# WG newsletter blurbs
#### Week 44
## TL;DR
Outside of Catalyst funding, there are dedicated rapid-funding treasuries to be spent on improving various aspects of Project Catalyst.
The Project Catalyst Working Group (WG) is one example of such community-owned treasuries. The purpose of this working groups is to experiment the **side-treasuries model**. The Project Catalyst WG is currently developing a **bounty-based** workflow to solve high-priority issues. Contribute and get rewards!
| :zap: Fingers itching?? GET INVOLVED NOW and [JOIN THE CATALYST UNITED DISCORD](https://discord.gg/k3BfbJ9m) or [READ MORE](https://hackmd.io/@PA-vPATreasury/HJsnAOA7s#vPA-Process-Working-Group-Main-Page)|
### Background
In Fund8, a group of community members lead by the Catalyst Circle v3 Proposal Assessor representative recognised the need to establish a more flexible and rapid mechanism to incentivise improvements to Project Catalyst. This resulted in a [proposal](https://cardano.ideascale.com/c/idea/403745) aimed at improving the Catalyst QA process by creating a **Rapid Funding Treasury** to fund improvements PA & vPA processes in a distributed manner.
The first step was to approve the Treasury [charter](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zYMKkDKdZzRq4kW55ZBYQPOKR0xvngiZvJ6Ge8TaleU/edit#). Originally, the **purpose** was to **set up** and **maintain** a **bounty** driven **workflow** to organize work **around vPA process improvements**. The initial design can be [found here.](https://hackmd.io/@PA-vPATreasury/SJqcbF0Qj#The-current-Bounty-flow-visualised)
Since then, the scope has been broadened to accommodate documentation relevant to fund 10 (proposer guidelines, PA guide, vPA guide, vPA petitions process), recognising the integrated nature of Project Catalyst. It is difficult to improve the different parts in isolation. Hence, to better reflect the work, the name used currently is **“Project Catalyst Working Group”**.
### Working group structure
The idea is that each side-treasury is attached to a Working Group whose governance follows a framework determined by their statues. Under Working Groups, time-bound **task forces** can be formed, focusing on specific issues.
Right now, there is only one experimental task force dedicated to developing this model. This task force is the "[Catalyst Improvements f10 Task Force](https://hackmd.io/@PA-vPATreasury/S1H32eyNs)" and is a subset of the aforementioned [Project Catalyst Working Group](https://hackmd.io/@PA-vPATreasury/S1H32eyNs).
The work of the Working Group and Task Forces is coordinated using the Catalyst United [discord](https://discord.gg/TyQvFzZkcn) and [Dework](https://app.dework.xyz/catalyst-circle-ca-r/veteran-ca-wg) (currently using the vPA WG space).
#### Current work areas
1. Gather feedback and identify priority issues
2. Turn feedback and issues into actionable items in a bounty workflow
3. Propose changes to the proposer, proposal assessor and veteran proposal assessor guidelines and process
### Working Group Goals
#### Primary goals
- Improve vPA/PA process
- Setup & pilot distributed workflow
#### Secondary goals
- Create side treasuries after pilot
- Create documentation on how to set up workflow
- Problem-based-learning workshops on how to set up workflow
| :zap: Ready to get involved?! [JOIN THE CATALYST UNITED DISCORD](https://discord.gg/k3BfbJ9m) or [DIVE in to the DOCS](https://hackmd.io/@PA-vPATreasury/HJsnAOA7s#vPA-Process-Working-Group-Main-Page)|