# Welcome to your team's workspace
Congratulations! :tada: You have created a team workspace, where all team members collaborate on their shared notes.
## Team roles and note permission
All members in the workspace have read access to every note in it.
Only writers and admins have write access, and only admins can delete a team note.
Team members receive notifications when someone else edit or mention them in a team note.
Team members are all considered **Owners** to notes in the workspace when configuring note permissions.
## How do I invite team members?
1. In the Overview page, click the :gear: at the right of **Team space**, and click **Team settings**.
<img src="https://hackmd.io/_uploads/HyJfG7jYK.png" width=300 style="display:block;margin:30px auto" />
2. In **Team Settings** page,
1. Fill in the HackMD username or the email address of the member you'd like to add. S/he will receive an invitation email and join the workspace by following the instructions.
3. Set her/his role.
- Admin: can manage members and billings (with a billing role), read and write notes.
- Writer: read and write notes.
- Reader: read notes.
4. Click **Add**.
:bulb: This role takes a higher priority to the default Owners of the note (that is, all workspace members). So a Reader member can't write a note in the workspace even if it's set to "Owners can write".
<img src="https://hackmd.io/_uploads/ryxdzmjtt.png" width=600 style="display:block;margin: 30px auto" />
Invite more members to get the most out of your Team Workspace.
If you have met the limit of workspace members, you can [puchase more](https://hackmd.io/c/tutorials/%2F%40docs%2Funlock-team-member-limit?utm_source=prebuilt-note&utm-medium=inline-link).
## How do I work with someone not in my Team Workspace?
Invite them as invitees on the note. Here's [how](https://hackmd.io/c/tutorials/%2Fs%2Finvite).
## How do I backup the notes?
In **Team settings** page, navigate to **Team notes** and click **Download all notes**.
<img src="https://hackmd.io/_uploads/rygDBQoFY.png" width=300 style="display:block;margin: 30px auto" />
## How do I set default permissions?
This is a Prime only feature.
Set default permissions so you don't have to worry if any of your team members would ever forgot to set them properly.
1. Set default permissions of the notes in **Team Settings** > **Team notes**.
2. Navigate down and click **Save**.
<img src="https://hackmd.io/_uploads/Syo3rXoKF.png" width=600 style="display:block;margin: 30px auto" />
## How do I switch between a public or private team?
There is no limit counts to members of a Public Team, so it's great for sharing knowledge and working with the public.
For the greater good of our communities, HackMD lets you switch between the two, so you can switch between them as your community grows. Here's [how](https://hackmd.io/@docs/switch-public-private-team) to switch.
# How to get in touch?
Feel free to ping us via:
- :mailbox: support@hackmd.io
- Mention `@hackmdio` on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/hackmdio)