances can an unauthorized upgrade occur? - Restrictions on transfers - Token supply - Fixed or variable? - Total supply - Circulating supply - Market cap - Fully diluted market cap - Token distribution - Number of unique holders - Addresses holding >= 10% of supply - Gini coefficient - Market liquidity: - CEX liquidity - DEX liquidity - Price volatility - Supporting oracles - Underlying assets - How quickly can the amount or value of any underlying assets change? - Collateral factors, if any? - Insurance [for each insuring entity] - What’s covered: - Amount staked ($): - Capacity ($): - Max individual coverage length: - Cost: Proposal factors: - Collateral factor (0 to start) - Borrow cap - Interest rate model - Reserve factor (typically 25%) Related resources: - [Compound: Format process for new collateral assets](https://www.comp.xyz/t/formal-process-for-new-collateral-assets/2124) - [Compound: Add Market: LINK](https://www.comp.xyz/t/add-market-link/1516/50) - [Compound: Add Markets: MKR, AAVE, SUSHI, YFI](https://www.comp.xyz/t/add-markets-mkr-aave-sushi-yfi/1977) - [Aave: ARC: Add support for stETH (Lido)](https://governance.aave.com/t/arc-add-support-for-steth-lido/5793)