# Collab.Land Zodiac Smart Contract Scope ###### tags: `Collab.Land` `Raid Guild` `Governance` `Gnosis Safe` ## Tech Stack * **Language:** Solidity and JavaScript * **Framework:** Hardhat * **Base Contract:** Gnosis Safe + Zodiac Modules * **Others:** * Ethers * Waffle * NodeJS ## Primary Functions Allow In-App governance on Discord to execute proposals directly via a Zodiac module. ## Possible Solutions - Use an on-chain transaction during proposal creation; which enforces simple things like the grace period. - Use a hardened automated EOA which validates proposals during execution. ## Contract Engineering (20 hours) - Examine existing Zodiac modules and discover if an existing solution will work as a stepping off point. - Investigate Minion module (https://daohaus.substack.com/p/6991f40b-3931-47ff-bea3-fa6f9c365135) - Investigate Reality module (https://gnosis.github.io/zodiac/docs/tutorial-module-reality/get-started/) - Investigate using the Delay modifier for enforcing the veto/grace period of proposals (https://gnosis.github.io/zodiac/docs/tutorial-modifier-delay/get-started/) - Design a bytes hash mapping in order to ensure future extensibility for custom contract executions (ERC20 transactions are the required functionality). - Signature creation and verification by token gating or access control - Enforce proper security considerations; checks effects and interactions, narrowing function visibility patterns - Zodiac IAvatar interface pattern integration - Optimizations ## Testing (28 hours) - Mock-up contract deployments - Testing for all features and edge cases - Testing for all enforcement, revert and require statements ## Total (48 hours * $260/hr = $12,480)