Tim Daubenschütz



Joined on Jan 9, 2019

  • This document details tactics that we apply to generate funding for our project. Fundraising Think in expected returns Objective: Make fundraising less risky and more efficient. Description: Look at how much money we got from past fundraising activities. Guess the chance we have to get the same amount again. Multiply these two numbers to get an "expected value". This helps us decide if a fundraising activity is worth our time. Example Calculation: For instance, we submitted two proposals to PurpleDAO. It didn't take us much time and we also got a lot of recognition. Both times, we received about 1 ETH, which is roughly $1,500. So, we think the chances are very good that we could get the same amount again. If we estimate the chance as 80%, we multiply $1,500 by 0.80 to get an expected value of $1,200. This means, on average, we can expect to raise $1,200 from a similar proposal to PurpleDAO.
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  • Peter Thiel President, Clarium Capital Management For I dipt into the future, far as human eye could see, Saw the Vision of the world, and all the wonder that would be; Saw the heavens fill with commerce, argosies of magic sails, Pilots of the purple twilight dropping down with costly bales; Heard the heavens fill with shouting, and there rain‘d a ghastly dew From the nations’ airy navies grappling in the central blue; Far along the world-wide whisper of the south-wind rushing warm, With the standards of the peoples plunging thro’ the thunder-storm; Till the war-drum throbbd no longer, and the battle-flags were furl'd In the Parliament of man, the Federation of the world. There the common sense of most shall hold a fretful realm in awe, And the kindly earth shall slumber, lapt in universal law. —Alfred, Lord Tennyson, “Locksley Hall” The twenty-first century started with a bang on September 11, 2001. In those shocking hours, the entire political and military framework of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and indeed of the modern age, with its emphasis on deterrent armies, rational nation-states, public debates, and international diplomacy, was called into question. For how could mere talking or even great force deter a handful of crazy, determined, and suicidal persons who seemingly operated outside of all the norms of the liberal West? And what needed now to be done, given that technology had advanced to a point where a tiny number of people could inflict unprecedented levels of damage and death? The awareness of the West's vulnerability called for a new compromise, and this new compromise inexorably demanded more security at the expense of less freedom. On the narrow level of public policy, there needed to be more x-ray machines at airports; more security guards on airplanes; more identification cards and invasions of privacy; and fewer rights for some of the accused. Overnight, the fundamentalist civil rights mania of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), which spoke in the language of inviolable individual rights, was rendered an unviable anachronism.
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  • Author: Tim Daubenschütz Date: 2023-10-16 Have comments? => attestate/kiwistand#106 Motivation Today, a Kiwi News link submission is the same as an upvote. Both are represented as the following JSON structure: { title: string, href: string,
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  • Context I've been hesitant to participate in this Gitcoin Grants round as I have participated in many others before and since I always walked away underwhelmed - regretting putting that much time into campaigning, I'm writing down my thoughts here as to warn future Tim from spending too much time on other rounds. Disclaimer: Not everything that I say will be considered 100% factual. It is my view of the world and this document is written mostly to protect me from wasting my time. You have been warned. The What We've participated in GG18 with Kiwi News and we added a banner on our frequently-trafficed website asking people to donate to our project. We've asked on Farcaster and in our group chat for people to donate. With embracing Gitcoin Grants, my understanding is and was that we're contributing to the Gitcoin software platforms. We're sending over users, we're asking them to convert into their Passport product. In some cases we even play support for them.
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  • Event: https://app.devcon.org/schedule/SFFEVV Date: Oct 14, 13:00–15:30, Workshop 3 Who: TimDaub, Anett What: Spontaneous 15min lightning talks about ERC EIPs or anything that doesn't specifically fit into Tim Beiko and Anett Rolikova's roadmap session Why: To foster a tight knit community of ETHMagicians and bring attention to the awesome work of the Magicians! Timetable From To
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  • date: 2022-10-09 clock-wise order of participants: (B)en, (L)ukas, (Br)ett, (V)aughn, (A)ngela, (T)im, (C)indy Minutes Ang: The metadata example from the last session, I found quite interesting. A guiding question to me is: If it's something that should never change, then put it into the metadata. And don't put it if it can evolve. T: There are different ways how the tokenURI is hosted, e.g. IPFS, web2 URLs and so that affects privacy as e.g. the tokenURI access could be permissioned. A: We're discussing to issue SBTs to TE participants but we shouldn't put the name into the metadata. The credential receiver should consent to the token being minted. V: If I can always figure out where an SBT was minted towards, there's provenance.
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  • Date: 2022-10-09 Location: TheDAOIst, Bogota, Colombia Minutes L: Topic is soulbound tokens and their role in governance. Let's start with intros. Initials in clock-wise order: (A)ngela, (L)ukas, (I)ra, (Ed)uardo, (T)homas, (B)en*, (V)aughn, (Al)ex, (La)uren*, (To)m, (T)im, (K)hai*, (J)ack, (N)ick, (S)helby, (Be)n* *left earlier
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