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# Why Type Systems are Great
### <small>(when combined with a sufficiently powerful typechecker)</small>
<!-- Put the link to this slide here so people can follow -->
slides: https://tinyurl.com/types-are-awesome
code: https://github.com/sagnibak/types-are-awesome-demo
In order to make the most of this talk, you must be able to appreciate formal mathematical proofs.
<span>That is not a problem since you've all taken CS 70.<!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="1" --></span>
## Proof
<span>In order to become a UPE member, you must be a CS major. <!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="1" --></span><span>In order to be a CS major, you must have taken CS 70. <!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="2" --></span><span>Therefore every UPE member must have taken CS 70.<!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="3" --></span>
## A Program
class UPEMember:
csMajor: CSMajor
class CSMajor:
takenCS70: HasTakenCS70
class HasTakenCS70:
sid: int
def upeToCS70(upeMember: UPEMember) -> HasTakenCS70:
return csMajorToCS70(upeMember.csMajor)
def csMajorToCS70(csMajor: CSMajor) -> HasTakenCS70:
return csMajor.takenCS70
<!-- $$
\text{Jay is a UPE Member} \implies \text{Jay has taken CS 70}
$$ -->
Jay is a UPE member $\implies$ Jay has taken CS 70.
jay_monga = UPEMember(CSMajor(HasTakenCS70(3032323332)))
also_jay: HasTakenCS70 = upeToCS70(jay_monga)
- All the code type-checks!<!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="1" --></tr></span>
- Proves that the set of UPE members is nonempty $\implies$ the set of students who have taken CS 70 is nonempty.<!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="2" --></tr></span>
## The Curry-Howard Isomorphism
Every proposition is isomorphic to a type.
Every proof is isomorphic to a program.
| Logic | Python | C++ | Rust | Scala | Haskell |
| True | `None` | `void` | `()` | `Unit` | `()` |
| False | `NoReturn` | `void` | `!`/`never` | `Nothing` | `bottom` |
| $\land$ | `(a, b)` | `pair` | `(a, b)` | `(a, b)` | `(a, b)` |
| $\lor$ | `Union` | tagged union | `enum` | `Either` | `Either` |
| $\implies$ | `def` | function | `fn` | `def` | function |
| $\forall$ | `Generic` | `<...>` | `<...>` | `[...]` | generics |
<!-- | Logic | Python | C++ | Rust | Scala | Haskell |
| True | `None` | `void` | `()` | `Unit` | `()` |
| False | `NoReturn` | `void` | `!`/`never` | `Nothing` | `bottom` |
| $\land$ | classes, tuples, structs |
| $\lor$ | `Union` | tagged union | `enum` | `Either` | `Either` |
| $\implies$ | `def` | function | `fn` | `def` | function |
| $\forall$ | `Generic` | `<...>` | `<...>` | `[...]` | generics | -->
...and a LOT more!
### Negation
\neg P &\equiv \neg P \lor \text{False} \\
&\equiv (P \implies \text{False})
We can use this tautology to define the negation of a type.
notP = Callable[[P], NoReturn] # this is a type alias
type Not<P> = fn(P) -> !; // type alias
### Distributive Law
$(P \lor Q) \land R \implies (P \land R) \lor (Q \land R)$
def distribute(p_or_q: Union[P, Q], r: R) -> Union[Tuple[P, R], Tuple[Q, R]]:
if isinstance(p_or_q, P):
p: P = p_or_q
return (p, r)
q: Q = p_or_q
return (q, r)
fn distribute(p_or_q: Either<P, Q>, r: R) -> Either<(P, R), (Q, R)> {
match p_or_q {
Either::Left(p) => Either::Left((p, r)),
Either::Right(q) => Either::Right((q, r)),
// defining a sum type
enum Either<P, Q> {
### Function Application, Modus Ponens
$((P \implies Q) \land P) \implies Q$
def apply(p_to_q: Callable[[P], Q], p: P) -> Q:
return p_to_q(p)
fn apply(p_to_q: fn(P) -> Q, p: P) -> Q {
<span>If I have a way to convert evidence for $P$ into evidence for $Q$ and I have evidence for $P$, then I can produce evidence for $Q$.<!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="1" --></span>
### Currying
$((P \land Q) \implies R) \implies (P \implies (Q \implies R))$
def curry(fn: Callable[[P, Q], R]) -> Callable[[P], Callable[[Q], R]]:
def curried(p: P) -> Callable[[Q], R]:
def inner(q: Q) -> R:
return fn(p, q)
return inner
return curried
### Universal Quantification, Generics
$(P \land Q) \implies (Q \land P) \; \forall P, Q$
fn and_commutes<P, Q>(p_and_q: (P, Q)) -> (Q, P) {
(p_and_q.1, p_and_q.0)
We can actually make all the functions above generic by adding `<...>`, just like we can make the propositions true $\forall \ldots$
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fn notP<P>(p: P) -> ! {
loop {} // infinite looping is also valid
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fn distribute<P, Q, R>(
p_or_q: Either<P, Q>, r: R
) -> Either<(P, R), (Q, R)> {
match p_or_q {
Either::Left(p) => Either::Left((p, r)),
Either::Right(q) => Either::Right((q, r)),
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### Contraposition
$(P \implies Q) \implies (\neg Q \implies \neg P)$
NotP = Callable[[P], NoReturn]
NotQ = Callable[[Q], NoReturn]
def contraposition(p_to_q: Callable[[P], Q]) -> Callable[[NotQ], NotP]:
def contrapositive(not_q: NotQ) -> NotP:
def inner(p: P) -> NoReturn:
return not_q(p_to_q(p))
return inner
return contrapositive
### Double Negation Introduction
P &\implies \neg \neg P \\
\equiv P &\implies (\neg P \implies \text{False}) \\
\equiv P &\implies ((P \implies \text{False}) \implies \text{False})
NotP = Callable[[P], NoReturn]
NotNotP = Callable[[NotP], NoReturn]
def double_negation_intro(p: P) -> NotNotP:
def double_negation(not_p: NotP) -> NoReturn:
return not_p(p)
return double_negation
### Double Negation Elimination
$\neg \neg P \implies P$
Impossible to prove!
You only have functions that return instances of `NoReturn`. They don't give you any way to produce evidence for $P$.<!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="1" --></span>
<span>You typically need language extensions (e.g., in Haskell) to add this as an axiom.<!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="2" --></span>
### Proof by Contradiction
$(\neg P \implies \text{False}) \implies P$
Impossible to prove, since it implies (and is implied by) double negation in this framework of logic.
### No law of the excluded middle
P \lor \neg P \not\Rightarrow \text{True}
Equivalent to double negation elimination!
P \lor \neg P &\equiv \neg P \lor P \\
&\equiv \neg \neg P \implies P
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<span>Topology has scenarios where the law of the excluded middle does not hold. Scroll down with caution.<!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="2" --></span>
- Consider the Sierpiński topological space, defined by the set $X:=\{0,1\}$ with topology (open sets) $\mathcal{T} := \{\varnothing, \{1\}, \{0,1\}\}$. Then the closed sets are $\{\varnothing, \{0\}, \{0,1\}\}$.
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- If we let $X$ be true, $\varnothing$ be false, $\cup$ be or, and $\cap$ be and, we get a system that obeys the axioms of intuitionistic logic. Every proposition is a set, and the **interior** of its complement is its negation.
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- LEM is equivalent to $U \cup \neg U = X\;\forall U\subseteq X$, but this does not hold for $U := \{1\}$, since $\neg U = \text{interior}(\{1\}^c) = \varnothing$.<!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="3" -->
- Consider $X = \mathbb{R}$ with the usual topology (open balls/open rectangles).
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- If we let $X$ be true, $\varnothing$ be false, $\cup$ be or, and $\cap$ be and, we get a system that obeys the axioms of intuitionistic logic. Every proposition is a set, and the **interior** of its complement is its negation.
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- LEM is equivalent to $U \cup \neg U = X\;\forall U\subseteq X$, but this does not hold for $U := (p, q)$, since $\neg U = \text{interior}((-\infty, p] \cup [q, \infty)) = (-\infty, p) \cup (q, \infty)$.
- $(p, q) \cup (-\infty, p) \cup (q, \infty) = \mathbb{R} \setminus \{p, q\} \ne \mathbb{R}$
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## But Why Does It Matter?
- More work at compile time means less work at runtime
- Code that compiles usually works
## Example: `isinstance`
Without types:
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def csMajorToCS70(csMajor):
if isinstance(csMajor, CSMajor):
return csMajor.takenCS70
raise TypeError("csMajor must be a CSMajor!")
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With types:
<!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="2" -->
def csMajorToCS70(csMajor: CSMajor) -> HasTakenCS70:
return csMajor.takenCS70
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We need an `isinstance` check (runtime typechecking) when we don't have compile-time typechecking. This is bad because:
- runtime typecheking happens every time the function is called, so it has a runtime overhead<!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="1" --></tr></span>
- our program can terminate without producing the correct output<!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="2" --></tr></span>
## Example: Sometimes `None`
<!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="1" -->
def sometimesNone() -> Optional[int]:
return randint(1, 10) if random() > 0.2 else None
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Without typechecking:
<!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="2" -->
def foo(a):
return a * sometimesNone()
<!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="2" -->
With typechecking:
<!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="3" -->
def foo(a: int) -> int:
if (b := sometimesNone()) is not None:
return a * b
return a
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- Without typechecking you can merrily ignore the case when the result of `sometimesNone` is `None`, and get a `TypeError` at runtime.
- With typechecking you are forced to do _something_ in that case. An alternative to the code presented above would be to pass through that `None`. <span><small>Smells like a monad.<!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="3" --></small></span>
<!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="1" -->
def foo(a: int) -> Optional[int]:
if (b := sometimesNone()) is not None:
return a * b
return b
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## No More Null Pointers
Rust uses static typechecking to prevent
- dereferencing null pointers
- data races
- double frees
- etc.
You can have multiple immutable pointers to a piece of memory:
let arr = [1, 2, 3];
let ptr1 = &arr;
let ptr2 = &arr;
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<span>But you can only have one mutable pointer to it:<!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="2" -->
let ptr3 = &mut arr; // this is okay
let ptr4 = &arr; // not okay, ptr1 is live
let ptr5 = &mut arr; // also not okay
ptr1[2] = 4; // necessary to keep ptr1 live
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How does the compiler keep track of what is mutable and what is not? Types!
ptr1, ptr2, ptr4: &[i32];
ptr3, ptr5: &mut [i32];
The Rust type system is expressive enough to mark the mutability of variables.
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In order to do the same in C++, you would need reference-counted pointers which add runtime overhead.
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### What might go wrong
The following is legal C++, it compiles:
std::vector<int>* arr = new std::vector<int>({1, 2, 3});
std::vector<int>* ptr = arr;
delete arr;
std::cout << (*ptr)[0] << std::endl;
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At runtime it causes 2020 to happen.
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The equivalent Rust code does not compile:
<!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="3" -->
let mut arr = vec![1, 2, 3];
let ptr = &arr;
Vec::drain(&mut arr, ..);
println!("{:?}", ptr);
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We create a reference `ptr` to `arr` on line 3, then we create a mutable reference on line 4, and then we try to use `ptr` again on line 5. That is a problem, since `ptr` is no longer pointing to valid memory.

<!--  -->
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- The `Vec<T>::drain` takes a mutable reference to a `Vec`, it has signature `drain(self: &mut Vec<T>, range: ...)`.
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- The compiler has an axiom that you can have either a single mutable reference or multiple immutable references to the same piece of memory.
<!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="4" --></span>
- But `ptr` is a live immutable reference to `arr` and `self` is a live mutable reference to `arr`, a contradiction.
<!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="5" --></span>
However, the following is valid
let mut arr: Vec<i32> = vec![1, 2, 3];
let ptr = &arr;
drop(&mut arr);
since `ptr` gets optimized away by line 4 (it is not "live" at line 4).
## Optimizations
Can Rust optimize the following code?
fn compute(input: &u32, output: &mut u32) {
if *input > 10 {
*output = 1;
if *input > 5 {
*output *= 2;
<!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="1" -->
fn compute(input: &u32, output: &mut u32) {
let cached = *input; // keep *input in a register
if cached > 10 {
*output = 2; // x > 10 implies x > 5, so double and exit
} else if cached_input > 5 {
*output *= 2;
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What about this C++ function?
void compute(int* input, int* output) {
if (*input > 10) {
*output = 1;
if (*input > 5) {
*output *= 2;
No! Consider this driver code:
<!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="1" -->
const int a = 20;
const int* input = &a, *output = &a;
printf("Before -> *input: %d, *output: %d\n", *input, *output);
compute(input, output);
printf("After -> *input: %d, *output: %d\n", *input, *output);
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Before -> *input: 20, *output: 20
After -> *input: 1, *output: 1
<!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="2" -->
`const` __does not__ solves the problem in C++. Consider
void compute(const int* input, int* output) {
if (*input > 10) {
*output = 1;
if (*input > 5) {
*output *= 2;
with driver code:
int a = 20;
const int* input = &a;
int* output = &a; // this is illegal in Rust
printf("Before -> *input: %d, *output: %d\n", *input, *output);
compute(input, output);
printf("After -> *input: %d, *output: %d\n", *input, *output);
Before -> *input: 20, *output: 20
After -> *input: 1, *output: 1
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## Example: Compile-time Length
The following is valid Python, it compiles:
a = np.zeros((2, 3))
b = np.zeros((4, 5))
_ = a.dot(b)
But it causes a shape-mismatch error at runtime, since you cannot multiply a 2×3 matrix by a 4×5 matrix.
The following equivalent Rust code fails to compile:
<!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="1" -->
let a = Matrix<f32, U2, U3, MatrixArray<f32, U2, U3>>::zero();
let b = Matrix<f32, U4, U5, MatrixArray<f32, U4, U5>>::zero();
let _ = a * b;
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Let's look at this closely.
let a = Matrix<f32, U2, U3, MatrixArray<f32, U2, U3>>::zero();
- The `Matrix` and `MatrixArray` types are generic in their data type, number of rows, and number of columns. `Matrix` is also generic in its containter type, which is `MatrixArray<f32, U2, U3>` here.
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- `U2`, `U3`, `U4`, and `U5` are type-level numbers. These numbers are evaluated at compile time, and get optimized away at runtime.
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This is the meat of the matrix multiplication implementation ([full](https://github.com/dimforge/nalgebra/blob/dev/src/base/ops.rs#L619)):
<!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="1" -->
Mul<Matrix<..., R2, C2, ...>>
for Matrix<..., R1, C1, ...>
ShapeConstraint: AreMultipliable<R1, C1, R2, C2>,
type Output = MatrixMN<..., R1, C2>;
fn mul(self, rhs: Matrix<..., R2, C2, ...>) -> Self::Output {
&self * &rhs
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- Type constraints appear after `where`. Specifically, the constraint `AreMultipliable` ensures that only matrices of appropriate dimensions get multiplied together.
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- It is a proposition, expressed as a type, which the compiler tries to prove, by finding an appropriate implementation!
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This is the meat of the `AreMultipliable` type ([full](https://github.com/dimforge/nalgebra/blob/dev/src/base/constraint.rs)):
struct ShapeConstraint;
pub trait
AreMultipliable<R1: Dim, C1: Dim, R2: Dim, C2: Dim>: DimEq<C1, R2> {}
impl<R1: Dim, C1: Dim, R2: Dim, C2: Dim>
AreMultipliable<R1, C1, R2, C2>
for ShapeConstraint
ShapeConstraint: DimEq<C1, R2> {}
pub trait DimEq<D1: Dim, D2: Dim> {}
impl<D: Dim> DimEq<D, D> for ShapeConstraint {}
- The compiler can produce a `DimEq<C1, R2>` instance for `ShapeConstraint` only if `C1` and `R2` are the same type (here, the same number).
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- The empty bodies `{}` mean that these types cannot do anything at runtime, they will get optimized away. (In the actual code some of the bodies contain associated types, which also get optimized away.)
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# Demo
## References, Further Reading
- [Sierpiński space](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sierpi%C5%84ski_space)
- [Example of the Law of the Excluded Middle failing](https://math.stackexchange.com/a/1371237/783650)
- [Curry-Howard isomorphism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curry%E2%80%93Howard_correspondence#Related_proofs-as-programs_correspondences)
- [Aliasing in Rust](https://doc.rust-lang.org/nomicon/aliasing.html)
- [typenum.rs](https://github.com/paholg/typenum)
- [peano.rs](https://github.com/paholg/peano)
- [Nalgebra](https://nalgebra.org/)
- [Type-level rust in detail](https://beachape.com/blog/2017/03/12/gentle-intro-to-type-level-recursion-in-Rust-from-zero-to-frunk-hlist-sculpting/)
- [More useful version of ^ but less comprehensive](https://beachape.com/blog/2017/03/12/gentle-intro-to-type-level-recursion-in-Rust-from-zero-to-frunk-hlist-sculpting/)
- [Curry-Howard Isomorphism in Haskell (talk)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfG7T54MhIU&ab_channel=LambdaConf)
{"metaMigratedAt":"2023-06-15T14:01:46.240Z","metaMigratedFrom":"YAML","title":"Why (Good) Type Systems are Great","breaks":true,"contributors":"[{\"id\":\"26528808-5bdc-4353-af4a-57100a3fb803\",\"add\":32614,\"del\":11377}]"}