# XXX > ✍️ Summarize yourslef with highlights. > > XXX > - > - Fullstack developer in Python, C#, Angular, and React.js. > - 4 years of Web backend development experience. > - 2 years of Web frontend development experience. > - Active practitioner in tech communities, such as Cloud Native's [glossary translation](https://glossary.cncf.io/zh-tw/), and Women in Data Science Taipei. ## WORKING EXPERIENCE Software Engineer @ Viverse 2023.06 - Now - Achieved an 80% coverage improvement in API automation using Python by continuously evaluating automation solutions with the Factory Method Pattern to reduce code coupling, effectively enhancing system reliability. - Built user-centric products with Next.js, integrating dynamic multi-language support and React components, while collaborating with PMs and UX teams to ensure high-performance delivery. - Ensured high performance by creating an Axios API layer with React Hooks, managing state with useContext and useReducer, and optimizing with useMemo and useCallback. > ✍️ Start from role & responsibilities and then list 2-3 achivements. > > **Software Engineer @ Viverse, 2023.06 - Present (1yr 3mos)** > **Product developer in Cloud-Based 3D Modeling team**, involved in Metaverse-related projects that validated business hypothesis at the early stage. > - Supported engineering teams in improving developer experience by desinging and developing automated testing tools. They were built on **Pytest with the Factory Method Pattern** and achieved **80% coverage** in critical funcationlities. > - Highly collaborated with product teams to deliver features in customer-facing platform (**Next.js**). In addition to product delivery, my main contributions included supporting **i18n** and integrating **Axios API layer with React Hooks**. Software Engineer @ Adecco 2021.08 - 2023.04 - Implemented automation solutions using Observer Pattern, emphasizing parallel system principles. Achieved a 20% coverage improvement for resilient software performance. - Focused on enhancing software reliability in the development of automation products. Collaborated on addressing script and infrastructure issues using the Abstract Factory pattern, resulting in a 25% decrease in system downtimes and overall improved stability. Software Engineer @ Micron Technology 2019.09 - 2021.03 - Achieved significant cost reduction for internal team collaboration through migrating application from existing MVC razor to Angular with reusable typescript components and the service with consumed API by .NET Core3 and deploy to Openshift as docker application. - Continuously evaluated and improved ETL delivery and support through the use of .NET Core, .NET framework, Microsoft SSIS, and database objects in MSSQL to effectively apply business logic within the semiconductor manufacturing industry. - Demonstrated customer focus by developing backend systems for data collection and delivering satisfactory services to stakeholders on a bi-weekly agile sprint basis. ## SKILL - **Programming**: Python C# - **Back-end**: .NET Core .NET Framework - **Front-end**: Angular Vue.js - **Software**: Linux/Unix Docker Openshift Jenkins Ansible Kubernetes > ✍️ Only list skills you are confident to talk about, with a appropriate classification. > > - **Programming Language**: Python, C# > - **Web Backend Framework**: .NET Core, .NET Framework > - **Web Frontend Framework**: Angular, React.js > - **OS & Container**: Docker, **Linux/Unix[!]**, ~~Kubernetes[!],~~ ~~Openshift~~ > - **IaC & CI/CD**: Jenkins, Ansible --- # References - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1m42ecIKUzQxJ_hOGy7cSgWtEvRrOC2-3/view