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Joined on May 3, 2023

  • Force-distribution-among-the-legs-of-the-quadruped-robot.ppm Torque控制(for stance legs) Note:以下粗體均為向量 $$\underbrace{ \begin{bmatrix} \mathbf{I}3 & \dots & \mathbf{I}3 \ [p_1 - p_c]\times & \dots & [p_4 - p_c]\times \end{bmatrix}
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  • Author: Teng-Hu Cheng(程登湖)email: Updated Date: August 2024 Website: 通則 變數第一次出現,隨後一定要定義。 相關的公式、句子、說明,放的距離一定要越近。 確定每個有編號的公式都有被引用,同一名詞不要有別名,並盡量引用先前的定義,增加文章扎實度。 Figure 的 caption 在下方,Table 的 caption 在上方 只能引用前面定義的公式編號,不可引用接下來才定義的。
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  • Particle Filter Author: Teng-Hu Chengemail: Date: Nov. 2024 Website: 目錄 Preliminary機率與貝葉氏機器學習-學習筆記系列-01-貝氏推斷-bayesian-inference-d81b01dc5c89
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  • Author: Teng-Hu Chengemail: Date: Jan. 2025 Website: Sensor Fusion and Probabilistic Methods in Quadruped Robot Gait Phase Switching Quadruped robots rely on sensor fusion and probabilistic models to accurately determine the switching between swing and stance phases for each leg. Since real-world terrains and robot dynamics are often uncertain, robust detection and prediction of gait phases are critical for stable locomotion, adaptive terrain response, and efficient movement. 1. Swing and Stance Phase Detection Each leg of a quadruped robot alternates between two key phases:
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  • Back to the homepage Sensor Fusion and Probabilistic Methods in Contact Detection for Robot Assembly In robot assembly, accurate contact detection is critical for ensuring precise positioning, force-controlled assembly, and adaptability to variations in object alignment and surface properties. Unlike quadruped robots that switch between swing and stance phases, an assembly robot switches between free motion and constrained contact with its environment. To reliably detect contact, robots integrate contact force measurements and vision-based localization using sensor fusion and probabilistic inference. 1. Free Motion and Contact Phase Detection A robotic manipulator or end-effector alternates between two key phases: Free motion phase: The tool or gripper moves freely without external constraints. Contact phase: The tool makes contact with an object or surface, requiring force control.
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  • Particle Filter - non-Gaussian Distribution Author: Teng-Hu Chengemail: Date: Nov. 2024 Website: 目錄 Preliminary機率與貝葉氏機器學習-學習筆記系列-01-貝氏推斷-bayesian-inference-d81b01dc5c89
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  • Bayesian Particle Filter Author: Teng-Hu Chengemail: Date: Nov. 2024 Website: 目錄 Preliminary機率與貝葉氏機器學習-學習筆記系列-01-貝氏推斷-bayesian-inference-d81b01dc5c89
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  • Author: Teng-Hu Cheng(程登湖)email: Updated Date: August 2024 Website: 通則 變數第一次出現,隨後一定要定義。 相關的公式、句子、說明,放的距離一定要越近。 確定每個有編號的公式都有被引用,增加文章扎實度。 Figure 的 caption 在下方,Table 的 caption 在上方 只能引用前面定義的公式編號,不可引用接下來才定義的。
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  • 說明:以下依照難易程度循序漸進排序單元,有問題可至NYCU NCRLEE405實驗室詢問。 ESP32 and Arduino(所需時間2~3週) 所需硬體:ESP32、DHT22 濕度感測器模組 試做溼度計上傳到google sheet 可能遇到的問題 Q&A 其他應用
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  • This process is commonly used in particle resampling during particle filtering. Here's an example to illustrate the steps: Scenario: We have 5 particles with the following weights: $$ \text{weights} = [0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.2, 0.1]$$ We want to resample these particles based on their weights to produce 5 new particles.
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  • Drags of Fixed-wing UAVs Screenshot 2024-10-04 at 20.39.20 drags Force magnitude in order form drag>friction drag>Induced drag Friction drag: boundary Layer Formation、Viscous Forces、Laminar and Turbulent Flow、Surface Roughness form drag 由separation產生
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  • ![]( =60%x) 使用Raspberry 4B + ubuntu、2023/07/06最後更新 準備硬體設備: 1、 Raspberry 4B 開發板一塊 2、 可由5V驅動的Servo Motor 一顆 (DS3235SG 3Pin為GND、VDD、SIGNAL) 3、 鍵盤(接Raspberry 4B 開發板 USB port) 4、 可透過RPI4B連接網路的環境 4、 邏輯分析儀一臺(非必要,可用來確認輸出波行是否正確) 5、 WindowsPC一臺(非必要,可接邏輯分析儀監控輸出波型)
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  • Check List cuav radio 地面端 siyi camera + uart2usb + ethernet cable usb hub x1 (備) 4 cell 鋰電池 x1 3 cell 鋰電池 x1 rtk + 腳架 筆電 筆電充電器 (備) 行充 (備)
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  • Author: Teng-Hu Cheng(程登湖)email: Date: July 2024 Website: Given a Big Picture of Your Work Provide the overall structure if your work. It can be all the subtopics, or chapters. big picture <span style="color: red;">Cycling the big picture when transitioning to the next topic.</span> cycling
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  • 參考:NCRL_MQTT 下載mosquitto & 測試: 請參考: 設定mosquitto 外網 首先查詢自己外網ip,交大都是(140.113.X.X): $ cd /etc/mosquitto/config.d/
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