# Farcaster Frame code examples and tools - [Horsefacts frame base mint. Using best practices for frame mint setup](https://github.com/horsefacts/base-mint-with-warps) - [frame-minter/src/app/api/frame/mint/controller.ts at main · Crossmint/frame-minter](https://github.com/Crossmint/frame-minter/blob/main/src/app/api/frame/mint/controller.ts) - Frames NFT mint example using crossmint api - https://github.com/davidfurlong/awesome-frames - Collection of Frames projects - https://github.com/coinbase/build-onchain-apps - Coinbase official dapps examples, has Frames example code too - https://neynar.com/#get-started - Paid API/Service for building dapps including Frames - https://github.com/coinbase/onchainkit?tab=readme-ov-file#frame-kit-%EF%B8%8F - Coinbase js library utilising viem/wagmi with some farcaster/base/frames specific method - https://api.web3.bio/ - Not strictly related to frames, but API that pulls on-chain identity from multiple places, including ens, frames, lens, etc - https://onceupon.notion.site/How-to-use-tx-confirmations-in-your-Frame-w-Once-Upon-Public-862883e5e15a49d5bc5005df69dc627f - Service that creates and returns new frame when tx is confirmed - https://github.com/lottopgf/zora-mint-frame/tree/main - Zora Frame mint code example - [seangeng/based-adventure: Farcaster Frames Text-based Adventure on the Base L2](https://github.com/seangeng/based-adventure) - Simple Frames based game code example - [royal-markets/farcaster-frames: Royal's Farcaster Frames](https://github.com/royal-markets/farcaster-frames/tree/main) - Music minting using Frame - https://docs.base.org/tools/account-abstraction/ - Some options for gasless txs / fees relayer - [chusla \(@theahchu\) on X](https://twitter.com/theahchu/status/1756156502438756389) - no code frame mint tutorial - https://frame.syndicate.io/ A backend service to call contract function using private key of contract owner/contributor on user frame action - [FramesJS + Queues Starter](https://github.com/PaoloRollo/framesjs-queues-starter)