# Tunnels Data Collection Follow-up Notes ### 08/10/2022 ### 08/10/2022 In attendance: - Jess Beutler - Aziz Aman - Mary DeWitt-Dia - Derald Dudley - Erin Korris - Maggie Cawley - Greg Matthews - James McAndrew - Quincy Morgan - Maya Shapiro - Neil Trenk - Raquel Wright Updates: - Greg, Erin, & Jess met to get the ball rolling on User Testing Plan - Quincy has been cleaning up the tech stack to get everything running - Exploring option of embedding PD version of iD into OSM US tasking manager - Questions re: branding & making it clear that Public Domain map is an initiative - Utilize publicdomainmap.org properly as a landing page Walk-ons: - Greg is working on using OSM as a cartographic enhancement Actions by next meeting: - Derald, Maya, Maggie, Jess & Greg to meet on visioning - ### 07/13/2022 In attendance: - Jess Beutler - Mary DeWitt-Dia - Derald Dudley - Erin Korris - Jim McAndrew - Quincy Morgan - Raquel Wright - Maya Shapiro Updates: - Jim, Quincy, & Greg working on the build Actions by next meeting: - Started plan for user testing (Greg, Erin & Jess to meet separately) - Jess to share SOTM presentation - Jess & Martijn to meet in the next few weeks on MR workflow ### 06/29/2022 In attendance: - Jess Beutler - Gary Baker - Mary DeWitt-Dia - Derald Dudley - Erin Korris - Martijn Van Exel - Greg Matthews - James McAndrew - Quincy Morgan - Raquel Wright Updates: - Quincy & Jim met earlier this week for onboarding - Gary & Jim close to getting the build working - Derald put out contract for research on crowdsourcing at US DOT - Literature review - Road Mapping - Build the argument for crowdsourcing data Developing use cases and interests: - USDOT - Bridges - USGS - Potential use case for PDMap: place names Next Steps: - Gary & Jim working on documentation to make it easier for anyone to build ### 06/01/2022 Derald and Mary to pick up the notes. Github PdMap Page: https://github.com/publicdomainmap Florence in August - Framing the Message - Its about providing value to people not a license workaround ### 05/05/2022 In attendance: - Jess Beutler - Martijn - Mary DeWitt-Dia - Greg Matthews - Jim McAndrew - Maya Shapiro - Thomas Springsteen - Derald Dudley - Gary Baker Agenda/Notes - Server update - Ball is moving with UA - In conversation to get test deployment stood up - Testing phase - Greg M to start developing user testing phase - Need to document process, for evaluation & expansion - Quarterly Goals - Jess to sketch out 2022 milestones before next meeting ### 04/21/2022 In attendance: - Jess Beutler - Martijn - Mary DeWitt-Dia - Greg Matthews - Jim McAndrew - Maya Shapiro - Thomas Springsteen Agenda/Notes - Recap last meeting - Techincal environment - Stack is up and running in the dev environment - Current server doesn't have space for multiple server environments - To do - Jess to push along conversation with UA on server space - Martijn to attempt standing up current version before pushing to production ### 02/09/2022 In attendance: - Jess Beutler - Gary Baker - Derald Dudley - Erin Korris - Greg Matthews - James McAndrew - Maya Sela Shapiro - Thomas Springsteen - Raquel Wright Agenda/Notes * Status updates * Jim dev set up * Set up webhooks on webpage * Looking into either dev branch or netlify * Discussion on how to spend funds * Meeting next week to discuss way to allocate funds * Mechanisms for contracting ### 01/25/2022 Agenda/Notes * Status updates - Jim on tech stack - We have more space on the server. - the iD editor has been updated, but I am still having trouble integrating it with the tasking manager. - I am splitting the projects into individual "containers" instead of running them all through one large docker-compose file. - I am working on setting up Continuous Deployment and Continuous Integration (CD/CI) on github using webhooks so everyone on the team can make updates through the server. - My planned timeline is that iD and the CD/CI will be ready by the end of February, so we will have all of March to test and make changes, and April 1 will be the launch. - Review meeting with Kathleen Liu - State of the Map US info * To do on github - [ ] Add issue for pop up/click through ### 11/16/2021 In attendance: - Jess Beutler - Gary Baker - Derald Dudley - Erin Korris - David Kraemer - Greg Matthews - Jim McAndrews - Maya Sela Shapiro - Thomas Springsteen - Raquel Wright Agenda/Notes * Status of Milestone 1: Internal Test Launch - [ ] Issue #7: Basemap removal - [x] Issue #16: Tunnel split instructions/general TM instruction face-lift - [x] Push to all active projects - [ ] Issue #13: Update graphics - [ ] Issue #22: Update text - [ ] Add partner logos * To do on Github - [x] Create folder location for logos * To do before launch - [ ] Jim to resolve server migration - [ ] Derald to create pull request by Friday for UI copy * Future meetings * Dec 9 - build time for demo on how to adjust text * Soft launch to include * Tier 1 * Internal group & select DOT * Tier 2 * DOT * Select OSM contributors * Select Map Corps * Validation * FRA / WG team * Review process discussion * Walk-on * Greg & Raquel proposal for transitioning bridge data from center points to end points; possible Phase 2 project or NMC ### 11/02/2021 In attendance: - Jess Beutler - Aziz Aman - Derald Dudley - Erin Korris - Greg Matthews - James McAndrew - Maya Sela Shapiro - Thomas Springsteen - Raquel Wright Agenda/Notes * Status of Milestone 1: Internal Test Launch - [ ] Issue #7: Basemap removal - [x] Issue #16: Tunnel split instructions/general TM instruction face-lift - [x] Push to all active projects - [ ] Issue #13: Update graphics - [ ] Issue #x: Update text - [ ] Any remaining steps before internal test? * Run down of open issues * Convert cards on "Server and Tech Stack Project" to issues? * To do on Github - [x] Create new issue for UI text - [x] Create Phase 3 project - [x] Add notes for 11/2 * To do before launch - [ ] Resolve milestone issues - [x] Maya to get copy for UI text - [x] Meet on 11/12 to review status/plan launch * Walk-ons - n/a ### 10/19/2021 In attendance: - Agenda/Notes * Status of Milestone 1: Internal Test Launch - [ ] Issue #7: Basemap removal - [ ] Issue #16: Tunnel split instructions/general TM instruction face-lift - [ ] Any remaining steps before internal test? * Run down of open issues * To do on Github - [ ] Set up milestones for Soft Launch(es) - [x] Internal test launch (10/19): Close issues `#7` and `#16` - [ ] Wider internal launch (10/26): after first test period - [ ] Open launch with NMC & OSM RR folks (tbd) - [x] Add notes for 10/19 * Walk-ons - Open Data for Good, need to have a review meeting Thursday after 4 or Friday after 11 # Tunnels Data Collection Follow-up Notes ### 10/5/2021 In attendance: - Jess Beutler, OSM US - Maya Sela Shapiro, PHMSA - Aziz Aman, FRA - Raquel Wright, FRA - Timothy Willingham - David Kramer - Greg Matthews - Jim McAndrews - Kyle Titlow Agenda/Notes * Run down of open issues * Clarification of issue `#15` - Not an issue number of active projects, but instead, need to shift scope to projects being as close to state-wide as possible * To do on Github - [x] Create a non-urgent type label - [x] Add data files from Raquel to github - [x] Close issue `#2` - [x] Set up milestones for Soft Launch(es) - [x] Internal test launch (10/19): Close issues `#7` and `#16` - [ ] Wider internal launch (10/26): after first test period - [ ] Open launch with NMC & OSM RR folks (tbd) * Walk-ons * Raquel presented at the ESRI event, included discussion of this project