# The Federal Charter of the New Sanctum Federation # # **ARTICLE I - Incorporation and Powers** **Sec. 1.0 - Incorporation of the Federation** The New Sanctum Federation, and the inhabitants thereof shall continue to be a body politic and corporate under the name and style of the "New Sanctum Federation." Under that name the state shall be and continue to be vested with all of the property and rights of property, real and personal, which now belong to the corporation; shall have perpetual succession; may bring and defend actions; may contract and be contracted with; and may have a common seal and alter and renew the same at will. This Charter shall constitute the whole charter of the Federation or "State." References in this charter to "the Federation" the state" or "this state" or "state" refer to New Sanctum Federation. The Federation shall have perpetual existence. **Sec. 1.1 - Federal Powers of the Federation** This State shall have all powers possible for a State to have under the present or future Charter and laws of a Colony, as fully and completely as though they were specifically enumerated in this charter. This State shall have all the powers of self-government not otherwise prohibited by this charter or by general law. The powers of this state shall be construed liberally in favor of the state. The specific mention or failure to mention particular powers shall not be construed as limiting in any way the powers of this state. Said powers shall include, but are not limited to, the following: - **Contracts.** To enter into contracts and agreements with other entities and with private persons, firms and corporations; emergencies. To establish procedures for determining and proclaiming that an emergency situation exists inside or outside the State and to make and carry out all reasonable provisions deemed necessary to deal with or meet such an emergency for the protection, safety, health, or well-being of the citizens of the State; - **Regional agencies and delegation of power.** To create, alter, or abolish agencies, boards, offices, commissions, and Ministries of the State and to confer upon such organizations the necessary and appropriate authority for carrying out all the powers conferred upon or delegated to the same; - **Penalties & Crimes.** To provide penalties for violation of any federal law adopted pursuant to the authority of charter and laws of the Federation. - **Police and Security.** To exercise the power of arrest through duly appointed police officers and to establish, operate, or contract for a police and security agency; - **Colonial peace.** To provide for the prevention and punishment of riots, and colonial disturbances; **Sec. 1.2 - Exercise of powers.** All powers, functions, rights, privileges, and immunities of the Federation, its officers, agencies, or employees shall be carried into execution as provided by this Charter. If this Charter makes no provision such shall be carried into execution as provided by ordinance or as provided by pertinent laws of the Federation. **Section 1.3 - Government Structure, Elections, and Removal**