# Install Android on VMWare: Android-x86 ###### tags: `VMWare`, `Android`, `Android-x86` TOC[TOC] --- [Ref 1: Install Android 8.1 Oreo in Virtual Machine: VMware and VirtualBox](https://techsviewer.com/install-android-in-virtual-machine-vmware-and-virtualbox/) [Ref 2: 解決安裝 ANDROID X86 啟動時黑畫面](http://mizuyoru.blogspot.com/2017/12/vmware-android-x86.html) [Ref 3: Android-x86.org](https://www.android-x86.org/) * about Android-x86 project * This is a project to port Android open source project to x86 platform, formerly known as "patch hosting for android x86 support". * licensed under Apache Public License 2.0. Some components are licensed under GNU General Public License (GPL) 2.0 or later. * The project is founded by Chih-Wei Huang (cwhuang in **Taiwan**) and Yi Sun (beyounn in U.S.). **<Please donate if you can!>** ## steps 1. download the iso file that suits you most on [Android-x86.org](https://www.android-x86.org/) * I use [android-x86_64-8.1-r4.iso](https://osdn.net/dl/android-x86/android-x86_64-8.1-r4.iso) this time. It is Android 8.1(Oreo) for 64-bit windows. about 868 MB 2. create a new virtual machine on VMware * choose `I will install the operating system later` * Next, you will be required to select the guest operating system. Choose `Other Linux 4.x` * enter whatever name of your machine and the directory you'd like to save it. * Harddisk: either use the suggested size (8 GB), or any amount. (I use 24 GB this time) * Click `Customize Hardware` * RAM: suggested >= 1 GB (I use 16 GB this time because I've got plenty of RAM) * CPU: at least 1 core (I use 4) * Mount the iso file via setting `CD/DVD (IDE)` * select tab `Display` and enable `Accelerate 3D Graphics` * than close the setting and start the VM 3. installation of android on your vm * `Advanced options...` * then `Auto_Installation` * it will warn you such installation will erase the disk, just go because we're working on a dedicated VM for it. * After successful installation, `Disconnect` the CD/DVD on the top-right tool bar of VMware. then choose `Reboot`. 4. deal with boot-up freeze issue * press `e` * press `e` * replace `quiet` to `nomodeset xforcevesa` * press `enter` * press `b` * as you see android system on, press `Alt+F1` * type in `mkdir /mnt/sda` `mount /dev/block/sda1 /mnt/sda` `vi /mnt/sda/grub/menu.lst` * press `i` to edit, replace `quiet` to `nomodeset xforcevesa` * press `Esc` to return read-mode * press `:w` then press `Enter` * press `:q` then press `Enter` * type `reboot` then press `Enter` 5. You're good to go!