protocol labs (chinese) === [英文字幕原檔]( 0:03 您好,我的名字是艾文·米亞佐諾 0:05 一開始我想先謝謝工作人員 0:07 給我這個機會來跟大家溝通 0:08 很抱歉我沒有辦法線上直播 0:10 我用預錄的方式來進行 0:12 希望此時字幕是有幫助的 0:14 在你們觀看的此時大概是加州的早上四點 0:18 所以我真的很感謝你們通融我這樣進行 0:21 我要來介紹一些有關協議實驗室及我們在做的事情 0:25 這看起來會跟你們的興趣相同 0:28 你或許知道協議實驗室 0:30 是一個公司致力於開發開源軟體 0:34 去驅使運算的突破及利用網路將人類文明推進 0:38 你可能會知道有關一些專案像是IPFS、Filecoin或是Libp2p 0:44 我們的許多專案的專注於將人權鑲嵌進數位基礎建設 0:47 並使得網際網路更加普遍性的去中心化與開放 0:51 我們強力的致力於使 there's a strong focus on making it 0:54 兩台網路可以更簡單的 easier for two computers to connect to 0:56 相互連結與傳送資料 each other and pass data and make sure 0:58 他們不清楚資料是由誰掌握或是管理。 they don't know who owns and controls 1:00 在協議實驗室中我過去曾經領導研究團隊 that data within protocol Labs I used to 1:05 且自從他被演變成我們所稱的 team and has since moved into what 1:07 網路產品的團隊 we're calling Network goods 1:09 這些產品只會存在於 these are goods that are in a that exist only in 1:15 在網路的文本與研究上 the context of a network and research 1:17 公司、研究者或是自然人的存在 could be viewed as a subset of these in the existing environment in 1:23 這可以被看做有機環境的一個子集 which a company or a researcher or a 1:25 我們在網路商品中的目標是設計工具 human exists uh our goal within Network Goods is to engineer tools and 1:30 與有機會促成革命性共合作系統 opportunities for revolutionary 1:35 我會對這個講題進行演講 I'll be giving this talk but we will 1:37 但之後會由網路共善團隊財務與激勵組的主管Matt Frehlich來與大家進行問答 have a live Q&A from Matt Frehlich like who 1:46 當我談到關係與合作系統 when i talk about relation and 1:47 我想我得先來辨識 coordination systems I should identify 1:50 那些許多的合作系統 First that there are many coordination 1:52 有些再你看起來並沒有那麼的必要 systems that you might not identify as 1:54 但我會把他們視作一個人類組成社群 such necessarily but I would group them 2:00 與互相共享資源的方式 2:03 他會包含了很多東西像是 include things like uh everything from 2:05 企業對基金會進行捐贈 corporations to endowed Foundation 2:06 基金會也有含括所有的 foundations this also includes all of 2:09 工具、形成及那些我們贊同的的系統 the tools and processes and systems we have for agreeing on what we want it 2:14 也有含括那些從我們傳遞資訊 also includes ways that we have for 2:15 這些傳遞資訊方式範疇從印刷業到網路 propagating information ranging from the printing press to the internet uh 2:20 它包括構建越來越複雜的規模和復雜性的方法 it includes ways to build things of increasingly complex scale and 2:24 例如公制系統或裝配線 complexity like the metric system or the assembly line and it also includes ways 2:30 它還包括我們為這些東西交換價值而發明的方法 that we have invented for exchanging value for these things obviously these 2:34 顯然這些類別並不完美或根本不是決定性的,但只是為了獲得更全面的信息 categories aren't perfect or intended to be at all conclusive but just to get more comprehensive sorry 2:39 我是為了讓你了解我設想的範圍 um but instead are intended to give you a sense of what I what range I Envision 2:45 當我描述新型協調系統的潛力時 when I describe the potential for novel coordination systems 2:51 這些系統開始變得越來越複雜 these systems have become increasingly 2:53 因為再下一個或是下下個十年 complex because in the next decade or 2:55 我們將會期待高深的技術進步 two we should expect unfathomable 3:00 有很明顯的趨勢像是大氣中的二氧化碳 um there are obvious trends like the fact that atmospheric carbon dioxide has 3:04 已經已經開始上升也會持續上升 been rising and will continue to rise 3:06 儘管各種採取專門及重大的行動 even in the face of dedicated and significant action taken by 3:12 很多人們因為市場力量、內部及外部成本、 uh many humans because of market forces and internalized costs and externalities and 3:17 人們將會找到更好的方法去處理這個問題 humans will have to find ways better ways of coordinating around solving this problem 3:22 我對此非常的受到激勵 I find it incredibly poignant 3:27 你可以透過部燃燒石化產品及不購買相關商品 you could address climate change by just 3:30 去對氣候變遷做出應對 not burning fossil fuels or using purchasing products that do or require 3:37 對於看到世界末日的景象 it and it's easier to actually Envision 3:39 比去思考資本主義及文明的終結來到容易。 the end of the world than the end of capitalism in or at least the end of civilization 3:47 也有許多的科技計畫的發展它們透過顛覆人們實際使用知識的了解 there are also many technological projects that are developing systems that may be seeking to subvert user knowledge of what they're actually 4:00 來去用他來選擇這樣的技術 using it uh opting into technologically 4:04 我相信去訴說這世界上有些再使用Facebook或WhatsApp的人 I think that it's incredibly telling that there are people in the world who 4:08 他們並不知道他們正在使用網際網路 are using Facebook or Whatsapp but don't realize that they are using the internet 4:11 而且我相信對於未來的世代 and I think that there is a non-zero 4:14 這種事情發生的機率不會是零 possibility that the same thing could happen for the a future generation of 4:19 電腦使用者及元宇宙 Internet users and a metaverse 4:22 這對於人機介面的互動是非常不可思議及可怕的 there's also incredible and terrifying progress toward brain computer uh 4:29 這是一個來自功能性核磁共振造影的論文 brain computer interfacing this is a figure from a paper where fmri 4:36 功能性核磁共振造影是透過機器學習演算法 functional magnetic resonance imaging data was sent through a machine learning algorithm to 4:40 重新製造及形塑人們正在思考及誰在看這個影像 regenerate reconstruct what the person was thinking of who is watching these 4:45 如果你仔細看那個鏈結 images and if you go to that link you'll 4:47 您會發現這些圖像看起來永遠不像您期望的那樣 see that the the images never look quite like what you would expect them to but 4:52 ,但它們看起來比您想像的要詳細得多 they look far more detailed than you 4:55 目前我們人類的能力是文字的意念讀取 might imagine our human capability is at the moment for literal mind reading 5:01 並將其與人工智能的進步相結合 and combine that with advances in artificial intelligence where I like to 5:08 我喜歡史塔克強調 I like the Stark emphasis that 5:12 AI將對人類做的事情就像當初工業革命對馬作的事情相同 it is possible that the Industrial Revolution did to horses what AI will do to people 5:18 我相信未來的一或兩個十年對我們現在是非常重要的 um I think that this is a an incredibly important decade or two that we are in right now 5:25 我們可以看到科幻文學,朱爾·凡爾納對未來科技世界 and we can look to fiction Jules Verne did a great job of predicting a lot of the future of 5:33 做了很好的預測,喬治歐威爾也做得很好。 technology but so did George Orwell and 5:35 我相信中間一定有不可置信的文化連結 I'm sure there are incredibly relevant cultural connections 5:41 我發現,歐我得編輯他 I find the oh I should just edit that out 5:49 我相信很有可能我們前方的道路異常崎嶇 I think that it's possible that we have an incredibly rough road ahead 5:53 也很有可能是 it's also very likely that 5:56 所有人都是這個系統的共謀者 5:59 至少從我的觀點看來是這樣 at least that's my perspective 6:02 我會把這個世界看成一個複雜的系統 um I would view the world as a complex 6:03 在這個系統中,我們幾乎不可能 system in which it's nearly impossible 6:06 或至少是愚蠢地試圖對於任何單點的失敗 or at least foolish to us try to ascribe a single point of failure 6:11 或著對任何已知失敗下一個根本性的分析 or a root cause analysis for any given failure 6:15 你可能聽過漢隆剃刀, there uh you may have heard of hanlon's Razor which states that uh 6:20 他表示永遠不要把用愚蠢就可以足夠解釋的事情歸咎給罪惡 never ascribed to malice what can be adequately explained with stupidity and 6:24 我想這是一個更正且更正向的架構 I think that there is a even more accurate and slightly more optimistic framing 6:29 但這個德國哲學家說得好 um by the German philosopher good to say 6:32 誤解與誤會,沉默可能比起欺詐與惡意, misunderstanding misunderstandings and lethargy perhaps produce more wrong in 6:36 更可能會導致這個世界上更多的錯誤 the world than deceit and Malice do at 6:37 至少梯子是絕對稀少的 least the ladders who are certainly 6:39 我想你可以說人們正在遵循他們自己的當地激勵措施來公平的總結這點 rarer and I think that you can summarize that fairly well by saying that people are following their own local incentives 6:46 沒有一點雨滴會覺得 and while no single raindrop feels 6:50 它們會需要對洪水負責 responsible for the flood at the end of 6:52 當人們開始聚集起來 the day humans all together are 6:54 聚集起來去參與協調行動 coordinated are engaging in coordinated 6:56 去開始引導著去思考那些問題 action that is leading to think problems 7:00 像是氣候變遷及自動化與人工智慧已經存在的問題 like climate change or existential risk from artificial intelligence and automation 7:05 我看到的解方並不是更少的科技或是停止進步 and I see the solution not as less technology or stopping progress in 7:13 在某種方式我想們可以採取更好的合作機制來達到更好的未來 some way I think that we really can accomplish a better future with simply better coordination mechanisms and I 7:18 我想正是同意這個原因所以你是g0v的一分子 think that part of the reason that you're part a member of g0v or 7:22 或是因此來參與了今天的這場活動 participating in this event is that you seem to agree 7:26 當我知道g0v做過的那些事情時 um I've been incredibly excited by 7:28 我非常難以置信的感到興奮 everything that g0v has been doing 7:30 我敢說我上周在開發者大會講的 and I spent I would say roughly 70% of the 7:36 大約超過七成的引用事物 conversations that I had at Devcon last 7:39 g0v都已經正在做了 week referencing things that gov zero 7:41 請繼續保持你們的成果 has been doing so please keep up the 7:43 且去更好的展現政府與人民可以怎樣的協作 great work and showing what better coordination can look like between citizens and a government 7:49 同時我也會很高興的去知道這些結果 um I'm hoping to try and learn from and 7:51 並把這些成果輸出的其他國家 Export this to other countries and also 7:53 並把這些成果加速的推及我的區域 accelerate this in my areas of the world 7:59 協議實驗室正在致力於 in terms of what protocol Labs is 8:01 具體的改善協作機制 working on specifically for these improved coordination mechanisms 8:04 我們有一個可以贊助外部正向性的工具 we have a tool for funding positive externalities 8:09 在人們的行動中會有副產品影響第三方 these are side effects of people's actions that affect third parties 8:13 部分的這些影響會負面的外部性中產生負面性 some of those effects can be negative in those negative externalities 8:17 正向外部性是當這些正向外部價值產生時所有的 positive externalities would be when it's a good thing 8:19 你可以開始嘗試評估你的每一個行動所產生的所有影響 you could try to account for all of the impact that every single action take your action has 8:28 我們決定且確定這事情是有更大影響性的 we've decided or determined that it is 8:32 如果你能贊助那些行動上有著正向影響力的人們 far more effective if you want to be able to fund people for the positive 8:37 如果你能去 impacts their actions have if you can 8:39 追蹤那些行動且有一個資料庫去明確的 just track the actions and then have a database a specifically a specific 8:47 互相互動的資料層來去解釋那些將會有著正向影響的事件 interoperable data layer to account for those actions any actions that are expected to have positive impact uh 8:53 我們已經發展了超級證書 We've developed hypercerts as this 8:55 你們可以描述成六度空間的資料庫 six-dimensional database where you can describe 9:00 有關那些貢獻是某個人 what the contribution was that someone 9:03 他做出的貢獻、他貢獻了甚麼 did who it was who contributed when they 9:06 他甚麼時候做的,此外 did it and then additionally 9:08 你想將怎樣的權利轉入 what rights you would like to 9:09 或是把相關的權益崁入其中這個虛擬物件 transfer into or embed into this 9:13 影響的範疇跟他影響的時間 digital object the scope of the impact and the time the impact 9:17 我想說這是一個非常簡便且壓縮的超級證書的想法 I will note that this is a very lossy compression of the ideas of 9:23 你可以在Hypercerts的網站上 hypercerts there are other talks that 9:25 hypercerts.xyz看到其他有關的說明 you can find on the hypercerts website 9:28 他們會進到更多更深的領與 and those will go into 9:30 我只是講一些非常粗淺表層的範疇 far more depth I'm giving a very surface level coverage 9:34 但如果你想做一些事情 but if you are going to do something 9:39 是在這世界上擁有正向影響力的 that has some positive effect in the world 9:42 在事情完結之後去評估他的影響力是非常有用的 it's very useful to evaluate the impact of this activity after the fact where 9:48 水平軸的方向向右是有關時間進行的部分 the horizontal axis here would be time progressing to the right and 9:55 任何有影響力的活動可能會希望被公眾贊助 any activity that has impact may be it might be desired that the public 10:02 我們也能夠及時的把錢送到他們手上 could fund this and then we could send 10:04 去確保這個事件可以 this money back in time to make sure the 10:07 明確的發生或去贊助支持他 action actually happens or subsidize it 10:09 所以這在金融上的發展看起來像是 so it is more likely to happen and in 10:12 當你看到金錢在時間上向後流動 finance when you see money traveling 10:15 這就會是典型上這個可以被一個角色完成 backwards in time this is typically the 10:17 被那個我們看起來像是投資人的人 role this can be achieved by the role of someone who looks like an investor and 10:21 所以我們想超級證書可以被用在 so we think that hypercerts can be used 10:24 投資人的前瞻性投資上 by investors prospectively to de-risk 10:28 用以去降低行動的風險,然後在這些行動真的被發現有價值之後 activities so that after the fact when those activities are found to be 10:32 那些回報回回饋給那個完成成果的團隊 valuable that the reward both the team 10:36 也可以給任何對於成果有貢獻的 that achieved the output and anyone who contributed to that output can be 10:41 都可以被以他們被貢獻的部分作影響力回饋 rewarded for their part in having this impact 10:47 我們已經有一個先行的應用程式 we do have a pilot app we have these uh 10:51 我們有這個數據的物件以 these data objects in 10:57 ERC 3525的NFT型態部屬在Goerli的測試鏈上 on the Goerli testnet as an ERC 3525 nft 11:02 且他帶來的很大的渲染效力的場景 and they come with nicely rendered 11:06 你可以確實的現在鑄造他們。 11:08 svgs you can specify and mint them right 11:10 我們現在正打算要進行一個 now we do have intentions to run a 11:14 安全審計的動作,並且把這些物品發布道主網上 security audit and have these this launched on mainnet with a more 11:19 希望能在十二月底前或明年一月 complete set of capabilities by 11:22 推出一個更完整全面的模式 hopefully end of December but likely end of January of next year 11:28 我們也很熱意要去與更多那些有意願 and we would love to talk to more people 11:31 使用超級證書的人們去宣傳 who are interested in building on using extending hypercerts 11:36 如果你有任何問題 um if you have any questions Matt can at 11:37 如果Matt沒有時間去回答那些額外跟hpercerts有關的解答 least point you towards new additional 11:39 Matt可以至少引導你至新增加的素材 resources if he doesn't have time to answer the questions themselves in 11:42 我們也有另外一個專案在確保科學是即時且持續的被分享 addition to hypercerts we also have a project around making sure that science is shared immediately and continuously I 11:48 我想這個一個人類長久的議題 think that it is a an issue for Humanity 11:51 期刊都希望你把研究結論打包跟完善的完成相關的理論實驗 that journals require you to nicely finish and package up your results and then run them through thesis 12:02 論文的編輯進行與格式調整最終都會導致 thesis editing processes and formatting and then eventually sometimes up to like 12:08 你的研究成果在數年後才可以浮出水面 a few years later your results see the 12:10 但我們有一個專案叫做圖文交談 light of day and we have a project 12:12 那是一個你可以將你實驗性質的過程 called discourse graphs where you you can take your experimental process 12:22 將其分為四個子分類 and split it into one of these four 12:25 問題、宣稱、問題跟資源 categories either questions claims 12:27 如果你把任何這樣的事情建立出來 evidence or sources and when you build 12:30 你可以簡單的把任何一個事情 out any one of these you can easily link 12:33 把它添加在筆記圖表的其他組件中 it to other other components of your 12:36 我們是與一名帶領我進入學術環境的教授一起開發 notes graph and we helped to develop this with a professor who was I started in an academic environment 12:45 當你加入一個小組時,你就會得到一疊論文 where you would get a stack of papers when you joined a group and when you 12:49 當你正式加入團隊時,他給你看他圖文的權限 joined his group you are he gives you access to his is notes graph which feels like the 12:56 就像實作科學那樣 way science should work 12:59 所以當我發現這個,我理解這個應該要更普及化一些 and so as soon as I found out about this I realized I thought this should absolutely be more generalizable more 13:05 更有實用性才可以變得更普遍 useful something that is far more common 13:09 我們不只是在採取這種措施 we're not only taking this and trying 13:10 還透過提供工具、邏輯及各式的產品支持 to make it easier and support adoption 13:13 讓他可以更簡單的能夠去被使用 by providing tooling support logistical support product support et..c but uh 13:20 我可以很開心的說 we're happy to report that there is 13:22 這些操作已經可以被延伸在 there are implementations to extend 13:25 很多現有的筆記平台,像是Obsidian existing note-taking platforms that people are already using like Obsidian、Rome及Notion。 13:29 他們可以利用即將推出的日誌搜索器中 or Rome or notion uh and they can use 13:33 採用這個方便的工具 this schema with convenient Tooling in there is tooling for log seek that 13:38 我也可以很興奮的告訴大家 is coming soon as well and I'm very 13:40 每個月的活躍人數看起來很有機的成長 pleased to say that the monthly active users seems to be like very 13:46 且我們真的有很高的興趣去與科學贊助單位 organically growing on its own but we do 13:49 及跟多的期刊雜誌單位來去合作 have strong interest in partnering with scientific funders and journals to 13:53 以便提高我們工具的採用綠 increase the adoption rate significantly 13:55 你也可以因此從現有的體制中得到學術的聲譽 so that you can get either academic 13:57 或是學術資金的支持 Prestige or research funding through the existing mechanisms 14:03 如果你利用圖文發現來去分享的你科學結果 if you are using discourse graphs to share your results 14:07 只要你跟他們,或者是這世界上的任何對第三方計畫感興趣的人 as soon as you have them um with anyone in the world who is interested 14:11 我很確定你會對已經聽過的 a third project that I'm sure you will 14:13 民主的生產方式非常地感興趣, all be very interested in some of you may have already heard of is uh trying 14:18 像是開源軟體或資訊創作 to democratize the generation of Open 14:20 我們會把他稱作忘記絲路的一般治理 Source software and information with a 14:23 就像是現在的Git協作 project we're calling governance forget 14:25 那樣的版本治理工具一樣 the general idea is that git right now 14:28 現在大概像極了一個可以分叉的專制體制 is roughly a forkable autocracy 14:31 但這樣的分叉性僅訴說了 the forkability does address the fact 14:33 你若是不喜愛那個專制的體制的狀況 that if you don't like how the autocracy 14:35 你可以用自己的方式來選擇與他共存 is going you can take it take everything that exists there and have your own way with it but 14:42 但似乎這邊缺了一些甚麼東西 it seems like there's something lacking 14:44 你應該可以做更多的事情 here where uh you should be able to 14:47 除了只能分叉、離開或檔案合併 instead of just either forking and leaving or merging 14:54 可以對於那些東西是否要合併來進行投票 to be able to vote on whether or not 14:57 並讓他成為Git或是Github中的原生第一類計畫 something should be merged and have that be a native first class object within uh 15:03 在這樣的基礎上我想我們在今日稍晚 git and GitHub and so building off of that I think that we 15:11 可以聽到整個正在進行的專案的應用 I'm sure I know that you will be hearing later today about an application of this project something being built on 15:19 我想你可能還沒意會到 uh if you're if you're not already aware 15:21 但我不想去摧毀這樣的驚喜 but and I don't want to ruin the 15:23 因為我想在開源軟體的合作開發上 surprise but uh I think that there's 15:25 或是在類似的開放平台中 something far more fundamental to incorporating democracy onto open source 15:32 應該要有更多的民主機制產生 software generation or information 15:34 這真的看起來就跟DAO一般 generation Platforms in that this really 15:37 非常的具有革命性 seems like it is possibly as uh as 15:42 這樣的事情是我樂見的 revolutionary as the creation of Dao's for instance I 15:49 我知道有很多專案使用git跟git相關的歷史 would love to I I know that there are 15:51 去創造類似的法治 projects around using git or git like histories for the creation of laws but 15:59 但你若是將民主的元素 if you have Democratic 16:01 可以鑲嵌進git裡面 processes embedded into git itself or 16:05 或是把她輕易的注入其中 easily added on then you can start 16:08 你就可以在類似git的平台上 running the entire lawmaking process and 16:11 開始啟動整個立案的過程 Democratic process on like natively on a 16:14 對此方向我是十分興奮的 git like platform so I'm incredibly excited for uh that direction a 16:20 第四個專案的計畫 fourth project that we are currently 16:22 我想你也會很感興趣 pursuing that I thought might be 16:24 我們這在追求一個平台 interesting to you is that we are 16:26 是可以暫時為非營利的範疇 looking into developing a platform for 16:29 作為法令跟金融諮詢的服務 legal and financial support for emporarily scoped non-profit efforts 16:34 我們把這個東西叫做藍色基金 we're calling this blue funds it's a 16:37 這是一個非常抽象的想法 fairly abstract idea it's best described 16:40 最好是把她描述成一個新創公司跟創投 by analogy in the same the same relationship that a 16:44 那樣的關係一般 startup has to a venture capital firm we 16:47 那我們會暫時選取非營利的範疇 expect that there will be new temporally 16:50 去作為我們藍色基金的合作對象 scoped non-profit efforts 16:54 或是這樣的藍色基金,我們將會允許 in a relationship to this blue fund or 16:59 上面的創意機制 these blue funds that we will allow for 17:02 the creation of uh 17:04 這個最初的提案是在Protocol Labs的CEO I this was initially proposed publicly 17:09 對外演講的時候 in a talk that uh Juan Bennet gave 17:12 他所提及的 founder CEO protocol Labs 17:15 跟這裡有關的事情是 and it's uh it's linked right here 17:17 資本的市場現實 and he talks through how the power of 17:20 是有關資本主義的權利 capital markets comes from the fact that 17:22 是怎麼樣把投資作為未來的收益回報 you can invest capital in return for future revenue and 17:29 這樣概括性的結構與串聯 this structure cascades and generalizes 17:32 你可以透過這個綠色六邊形表示 very nicely and you could wear in this 17:35 這些就是銷售創投支持的產品 representation you have green hexagons that are teams that are 17:41 來產生利潤來去產生營收的團隊 generating profit by selling products being funded by Venture capitalists 17:45 你可以想像另外一個模擬的機制 you can imagine an analogous structure 17:47 他們不是用營利來去想像 where instead of uh being for-profit 17:50 而是單純地用影響力跟非營利的產生 these are purely for impact and 17:53 non-profit generating where instead of 17:56 而非去傳播他們的資產 propagating instead of propagating Equity shares 18:02 他們在傳遞那些有潛力的物品 they are propagating something 18:03 像是超級證書這種可以追溯正向影響力 potentially like hypercerts where it really just tracks the attribution of 18:09 這樣你就可以擁有一個與資本主義 the positive impact and you can have an 18:11 完全平行的機制 entire parallel system to what 18:13 不僅僅只是想把利益最大化 capitalism is but instead of just trying to maximize 18:16 你是想把對這個世界的影響最大化 profits you're trying to maximize the 18:18 這是一個非常有野心且與我們現在擁有的 positive impact on the world this is a very ambitious and 18:26 非常不同的經濟典範 different economic Paradigm than what we 18:28 也可能需要某些巨大的改變 have now and may require significant 18:30 像是採用現在貨幣制度的某些要素 changes like uh the adoption of some components of modern monetary Theory so 18:36 以便這個主權貨幣的發行 that Sovereign currency issuing uh or 18:39 或現在那些擁有主權貨幣發行國家 solving currency issuers Nations who 18:41 可以擁有他們自己的貨幣去持續贊助 have their own currency can proceed to fund 18:47 那些具有高度影響公共性的事務 high impact public goods and Commons 18:49 或是一般回溯性的方式去支持 retrospectively in ways that there may 18:52 那些現代政府經濟圈不會感興趣的議題 not be appetite for in current government economic circles 18:57 最後一個我想要在這個活動所強調的 ne last project that I would love to highlight is this movement for the 19:02 是貢獻者的協作系統 Builders of coordination systems we're 19:03 我們之前有一個大會叫做贊助公共財 have a conference called funding the commons 19:06 我們想在明年辦大概20場的類似論壇 um we are planning on doing roughly 20 19:08 兩場可能會是大型的活動 of these conferences next year two will 19:10 其他的會以較小的模式去執行 be large events many others will be 19:13 可能是更小型的快閃活動方式 smaller scattered pieces and or sorry 19:16 可能放在 smaller pop-up events at up like next to 19:19 大型活動旁邊或是就參與他們的周邊活動 or a joint with other large events in 19:24 實際上我們會有幾個星期 the space and we are in fact in a few 19:27 會抵達台灣去找尋一些場地 weeks coming to Taiwan to scout some 19:31 是有可能去辦理「贊助公共財」的台灣版本 venues for a possible Funding in the 19:33 因為對於g0v這樣社群的存在 Commons in Taiwan because of how excited 19:35 真的感到無比興奮 we are about the g0v Community 19:38 我有一點點超過時間了 I'm running a bit low on time and so I 19:40 我想要快速的帶過這邊 want to quickly go through there are 19:42 這裡有很多很有趣的問題 many questions that we're interested in 19:44 有關如何改進科學的過程進行 related to either how to improve the 19:46 如何改善治理的模式 scientific process how to improve 19:48 政府如何去治理政府的財產及政府系統 governance how government governance properties or government systems 19:52 或許會對於很多改變有所回應 might respond uh to various changes 19:56 還有一些有關社會選擇理論 also some open questions around 19:58 及相關倫理的開放性問題 social Choice Theory or ethics 20:00 如果你對上述提及的有任何想法 um if you have any thoughts on these 20:02 我們都很樂意的參與 questions we'd love to engage if you 20:04 如果你在此有任何嚴謹的工作內容 have any rigorous work on these we'd 20:06 我們都很樂意你把你的經費在評論中提出 love to have you presented a fund in the 20:08 我們對於任何進行解決問題工具的那些計畫也都感到興奮 comments we also are very enthusiastic about uh projects that are implementing Solutions tools etc.. related to 20:17 有關科學人的相互合作 coordination within science humans 20:19 一般都會解決缺乏激勵機制的問題 generally solving incentive problems I 20:22 我會很樂意看到新的工具被生產出來 would love to see the creation of tools 20:23 讓這些人們輕易的去習慣新的工具是如此強大 that are so robust and easy to use that people get use 20:29 人們開始在開始在他們的社交生活、在它們社區中玩得遊戲中使用他們 people start using them in their social lives in the games that they play in the communities they're a part of so that 20:34 這樣當它們需要解決那些社區內或政府中真的重要的問題時 when it comes time to solve real problems really important problems with their Community or with their government 20:40 他們就可以使用完同相同的工具 that they reach for the exact same tools 20:44 這比起美國政府常常仰賴的方式 that are far more capable than the ones 20:46 還來得可靠的多 that for instance the US government frequently relies on 20:51 有關如何持續的參與 um in terms of what how to stay engaged 20:55 很明顯Matt將會解答,稍後他會回答這些問題 obviously Matt will have the we'll be 20:58 再來一點時間 answering questions uh shortly but I did 21:00 我這邊想要拉進一些連結進來 want to include some links here for if 21:02 如果你想加入Hypercerts的Telegram群組 you wanted to join the telegram group on 21:04 或是話語圖(discourse graphs)的Discord群組 hypercerts or a Discord to discuss discourse graphs 21:07 或是可以看看其他我們的專案,我們也會注意到你的進入 or check out some of the other projects we have and I also will note 21:10 我也用Evan的名字進到了g0v的slack群組 that I did sneak into the the g0v Taiwan slack under the name Evan 21:15 你可以在裡面找到我 and so you can find me there and I will 21:18 我可能沒有辦法像你們使用上回覆那麼迅速 maybe not be as responsive as you might 21:20 但我會想辦法盡快的回覆任何找我的人 like but I will try and get back to 21:21 很謝謝你們今天的時間 anyone who messages me thank you so much 21:23 至今能夠認識有在g0v有過貢獻的人們 uh it's been a real pleasure getting to 21:26 這真的是一件非常榮幸的事情 know everyone that I've met so far at 21:27 很感謝你們且我希望你們好好享受接下來的會議 g0v and I hope you enjoy the rest of the conference day thank you so much 21:30 再見 bye