--- title: 數學系 --- ###### tags: `師大選課` ## 數學系 #### 數值分析(一 ) ( 應該不能自學 ) 可抵"科學計算導論"學分 1. Mathematical preliminaries 2. Direct methods for solving linear systems 3. Iterative techniques in matrix algebra 4. Solutions of equations in one variable 5. Numerical solutions of nonlinear systems of equations >參考書目: >1. Numerical analysis, R. L. Burden and J. D. Faires, 新月圖書公司 >2. Numerical analysis: Mathematics of scientific computing, D. Kincaid and W. Cheney, 新月圖書公司 #### 複變數函數論 ( 大三必修 ) 1. 複數平面(3週) * 代數運算 * 複數平面幾何 * 球面投影 * 拓樸結構 2. 複數函數及其微分 (3週) * 極限與連續 * 多值函數簡介 * 解析函數 * Cauchy-Riemann條件 * 保角變換 * 多項式及有理函數 * 冪級數 * 指數函數 * 對數函數 * 三角函數 * 反三角函數 3. 積分 (3週) * 積分之定義及性質 * Cauchy積分定理 * Cauchy積分公式及其應用 4. 級數 (3週) * Taylor 級數 * Laurent級數 * 孤立奇異點 * 極點 * 本質奇異點的性質 * 無限積 5. 留數定理及其應用 (4週) * 留數定理 * 三角函數 * 有理函數及多值函數之瑕積分的計算 * 零根個數之探討(含 Rouché定理與幅角原理) >參考書目:J. W. Brown and R. V. Churchill, _Complex variables and applications #### 微分方程導論 ( 大二必修 ) 1. 一階微分方程 * 唯一存在定理 * 正合方程式 * 積分因子(含特殊積分因子和特殊變換) * 可分離變數方程式 * 齊次方程式 * 線性方程式 * Bernoulli 方程式 2. 二階及高階微分方程 * 常係數線性齊次方程式 * Wronskian * 未定係數法 * 參數變異法 * Cauchy-Euler 方程式 * 共震效應 3. Laplace 變換 * Laplace 變換之定義與其基本性質 * 褶積 * Laplace 變換之逆變換 * Laplace 變換在線性方程式或在線性系統方程組上的應用 4. 級數解 * 正規點或奇異點之冪級數解 * Bessel 方程式 * Legendre 方程式 >參考書目:Elementary Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems. (C.Henry Edwards and David E. Penney) #### 微分幾何 ( 大三必修 ) ( 一 ) ( 二 ) --- 1. 第一、二基本式 2. 曲面上曲線的測地曲率、法曲率,曲面的高斯曲率,均曲率 3. 旋轉曲面、最小曲面、直紋曲面等 4. 保距變換、保角變換 5. 高斯曲率的內在性定理 6. 測地線、指數變換、共變微分、平行性 7. Gauss-Bonnet定理 >參考書目: >1. M. P. Do Carmo, Differential Geometry of Curve and Surfaces, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1976. >2. A. Gray, E. Abbena and S. Salamon, Modern differential geometry of curves and surfaces with Mathematica, Third edition. Studies in Advanced Mathematics. Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, FL, 2006. >3. W. Kühnel, Differential geometry-Curves, surfaces, manifolds, Fourth edition. Vieweg, Wiesbaden, 2008. ISBN: 978-3-8348-0411-2 >4. J. McCleary, Geometry from a differentiable viewpoint, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1994. >5. B. O'Neill, Elementary Differential Geometry, 2nded. Elsevier/Academic Press, Amsterdam, 2006. >6. A. Pressley, Elementary differential geometry. Second edition. Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series. Springer-Verlag London, Ltd., London, 2010. >7. P. M. H. Wilson, Curved spaces. From classical geometries to elementary differential geometry. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2008. #### 數學導論 ( 大一必修 ) >參考書目:Foundations of Higher Mathematics, by Peter Fletcher and C. Wayne Patty #### 線性代數 ( 大一必修 ) ( 一 ) ( 二 ) 1. Systems of Linear Equations: * 一次聯立方程組及基本列運算 * 解聯立方程組 * Echelon Form 的性質 2. Matrix: * 矩陣的運算 * 轉置運算 * 基本矩陣 * 矩陣和聯立方程組的連結 * 可逆矩陣 3. Vector Spaces坐標平面中的向量 * 向量空間的定義及其基本性質 * 子空間 * 線性組合 * 線性獨立 * 基底與維度 * 與矩陣相關的子空間 4. Inner Product Space: * 內積定義及性質 * 投影與 Gram-Schmidt Process * 矩陣運算和內積的連結 * 聯立方程組和內積的連結 --- 1. 行列式 (Determinants) * 二階行列式 (Determinants of order 2) --面積 * n 階行列式 (Determinants of order n)  --體積 * 行列式的性質 (Properties of determinants)  * 行列式的特徵 (A characterization of determinant)  2. 固有值與固有向量 (Eigenvalues and eigenvectors) 3. 座標變換矩陣 (The change of coordinate matrix) 4. 對角化 (Diagonalizabiity)  5. 矩陣極限與馬可夫鍊 (Matrix limits and Markov chains) 6. 不變子空間與開立-漢米爾敦定理 (Invariant subspaces and the Caley-Hamilton Theorem) 7. 內積向量空間 (Inner product spaces) * 內積與範數 (inner products and norms) * 格蘭-史密斯正交化程序、正交補集 (Gram-Schmidt orthogonalizatio process and orthogonal complements)  * 正交投影 (Orthogonal projection and spectral theorem) * 雙線性與二次型 (Bilinear forms and quadratic forms) >參考書目:S. Friedberg, A. J. Insel and L. E. Spence, Linear Algebra,  4thEdition, Person #### 高等微積分 ( 大二必修 ) ( 一 ) ( 二 ) 1. 實數系 * 代數運算 * 完備性 * 最小上界性質 * 阿基米德性質 * 有限集 * 可數集與不可數集 * 有理數的可數性 2. 實數數列與級數 * 數列與級數的極限 * 柯西數列 * 上極限與下極限 * 夾擠定理 3. 函數的極限與連續 * 極限與連續的e-d定義 * 連續函數在有限區間中的中間值定理與極值定理 * 函數的均勻連續性 4. 函數的微分 * 導函數的定義與基本運算規則 * 高階導函數 * 均值定理 * Taylor定理 * L’Hospital法則 * 反函數定理 * 牛頓求根法 5. 函數的積分 * Riemann積分理論 * 變數變換規則 * 微積分基本定理 * 瑕積分 6. 函數數列與函數級數 * 逐點收斂與均勻收斂 * Weierstrass _M_-試驗 * 均勻收斂與連續性 * 可微性、可積性之關聯 * Weierstrass近似定理 * 實解析函數 --- 1. 函數空間的距離結構 * 均勻收斂 * 冪級數與解析函數 * Arzela-Ascoli 定理 * Weierstrass 近似定理 * Banach 收縮原理與應用 2. 多變數函數之微分 * 全微分的線性變換觀點 * 微分的連鎖律 * 偏導數 * 方向導數 * 反函數定理 * 隱函數定理 * Jacobian矩陣 * 多變數函數之均值定理, * Taylor展開式 * 二階微分判斷函數之臨界值與極值 * Lagrange乘子法 3. 多變數函數之積分 * 多變數的 Riemann 積分 * 連續函數之 Fubini 定理 * 積分之變數變換規則 * 線積分與 Green 定理 4. 傅立葉級數理論 * 定義 * 收斂性 * Bessel 不等式 * Parseval 等式 * Plancherel 等式 * 特殊級數 >參考書目:An Introduction to Analysis, 4rh ed. William R. Wade #### 代數學 ( 大二必修 ) ( 一 ) ( 二 ) 1. Introduction to groups 2. Subgroups, Lagrange's theorem 3. Normal subgroups and quotient groups 4. Group homomorphisms, isomorphism theorems, and correspondence theorem 5. Cyclic groups, direct products 6. Finite abelian groups 7. Symmetric groups 8. Group actions 9. p-Groups and Sylow theorems --- 1. Elementary properties of rings 2. Zero divisors, units, subrings, examples 3. Ideals, quotients 4. Isomorphism theorems 5. Ring of integers, polynomial rings 6. Euclidean domain, PID, UFD 7. Fields, extension fields 8. Algebraic elements, algebraic closure, roots of polynomials 9. Finite fields >參考書目:各種抽象代數 ( Abstract Algebra ) #### 數論 1. 整除性 * 因數與倍數 * 最大公因數與最小公倍數 * 質數與合成數 * 因數分解 2. 數論函數 * 正因數的個數 * Euler Phi函數 * Mobius函數等算術函數 3. 同餘 * 同餘的基本性質(Fermat定理、Euler定理、Wilson定理) * 中國剩餘定理 4. 同餘方程式 * 二次剩餘 * Gauss二次互反定律 * 秩與原根 5. 平方和問題 * 四平方和定理(Lagrange定理) * 畢氏三數組 * Fermat無窮遞降法(Fremat infinite descent method) >參考書目: >1. J-K Strayer : Elementary Number Theory >2. K-H Rosen : Elementary Number Theory and its Applications #### 機率導論 >參考書目: >1. Ross, S. (2013). A First Course in Probability, Pearson New International Edition. 9th edition. >2. Rice, J. A. (1995). Mathematical Statistics and Data Analysis, 2nd edition. #### 黎曼幾何 ( 天文重力學程 ) #### 近世代數 1. Some basic group theory 2. Group actions 3. Sylow theorems, p-groups 4. Permutation groups 5. Solvable groups and nilpotent groups 6. Module theory 7. Rings, Ideals, and Modules 8. Simple modules and primitive rings 9. Artinian rings and projective modules >參考書目:Algebra: A Graduate Course by  I. Martin Isaacs, Graduate Studies in Mathematics Vol. 100, published by American Mathematical Society. #### 統計計算 ( R語言 ) ( 一 ) ( 二 ) --- 1. 統計學習與統計商業應用導論 2. 大數據概論 3. Python 基礎教學 4. linear regression and K-Nearest Neighbor 5. Python 實作 6. small project 7. Classification: Logistic regression and Naive Bayes 8. Classification: Python  9. 統計驗證指標理論 Validation + Python 10. small project 11. Regression Tree 12. Python small  + 實例介紹 13. Kmeans Regression Tree and 14. Random Forest 15. Python 實作 16. project >參考書目: >1. [Hastie, Tibshirani and Friedman](https://web.stanford.edu/~hastie/ElemStatLearn/) 2009 The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction. >2. [Machine Learning in Python](https://scikit-learn.org/stable/index.html) #### 代數與數論 1. Modular arithmetic in the ring of integers and polynomials, Chinese Remainder Theorem * Euclid's Algorithms * Computing Square roots modulo p * The Legendre symbol 2. Some algorithms on polynomials * Euclid's algorithm for polynomials * Resultant of polynomials 3. Quadratic residues and Quadratic Reciprocity Law 4. Finite fields 5. Introduction to algebraic numbers and algebraic number fields 6. Algorithms for algebraic number theory I * Representation and operations on algebraic numbers * Trace, norm and characteristic polynomials * Orders and Ideals * Decomposition of prime numbers I >參考書目: >1. Henri Cohen, A course in Computational Algebraic Number Theory,GTM 138 >2. K. Ireland and M. Rosen, _A Classical Introduction to Modern Number Theory,_ Springer-Verlag >3. William Stein, Introduction to Algebraic Number Theory #### 編碼學 #### 回歸分析 #### 數理統計 ( 一 ) ( 二 ) 1. 機率 * 條件機率 * 邊際分配 * 條件分配 * 隨機獨立 * 隨機變數的函數的分配的求法 * 隨機收斂 2. 統計量與樣本分配 * 統計量概念 * 條件分配 * t 分配 * F 分配 * 中央極限定理 3. 估計 * 點估計 * 最概估計 * 動差法 * 估計式判準 * 區間估計 * 平均值與變異數的區間估計 4. 充分性與完備性 * 充分統計量概念與性質 * 統計量的完備性與指數類 5. 假設檢定 * 假設檢定概念 * 奈曼-皮爾遜基本定理 * 一致最強力檢定 * 概度比檢定 6. 無母數統計方法 * 魏耳康檢定 * 符號檢定 * 等級和檢定 * 梅恩-懷特尼-魏耳康檢定 * 兩分配等同檢定 --- 1. Comparison of estimates - optimality theory * Criteria of estimation * Uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimates * The information theory * Large sample theory: consistency, asymptotic normality and asymptotic efficiency 2. Confidence intervals * The one dimensional case * Confidence regions of higher dimension 3. Hypothesis testing * The elements of hypothesis testing * Power and sample size * The Neyman-Pearson lemma * Uniformly most powerful tests * Likelihood ratio tests >參考書目: >1. Hogg, McKean, Craig(2005) Introduction to Mathematical Statistics, Prentice Hall, 6th edition. >2. Sheldon Ross, "A First Course in Probability" 8th edition. >3. Hogg & Tanis, "Probability and Statistical Inference" 8th edition. >4. Rohatgi(1976), An Introduction to Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, John Wiley & Sons. >5. Casella Berger, Statistical Inference, Second edition. >6. Bickel, Doksum(2001)Mathematical Statistics, Basic Ideas and Selected Topics 2e, Prentice >7. Hogg McKean Craig(2013)Introduction to Mathematical Statistics 7e, Pearson >8. Rohatgi, Saleh(2015)An introduction to probability and statistics 3e,Wiley #### 矩陣計算 ( 應該不能自學 ) 運用電腦處理矩陣問題。 1. Iterative methods for solving large sparselinear system 2. Conjugategradient method 3. CG-method asan iterative method, preconditioning 4. GCG-type methods for nonsymmetric linear systems 5. GMRES: generalized minimal residual algorithm forsolving nonsymmetric linear systems 6. Krylov method for solving eigenvalue problems >參考書目: >1. G. H. Golub and C. F. Van Loan, Matrix Computations, Third edition  >2. W. W. Lin, Lecture Notes of Matrix Computations, 2010 #### 電子計算機概論 #### 離散數學 1. 基本計數原理 2. 排列、組合 3. 二項式係數 4. 排容原理 5. 遞迴關係 6. 生成函數 7. 特殊組合數列 8. Polya 計數原理 >參考書目: >1. R.A. Brualdi, Introductory Combinatorics, 歐亞書局89121188 >2. C.L. Liu, Introduction to Combinatorial Mathematics, 俊傑圖書公司  23770477 >3. C.L. Liu, Elements of Discrete Mathematics, 俊傑圖書公司 23770477 >4. L. Lovza, J. Pelikan, K. Vesztergombi, Discrete Mathematics , 新月 圖書 23317856 >5. R. Johnsonbough, Discrete Mathematics , 華泰文化 21621217 #### 高等幾何 ( 大二選修 ) ( 一 ) ( 二 ) 1. 歐氏幾何 * 保距變換 * 相似變換 * 反演變換 2. 射影幾何 * 射影平面模型的建造 * 介紹齊次坐標 * 對偶原理 * 錐線 * 射影變換 * 直射變換 * Desargues定理 * Pappus定理 * Pascal定理 3. 二次曲線理論與仿射幾何 #### 高等線性代數 ( 大三選修 ) ( 一 ) ( 二 ) 1. Vector spaces and Dimension 2. Linear Transformations and Matrices 3. Characteristic Polynomials and Minimal Polynomials 4. Decomposition of a Linear Operator 5. Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues 6. Form Reductions --- 1. Elementary Canonical Forms 2. The Rational and Jordan Forms 3. Inner Product Spaces 4. Operators on Inner Product Space 5. Bilinear Forms >參考書目: >1. Curtis,  Linear Algebra: An Introductory Approach (UTM) >2. Friedberg, Insel and Spence, Linear Algebra >3. Blyth & Robertson, Further Linear Algebra >4. Linear Algebra by Kenneth Hoffman and Ray Kunze #### 統計學 ( 大三選修 ) 1. 敘述統計 2. 機率概論 3. 統計量與樣本分配 4. 點估計 * 最大概似估計 * 平均數估計 * 變異數估計 * 比例估計 5. 區間估計 * 單一母體平均值 * 單一母體比例 * 兩獨立母體平均差值 * 成對資料平均差值 6. 假設檢定概念 * 單一母體平均值檢定 * 變異數的檢定 * 比例的檢定 * 兩獨立母體平均值檢定 7. 變異數分析 8. 簡單線性迴歸 9. 卡方檢定 >參考書目: >1. Hogg, R. V. & Tanis, E. A. (2014). Probability and Statistical Inference, Prentice Hall, (GE)(9版). >2. Rice, J. A. (1995). Mathematical Statistics and Data Analysis, 2nd edition. #### 實變分析 ( 碩班 ) 1. Locally compact Hausdorff spaces 2. Measures and measurable sets * Numerical summation * Measurable hulls 3. Borel sets * Borel families * The space of sequences of positive integers * Images of Borel sets * Borel functions 4. Borel regular measures and their images * Approximation by closed sets * Nonmeasurable sets * Radon measures 5. Measurable functions * Approximation theorems * Spaces of measurable functions 6. Tensor products and functional analysis 7. Lebesgue integration * Limit theorems * Lebesgue spaces 8. Linear functionals * Lattices of functions * Daniell integrals * Linear functionals on Lebesgue spaces * Riesz’s representation theorem * Curve length * Riemann-Stieltjes integration 9. Product measures * Fubini’s theorem * Lebesgue measure >參考書目: >1. [筆記資源](https://cantor.math.ntnu.edu.tw/nc/index.php/s/NFwnQ3GLkYnEe87)>; the password is available from [Cathy Li](https://cantor.math.ntnu.edu.tw/index.php/en/staff-en/). Similar material will be made available during Part II. >2. Herbert Federer. Geometric measure theory. Die Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften, Band 153. Springer-Verlag New York Inc., New York, 1969. [URL](https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-62010-2). >3. John L. Kelley. _General topology._ Springer-Verlag, New York, 1975. Reprint of the 1955 edition [Van Nostrand, Toronto, Ont.], Graduate Texts in Mathematics, No. 27. >4. Ulrich Menne. _Real Analysis._ Lecture notes, National Taiwan Normal University, 2022. #### 偏微分方程導論 ( 碩班 ) 1. Heat equation 2. Maximum principle 3. Linear and nonlinear elliptic equations 4. Weak solution 5. Viscosity solution 6. Minimizers >參考書目: >1. L.C. Evans, Partial Differential equations >2. J. Jost, Partial Differential Equations 2ed >3. Q. H and F. Lin, Elliptic Partial Differential Equations >4. J. Heinonen and T. Kilpelainen and O. Martio, Nonlinear Potential Theory of Degenerate Elliptic Equations #### 應用數學專題 ( 應該不能自學 ) 1. PageRank 2. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) 3. Support Vector Machine (無監督學習) 4. Mathematical Image Processing 5. Least squares data fitting 6. Constrained least squares >參考書目: >1. Stephen Boyd and Lieven Vandenberghe, Introduction to. applied linear algebra >2. Jean Gallier and Jocelyn Quaintance, Linear algebra and optimization with applications to machine learning >3. 李航,統計學習方法 #### 影像處理與分析 ( 應該不能自學 ) 1. Geometry of Curves and Surfaces 2. Deterministic Image Models 3. Topic I: Algorithm and Implementation 4. Interpolation Schemes for Image Inpainting 5. Partial Differential Equation Inpainting Method  6. Topic II: Algorithm and Implementation 7. Active Contours for Image Segmentation 8. Students' Midterm Reports 9. Functions with Bounded Variations 10. Variational Methods for Image Inpainting 11. Topic III: Algorithm and Implementation 12. Variational Methods for Image Segmentation 13. Topic IV: Algorithm and Implementation 14. Students' Final Reports >參考書目: >1. Gilles Aubert and Pierre Kornprobst, Mathematical Problems in Image Processing, Partial Differential Equations andthe Calculus of Variations, 2nd Edit." >2. Tony Chan, Jianhong Shen, _Image Processing And Analysis_, Societyfor Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2005. >3. Per Christian Hansen, James G. Nagy, and Dianne P.O’Leary, _Deblurring Images: Matrices,Spectra, and Filtering_, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics,2006. >4. Rafael C. Gonzalez and Richard E. Woods, _Digital Image Processing_, Prentice-Hall,2008 #### 類別資料分析 * Week 1 : Introduction to analysis of categorical data: scale of measurement, sampling frameworks, analysis strategies, contingency tables * Week 2 : Introduction to analysis of categorical data: scale of measurement, sampling frameworks, analysis strategies, contingency tables * Week 3 : The 2×2 table: hypothesis testing, exact methods, difference in proportions, measures of association, sensitivity and specificity, McNemar’s test for matched pair data * Week 4 : The 2×2 table: hypothesis testing, exact methods, difference in proportions, measures of association, sensitivity and specificity, McNemar’s test for matched pair data * Week 5 : Logistic regression I: dichotomous response; dichotomous, nominal, continuous and ordinal explanatory variables; model fitting; goodness of fit; testing hypotheses; maximum likelihood estimation * Week 6 : Logistic regression I: dichotomous response; dichotomous, nominal, continuous and ordinal explanatory variables; model fitting; goodness of fit; testing hypotheses; maximum likelihood estimation * Week 7 : Logistic regression I: dichotomous response; dichotomous, nominal, continuous and ordinal explanatory variables; model fitting; goodness of fit; testing hypotheses; maximum likelihood estimation * Week 8 : Midterm exam * Week 9 : Sets of 2×2 tables: Mantel-Haenszel test, measures of association * Week 10 : Logistic regression II: polytomous response, proportional odds model, generalized logits model, model fitting * Week 11 : Sets of 2×r and s×2 tables: comparing two groups with ordered columns, comparing ordered groups with dichotomous response * Week 12 : Poisson regression * Week 13 : Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE) * Week 14 : The s×r table: tests for association, measures of association, exact test, observer agreement * Week 15 : Individual Oral Presentation * Week 16 : Group Oral Presentation * Week 17 : Additional Paper Assignment and Discussion * Week 18 : Additional Paper Assignment and Discussion >1.  Stokes, M. E., Davis, C. S., Koch, G. G. Categorical Data Analysis Using the SAS System,2nd edition. SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, 2000. >2.  Kutner, M. H., Nachtsheim, C. J., Neter, J., and Li, W. (2005). Applied Linear Statistical Models, 5th edition. McGraw-Hill. >3.  Agrestic, A. (2007) An Introduction to Categorical Data Analysis, 2nd edition, John Wiley & Sons, INC. #### 程式設計 ( 大一選修 ) 1. 程式設計基本流程 * 程式設計一般概念 * 流程圖與虛擬碼 * 程式語言分類及基本結構 * 程式的編輯 * 編譯與執行 2. 資料型態與運算子 * 變數名稱 * 常數及變數的宣告 * 陣列元素與多維陣列 * 運算子與運算式 3. 程式流程的控制 * 結構化程式設計 * 條件敘述 * 迴圈敘述及架構 4. 物件導向程式設計 * 類別與物件概念 * 屬性 * 方法 * 函數及事件建立與應用 5. 程式結構 * 模組 * 程式、 * 副程式 * 內建函數的結構與應用 6. 資料檔案 * 輸出入方法與檔案存取 * 循序檔 * 隨機檔基本資料庫建立 7. 程式應用 * 排序和搜尋 * 佇列和堆疊 * 電腦繪圖 > 參考書目: >1. [Learning Python, Fourth Edition](http://oreilly.com/catalog/9780596158071) by Mark Lutz. >2. [Python 學習手冊第三版](http://www.oreilly.com.tw/product2_c.php?id=a240). 譯者:陳建勳 >3. [精通Python 3 程式設計(第二版)](http://www.books.com.tw/exep/prod/booksfile.php?item=0010488305) 譯者:蔣大偉 #### 拓樸學 ( 一 ) ( 二 ) 拓樸學是不考慮長度與角度的幾何學,通常以點集拓樸與代數拓樸的介紹為入門。 1. 定義: 開閉集 2. 函數:連續 3. 連通集 4. 緊緻集 5. $R^n$ 6. 收斂概念 7. 以分析學為應用介紹 * Urysohn’s Lemma and Tietze’s Theorem * The Stone-Weierstraß Theorem * The Arzelà-Ascoli Theorem >參考書目:Stefan Waldmann, Topology #### 計算共形幾何 ( 一 ) ( 應該不能自學 ) 1. Background and Recent Development of Computational Conformal Geometry 2. Homotopy Groups 3. Simplicial Homology and Cohomology 4. Topological Algorithms 5. Harmonic Mappings 6. Students' Midterm Reports 7. Conformal Mappings 8. Surface Registration and Morphing 9. Students' Final Reports >參考書目:Xianfeng David Gu, Shing-Tung Yau, _Computational Conformal Geometry_, Higher Education Press, 2008. #### 密碼學 1. The development of cryptography 2. Cryptography in theory and practice 3. The RSA cryptosystem 4. Cryptography and calculation 5. Elliptic curve cryptography >參考書目:[J. Hoffstein, J. Pipher, J. Silverman: An Introduction to Mathematical Cryptography](https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-1-4939-1711-2) #### 橢圓曲線導論 1. 橢圓曲線的幾何結構 * 射影空間 * 曲線和切線 * 三次曲線 * Weierstrass 標準方程式、判別式 * j-不變量 * 橢圓曲線上的群結構 2. 橢圓曲線上的複數點 * 橢圓函數 * Weierstrass P-函數 * 黎曼曲面 * 橢圓積分 3. 橢圓曲線相關的算術問題 * 丟翻圖問題 * 橢圓曲線上的有理點群 * 莫代爾定理之敘述 * 高度函數與莫代爾定理 * 莫代爾群的秩 *  莫代爾群的扭轉子群 * Lutz-Nagell 定理 4. 定義在有限體上的橢圓曲線 * 有限體性質 * 橢圓曲線模質數 p * 橢圓曲線有限體點個數 * 應用 >參考書目: >1. J. Silverman and J. Tate:Rational Points on Elliptic Curves, UTM,Springer-Verlag(1992) >2. J. Silverman : The Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves, GTM 106, Springer-Verlag (1986) >3. A. W. Knapp : Elliptic Curves, Mathematical Notes, Princeton University Press #### 圖形學 1. 圖形學簡介 2. Euler握手定理、Havel可劃定理、Euler圖、中國郵差問題 3. Hamilton圖、最短路徑問題 4. 樹圖、最小連通管問題 5. 平面圖、Euler公式 6. 著色問題、四色問題 7. 有向圖形 8. 競賽中的圖論問題、朗賽理論、Schur定理、配對問題、Hall定理 --- **圖形理論**(Graph Theory)起源於18世紀的『康城七橋問題』。康城(Konigsberg)是德國北部東普魯士(Eastern Prussia)內一個風景優美的大城,市內有很多的山川河流, 其中Pregel河將康城分成四個小鎮,其間的通路僅依賴七座橋。著名的『康城七橋問題』是指:能否找出一條通路,由某一小鎮出發,並通過每一座橋恰好一次後, 又回到原出發點?這個問題流傳了半個世紀始終無法獲得滿意的解答,直到西元1736年,才由著名的數學家Euler透過圖形學的簡單理論而獲得解決;之後, 就有許多有趣的問題、演算法及數學模型孕育而生. 修讀圖形學將有助於學生提升其解題思維及論證能力, 本課程內容的主要概念發展如下: 1736年Konigsberg Bridge Problem, Euler圖, Hamilton圖, 簡單圖、連通圖,  平面圖, 四色問題 (1976 Apple & Haken)、二部圖、正則圖形、加權圖、有向圖, 樹圖的特徵, 生成樹,   Cayley定理, Euler握手定理, Havel可劃定理, Euler定理, 最短路徑問題, Ore-Dirac定理,  Redei 定理、Knight Tour Problem, Eule 公式,  Cauchy定理(Only 5 regular convex polyhedra), 可平面化圖形充要條件:Kuratowski定理, Ramsey Theory, Schur 定理 , Matching theory ,  Hall Principle , marriage 定理. **應 用:** 1. Bracing Rectangular Frameworks 2. Four-Cubes Problem 3. Chinese postman problem 4. Rotating Drum Problem 5. Minimum Connector Problem 6. World Wide Web Communities 7. Four-color problem 8. Job Assignments >參考書目: >1. R.J. Wilson, Introduction to Graph Theory, Fourth Edition. >2. G. Agnarsson, R. Greenlaw, Graph Theory, 開發圖書 82423988 >3. D.B. West, Introduction to Graph Theory, 全華圖書 22625666 >4. L. Lovasz, J. Pelikan, and K. Vesztergombi, Discrete Mathematics , 新月圖書23317856