# Procedures for Community Proposals I'm continuing to work on and refine this process for greater transparency and removal of bias. This is not and will not be the final version of this process. I am currently waiting on an open source development for polling based on SPS stake weight to be complete. This will become our "soft consensus layer." Once that's in place we will have a discussion and vote on the stake thresholds required to create a community proposal and firmly define the process. My hope is to also get us a website to make this entire process accessible to everyone in the community, even those that don't use Discord. ## Current Process Currently anyone can draft a proposal to be reviewed by the community. I will use my best judgement to figure out if it's actionable or can be made actionable with some adjustments and give feedback to the author where needed. The author may also reach out to me privately for this feedback before engaging the community if they so desire. These drafts are then shared in the [Draft Proposal Suggestion Thread](https://discord.com/channels/447924793048825866/1169932884807794748) in the Community Discord server. The community members can vote with a Check or X emoji on whether or not to open a thread to discuss the draft and potentially advance it to a community proposal. To open a thread requires a supermajority of Check emojis with more than 20 votes. Once a thread is open, anyone can share their thoughts or opinions on the draft being discussed. To advance a draft to a community proposal will require a supermajority positive vote of greater than 30 participants on the draft after any refinements have been completed. These threads and this process will take at least a week to allow for community involvement. The plan is to later replace this with a stake weighted requirement when the soft consensus layer is in place. Whether I agree with the purpose of the proposal is irrelevant, my goal is to make sure that what we present to the community and use DAO funds to create is a functional proposal and something in the scope of the DAO. This does not mean I won't share my thoughts, opinions, or vote with my stake on the issue. We all should. It's in the best interest of the DAO to create the best and most impactful proposals we can. Until we get the soft consensus layer in place, I have been soliciting feedback from the Discord community to establish demand for these proposals. There are many that have been closed out due to lack of interest. Some evolve into different discussions. This is fine and how we work together to determine viability for any proposal.