# Get started with Casper
### Task 1: Create and deploy a simple smart contract
-- Installed Rust Programming language as well as Cmake
-- Created a new project named my-project
-- Installed the Rust toolchain and set the target build as wasm32-unknown-unknown (WebAssembly)
-- Finally build the contract using 'cargo build --release'
-- Tested the contract using 'make test'
NOTE: I faced a lot of issues while using Windows as well as WSL. Finally switched to Linux and all worked well.
### Task 2: One of the existing Tutorial
Implemented the Multi-Signature Tutorial
-- Cloned the repository using 'git clone https://github.com/casper-ecosystem/keys-manager'
-- Compiled the smart contract and created the WASM file (keys-manager.wasm)
-- Set up the local Casper Network using nctl- It created a faucet account which holds the tokens.
-- Created a .env file inside the client folder and added the 'BASE_KEY_PATH', 'NODE_URL' variables inside it. Ran npm install to install the required JavaScript packages.
-- Tested the client using 'npm run start:atomic' which ran successfully.
NOTE: I got an error 'Cannot open an HTTP server: socket.error reported AF_UNIX path too long' which was resolved by reducing the directory length while running nctl in the casper-node directory
### Task 3: Modifying client in Multi-Sig tutorial to address one of the additional scenarios
Implemeted Scenario 1 where we had to sign transactions with a single key.
-- Edited the scenario-atomic.js
-- Set the MainAccount weight, Keys Management Threshold and Deploy Threshold to 1
-- Ran 'npm run start:atomic'
### Task 4: Transfer tokens to an account on the Casper Testnet
Did a direct transfer
-- Generated keys using a block explorer (Casper Testnet) and save the keys
-- Fuded the account faucet
-- Transferred 2.5 Cspr
Link to the transaction: https://testnet.cspr.live/deploy/c842ab2ace03b56c24ac529604250b5d45dab4dd59f169b11b0f570a4e5f74d0
### Task 5: Delegate and Undelegate on the Casper Testnet
Delegate : https://testnet.cspr.live/deploy/4d5c9f8f49ee98ac70bcce4e23ea500f3ebcfbb0a9cfbea3add65b36c28eb608
Undelegate : https://testnet.cspr.live/deploy/d7c9dc2e04ef9aa18130e7b3efd795ee9ce7449d005b2a625b7db468fc4acd15
It was fun getting to know about the Casper ecosystem.