# Documentation
## International Partner Meeting ARBEIT UND LEBEN
### Youth Exchange and Youth Mobility in 2030 - European values and political education for disadvantaged young people in the transition from school to work
Hamburg, 2019 November 13 - 16
### 0. Program
[Program Thursday](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdLu-pBq10g&t=290s)
[Program Friday](https://youtu.be/N_z4jt49gYM)
### 1a. Presentation "Objectives of the conference"
[Presentation Objectives](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1-MhHYDYMFuNuJyvp0YwPCQ5KVsyCOANb)
### 1b. Greeting by Luciole Sauviat DGB German trade union
[Greetings Luciole Sauviat DGB](https://drive.google.com/open?id=12e97TVHvyZbtWGUh3V_T15EmQOqurqh-)
### 2. Workshops
* [Workshop 1: Exchange of experience: Political and intercultural education in the preparation and follow-up of Erasmus + mobilities](https://hackmd.io/@KonstantinAL/SkNPB1yiS)
* [Workshop 2: Exchange of experience: Involving disadvantaged young people in mobilities](https://hackmd.io/@KonstantinAL/rJsvLd-jB)
* [Workshop 3: Best Practice: Cooperation with companies](https://hackmd.io/@KonstantinAL/HJSnIObsS)
* [Workshop 4: Formal recognition of mobility: Certification and validation of skills](https://hackmd.io/@KonstantinAL/ryyxw_WoB)
* [Workshop 5: Challenges and framework conditions of international political youth education and exchange (qualification, financing, participation, digitalization, concepts, target groups / trainees, sustainability)](https://hackmd.io/@KonstantinAL/B1RZvOZjS)
### 3a. Access Study Andreas Rosellen transfer e. V.
[Acces Study short presentation in English](http://zugangsstudie.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/access-study.pdf)
### 3b. Presentation KA 2 project TEDDIP 2 Florence Delseny Sobra
[Presentation TEDDIP](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1dQNN6GjhzKDubMmX5uVXNG670Rd2xBUG)
### 4. Discussion groups
* [Group 1. Inclusion for mobilities and youth exchange / diversity-conscious perspective in youth work](https://hackmd.io/@KonstantinAL/B1XN_u-iH)
* [Group 2. Digitalisation, internet governance, new media and democracy: what is the impact on youth work and partner cooperation / Participation potential and options for action in the digital world](https://hackmd.io/@KonstantinAL/rJfn5_-jS)
* [Group 3. Dealing with changes in Europe Brexitc / New EU and challenges with the rise of nationalism / For social justice, against exclusion and racism](https://hackmd.io/@KonstantinAL/rkWOsuWiH)
* [Group 4. Sustainability, climatic changes and youth work / thinking globally, engaging locally, developing responsibility ](https://hackmd.io/@KonstantinAL/BJHasdbsr)
* [Group 5. Political education / follow-up of mobilities and link to EU citizenship](https://hackmd.io/@KonstantinAL/rJ7bn_-iS)
### 5. Mentimeter: Scales discussion groups outputs and Feedback on the Partner Meeting
[Mentimeter presentation](https://www.mentimeter.com/s/43e27cea1b3dc44e9ebcb4c107a3cd1e/7334291ba535)