# Advanced Fantasy Game ## Ability Scores Ability scores, also called "statistics" or "stats", represent a creature's broad capability to act in the world. This game uses six ability scores: Strength (Str), Dexterity (Dex), Constitution (Con), Intelligence (Int), Wisdom (Wis), and Charisma (Cha). Ability scores usually range from 3 to 18. Players set their character's ability scores by assigning each of the following values to one of the abilities: 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8. ### Ability Modifiers Each ability score has an associated modifier. An ability score of 10 or 11 gives a +0 modifier. For each 2 points above the modifier is +1, for each 2 points below the modifier is -1. The table shows the modifiers for the usual stat range: | Score| Modifier | |:-:|:-:| | 3 | -4 | | 4-5 | -3 | | 6-7 | -2 | | 8-9 | -1 | | 10-11 | +0 | | 12-13 | +1 | | 14-15 | +2 | | 16-17 | +3 | | 18 | +4 | ## Ability Checks When a situation is uncertain and/or dangerous, generally it can usually be resolved with an Ability Check. Roll 1d20 and add your ability modifier for the ability that best fits the situation. If your total is greater than or equal to the Target Number (TN), you succeed. The target number is 10 for a "basic" challenge. Harder challenges have a higher target number, and easier challenges have a lower target number. * **Extra Rolls:** When you get an "extra roll" on a check it means that you roll an additional d20. You can get an extra roll more than once. Use the highest value of all the d20s you rolled, plus any modifiers, to determine the check result. * **Take 10:** If you're attempting an ability check without any pressing danger, you can skip the rolling step and resolve the situation as if you'd rolled a 10. Add all the other modifiers, then compare to the target number. * **Aid Another:** If someone else tries to help you on a check, they make their own check against 10, and if successful then your check gets a +4 modifier. More than one person can try to help, but you can't get more than a +4 total even if more than one helper succeeds. * **Accost Another:** Someone else can try to *harm* your chances, and the idea is the same. They make a check against 10, and if successful it applies a -4 modifier to your own check. More than one accoster cannot affect you by more than -4. * **Opposed Rolls:** If two characters are directly opposed they should each make a roll and the higher total wins. In case of a tie, both sides reroll. ## Race and Class A character's race mostly has a social effect within the fictional world, rather than a game mechanical one. However, each race gets an extra roll when resisting a particular type of situation. * **Dwarves:** Poison and Disease. * **Elves:** Any area of effect. * **Humans:** Long term endurance such as forced marches, starvation, etc. * **Halflings:** Fear and Paralyzation. As for your character's class, well there's more classes in the world than you can possibly shake a stick at. Pick a name for your character's job or vocation. Pick three ability scores that are associated with your class, you get an extra roll when rolling with any of those stats. Also pick two non-combat proficiencies, you get +5 on checks with related activities. ## The Rest Is Up To You Further game details, such as specific special abilities, exact rolls to resolve negotiations and combats, character advancement, the setting details of the game world, and so on, are all left up to the readers.