# HIP 38 HIP: 38 title: Election of Proposers author: @ludoviko, @juanumusic, 0xjean.eth status: Draft created: 2022-01-26 ## Simple summary This HIP establishes that the addresses gathered from the snapshot poll (later deleted by Snapshot admins but still retrievable through other means) is a legitimate list of candidates for the proposer role, and to establish the addresses of that list should be instated as the initial seed of proposers in the Snapshot platform. ## Abstract HIP-34 established that "Proposers" are comprised of "People elected as proposer through a proposal" (apart from Mission Board Members and others). This proposal aims to elect the first batch of proposers. A snapshot poll was used to gather a list of addresses of people interested in having that role. ## Motivation Original and deleted proposal was in this link: https://snapshot.org/#/poh.eth/proposal/0x32a19b0132c8e2e6c19bf3cd74138416f9a5f780e672a58982d00cbd827813f9. This is the IPFS link for the proposal (that does not contain the votes): https://ipfs.fleek.co/ipfs/QmbDBvUJNhyaWUu1nhGPSEpuCxqhWP9hwC2FdQuJNM1tVY As an alternative, this is the IPFS of signed votes for proposers: https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmYwumh4oS8N6iUvqEEhsJZkaN2DY7dfkcvrNRttzAoUTP?filename=ipfs_signed_proposors.txt. This list was provided by Laurent Genoud, developer and admin of the official Snapshot Telegram group (https://t.me/snapshotlabs/7972). The poll was used in order to guarantee that proposers belonged to the registry. There was only one option "I offer myself as Proposer". This document https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vsIaSvo6ee4A9HBNpG3QALE-YlDXYM6yjlskvavwsCo/edit?usp=sharing has the IPFS links which show which people voted that option, so they voted in clear knowledge that they offered themselves as proposers. ## Implementation Use the addresses stated in column C in this link https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vsIaSvo6ee4A9HBNpG3QALE-YlDXYM6yjlskvavwsCo/edit?usp=sharing or https://ipfs.io/ipfs/Qmf8Nwezy1gpbtctdHtFPPJFezT6euFcCu5QFUrQYYVu3C?filename=proposoooooooooooooooors.txt (IPFS copy of the list), to grant them the ability to post proposals in the PoH Snapshot pages.