# OP-MSF OGP Summit 2023 Side Event ## Sustaining the Momentum for Parliamentary Openness in OGP Reform ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/H1cJFNPCh.jpg) :::success * Date: Friday, September 8, 2023 * Time: 2:00 – 4:00 PM * Venue: [Erinevate Tubade Klubi](https://www.erinevatetubadeklubi.ee/en/) ([📍Google Maps](https://goo.gl/maps/UMf57ygoJ5QUREfN8)) * Registration: [Google Forms](https://forms.gle/Xq6bTW7rK7XN9tSY7) * Language: English (without interpretation services) ::: The OGP process often faces setbacks due to changes in the composition of stakeholders involved in the process. The same is true with open parliament initiatives that follow similar rules of engagement. Among others, factors such as party rotations, parliamentary leadership transition, shifts in ruling party or coalition, and lack of direct involvement by parliamentarians pose serious obstacles to the efforts of making parliamentary track contribute meaningful change in OGP reform. This event is aimed at creating a space for OGP reformers who work closely with parliamentary actors in improving government openness and transparency, through an independent open parliament initiative or as part of the national OGP process. Speakers from Asia, Africa, and the Americas will exchange important insights as to how OGP co-creation model and deep engagement with civil society partners could build the momentum for parliamentary openness—and sustain it. ### Agenda | Time | Session | | :---------: | :------------------ | | 13:40-14:00 | Registration | | 14:00-14:10 | Opening - Freddy Lim, Taiwan MP | | 14:10-14:20 | Maria Baron, DL Argentina | | 14:20-14:30 | Taiwan OP-MSF | | 14:30-14:40 | Sammy Obeng, PNA Ghana | | 14:40-15:00 | Tea Break | | 15:00-15:10 | Ravio Patra | | 15:10-15:20 | Bing-Chuan Tsai, LY Taiwan | | 15:20-15:50 | General Discussion | | 15:50-16:00 | Wrap up / Highlight takeaways | ### Organizers * Host: Taiwan Open Parliament Multi-Stakeholder Forum (OP-MSF) * Co-host (alphabetically sorted): * Citizen Congress Watch, Taiwan * Directorio Legislativo, Argentina * Open Culture Foundation, Taiwan ### Speakers #### Freddy Lim Member of the Parliament, Taiwan #### Maria Baron Global Executive Director, Directorio Legislativo, Argentina #### OP-MSF Member of Taiwan Parliament ##### Claire Cheng Project Manager of Open Culture Foundation ##### Weichen Lin Executive Secretary of Open Culture Foundation ##### James Kan Citizen Congress Watch ##### Poren Chiang Research Assistant at Institutum Iurisprudentiae Academia Sinica, Taiwan ##### Billion Lee Cofacts #### Sammy Obeng Executive Director, Parliamentary Network Africa #### Ravio Patra Programme Manager at Westminster Foundation for Democracy & IRM Researcher #### Bing-Chuan Tsai Director of Public Relations Division, Secretariat, Taiwan Legislative Yuan