# r/Europe Ming Split Campaign 8 ![](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/839534023185006602/839534107771404288/china_nations.PNG) Lore: China split again. The old emperor still holds his seat in Beijing but almost everyone has declared independence. There are pretenders in the south, the rulers of Zhejiang and Fujian also claim the titles of Emperor of China for themselves, but their power also doesn’t extend far beyond their capital, yet. Meanwhile the northern tribes eye this development with interest, as China has now become a land of opportunity, not just for ambitious Chinese. ## Religion rework To make the new nations a bit more interesting you can find a bunch of different religions in china, which normally wouldnt be there. ## Gansu - Morale of armies +10%; Fort Defense +20% - Shock damage received -15% - Caravan Power +40%; Trade Range +80% - Development cost -10% - Provincial tradepower 25%; Goods produced 5% - Fort Maintenance -20% - Infantry cost -15% - Discipline +5% - Monthly war exhaustion -0,05 Purpose: Stop the hordes, working together with Wei and Shanxi, potentially expand into Persia Lore: Having felt neglected by the Emperor in Beijing, amid the succession crisis the governour of the north western provinces declared his support for no one and instead declared his independence. But he knows that with the Silk road flowing through his land a lot of money can be made, as long as the caravans are protected from the mongol raiders… ## Shanxi - Fort Defense +20%; Shock damage received -10% - Morale of armies +15% - Development cost -10% - Production efficiency +10% - Diplomats +2 - Yearly army tradition decay -1% - National unrest -1 - Yearly Prestige +1 - Discipline +5% Purpose: Stop the hordes, working together with Wei and Gansu, form PRC or Manchu. Lore: Always a more reclusive people, the mountainfolk of Shanxi seized their chance of more autonomy when it came. But they still know that they can not withstand the mongol hordes on their own and must maintain good relations with their neighbours. ## Wei - Garrison Size +40%; Infantry combat +15% - idea cost -10% - Discipline +5% - Stability cost -15% - Production efficiency +10%; National tax +10% - -5% dev cost; +20% National Manpower - Trade efficiency +10% - Fort Maintenance -20% - Land Leader fire +1 Purpose: Stop the hordes, working together with Gansu and Shanxi. Can go into Japan or south, lots of possibilities. Starts as Emperor of China. Lore: The remnants of the former Chinese Empire with the ruler with the strongest claim, but his influence barely extends beyond Beijing. While his power is formidable enough to reign the Chinese defectors in one by one, he cannot do that as the Mongol and Manchu hordes are at his doorstep, waiting for the first opportunity to strike. ## Feliz Gang - Diplomatic Reputation +2; Diplomatic Relations +1 - Diplomats +1 - Infantry cost -10% - National unrest -2 - Tolerance of true faith +2 - Morale of armies +10% - Land maintenance -15% - Merchants +1 - Disicpline +5% Purpose: Don’t play this, die Lore: Their leader had a fever dream or vision, depending on who you ask, and keeps rambling about finding a new future in a land far away across the pacific ocean. ## Xi’an - Merchants +1; Tradepower abroad +15% - Caravan Power +15% - Trade range +20% - Stability cost -15% - Idea cost -10% - Trade efficiency +20% - Development cost -10% - Mercenary Manpower +50% - Yearly Corruption -0,20 Purpose: While it has some trade potential, it’s main purpose is to die Lore: Why pay taxes for protection when it is in the protectors interest to keep the hordes away anyway? ## Kaifeng - Development cost -10%; Yearly prestige +1 - Reinforce cost -20% - Improve relations +15% - Idea cost -5% - Diplomats +1 - National unrest -1 - Tolerance of Heathens +2 - Goods produced +10% - Infantry cost -20% Purpose: Don’t play this, die Lore: The lost tribe of Israel has finally found a land to settle, and is trying a tolerant approach with the native population. ## Hebei - Attrition for enemies +1; Production efficiency +5% - Morale of armies +10% - Years of separatism -5 - Looting speed +20% - National Manpower +15% - Diplomatic relations +1 - Land leader Maneuvre +1 - Movement sped +5% - Land Maintenance -5% Purpose: Don’t play this, die Lore: These men are barely more civilised than the hordes across the wall. ## Qui - Provincial tradepower +15%; Infantry combat +10% - Infantry cost -20% - Morale of armies +10% - Galley Combat +20%; Blockade impact on siege +1 - Naval Force Limit +33% - National Sailors +20% - Production efficiency +10% - Morale of navies +10% - Ship durability +5% Purpose: Coastal naval country, can form something else for landbased ideas. Lore: The main hub of galleys for yellow sea protection, especially against the Woku pirates. Starts as a theocracy ## Cao - Missionaries +1, Missionary Strength +2% - Morale of armies +15% - Warscore cost against other religions -25% - Development cost -10% - Harsh treatment cost -30% - Tolerance of true faith +2 - Mercenary Maintenance -20% - Construction Time -20% - Light ship cost -15% Purpose: While it has some potential as an eastern religion theocracy with the new shiny government reforms, it starts as a vassal and its main purpose is to be integrated/die. Lore: While from Japan, these are not a bunch of pirates that crashed on the chinese coast, but they’re on a mission from (the) god(s). ## Sechuan - Land Leader shock +1; Advisor cost -10% - +2 Diplomatic Reputation; Diplomatic relations +1 - Goods produced +15% - Morale +15% - Fort Defense +20% - Development cost -10% - Disicpline +5% - Artillery Bonus vs Forts +2 - Monthly war exhaustion -0,05 Purpose: Strong idea set, meant to emulate France Lore: Their Charismatic leader, Fren Shi, does not serve lightly, and prefers to lead others. In a secure position on the western edge of china on the slopes of the Himalaya, his options for subjects, willing or not, are plenty. Starts as a theocracy ## Lost People - Discipline +5%, Yearly Republican Tradition +0.3 - National unrest -1 - Diplomatic Reputation +2 - Stability cost modifier -20% - Infantry combat ability +10%; Land Force limit +15% - National Tax modifier +10% - Production efficiency +20% - Core creation cost -20% - National Manpower +33% Purpose: While it could try to conquer into Persia to pass its Zoroastrian decisions, it’s main purpose is to give Zoroastrianism and die Lore: The Roman Empire didn’t disintegrate, it reincarnated somewhere else… ## Henan - Development cost -20%; Technology cost -10% - Diplomatic reputation +2 - Improve relations +20% - Idea cost -10% - Institution Spread +40%; Institution embracement cost -40% - National Tax +15% - Discipline +5% - Innovativeness gain +100%; Goods produced +5% - Advisor Cost -20% Purpose: Develop all the institutions. Lore: Wuchang is the city of knowledge. It is in custody of the monks of Henan, who preach the gospel of work, pursuit of knowledge and obedience. While not as battle hardened as those on the outer rims of China, their monks do keep their bodies steeled. ## Ku - Stability cost modifier -15%; Diplomatic relations +1 - Land Leader shock +1 - Manpower recovery +20% - Development cost -10% - Missionary Strength +2%; Tolerance of True faith +2 - May recruit female Generals; Land leader siege +1 - Yearly inflation reduction +0,10 - Morale of armies +10% - Infantry combat ability +15% Purpose: Decent land based ideas in a central position with no defenseable terrain, hope the hordes don’t win north Lore: Pelinore the greedy couldn’t stand parting with his collected taxes to the imperial throne anymore and jumped at the opportunity to declare independence. His people believe in a holy woman who shall lead them to victory in the eternal war. ## Anhui - National Manpower modifier +15%; Goods produced modifier +10% - Caravan power +20% - National tax modifier +10% - Diplomats +1 - Infantry cost -10% - Advisor cost -10% - Possible military policies +1 - Idea cost -5% - Development cost -10% Purpose: Don’t play this, die Lore: Didn’t mind being ruled by Beijing, but felt it was safer to go with the others and declare independence due to proxmity to the two other pretenders. ## Pengcheng - Land attrition -20%; Merchant trade power +5 - Chance of Heir +50% - Maximum Absolutism +20 - Advisor cost -10% - Artillery cost -20% - Looting speed +20% - Culture conversion cost -15% - Morale hit when losing ship -10% - National unrest -2 Purpose: Don’t play this, die Lore: These people don’t know what’s good. ## Jew Jitsu - Interest Per Annum -0,50; National Tax modifier +20% - Merchants +1 - Global Trade power +20%- - Mercenary cost -15% - Production efficiency +15% - Tolerance of true faith +2 - Harsh treatment cost -40% - Diplomatic reputation +2 - Trade efficiency +15% Purpose: It does have decent trade and meme potential, but it’s main purpose is to give Judaism and die. Lore: At the start of the succession crisis, Jewish traders saw an opportunity and bought a city from the debt stricken emperor. From here, their new trade empire shall expand. ## Zhejiang - Morale of armies +10%; Improve relations +15% - land force limit +33% - Yearly Prestige +1 - Diplomatic relations +1 - Siege ability +20% - Advisor cost -10% - Infantry Fire +0.25 - Discipline +5% - Goods produced +20% Purpose: Strong landbased ideas with fast expansion opportunities. Lore: The second best claim pretender, nested in the richest region of China in control of one of the Imperial cities. He used to govern over more cities, including the important trading city of Hangzhou, but they declared their support for his rivals. ## Hangchow - Morale of navies +15%; Blockade impact on siege +1 - Development cost -10% - Construction cost -10% - Yearly prestige +1 - Production efficiency +15% - Discipline +5% - Land leader fire +1 - Trade efficiency +10% - Land force limit +33% Purpose: a hybrid country that can specialise in any way while still maintaining purpose in the other ways Lore: While subordinate to the Governor in Zhejiang, honour commanded this ruler to declare his support to the true Emperor in Beijing. ## Yunnan - Diplomatic reputation +1; Land movement speed +15% - Morale of armies +15% - Missionary Strength +2%; Culture conversion cost -33% - Goods produced modifier +10% - Trade efficiency +15% - Disicpline +5% - Mercenary cost -15% - Development cost -10% - Land Leader Fire +1; Land Leader Shock +1 Purpose: In a weak region with shitty trade goods, it has to decide whether it wants to go into India, Indochina or China. Staying cautious is advised as time works in your favour. Lore: The furthest away from the seat in Beijing, independence was merely a formality with no real change. While formally having been part of the Chinese Empire, the people are not even Chinese and Buddha is praised a lot more intensely here. ## Belgium - Development cost -10%; Garrison Size +40% - Fort Defense +20% - Attrition for enemies +1 - Fort Maintenance -15% - Goods Produced +10% - Colonists +1 - Shock Damage received -10% - Native uprising Chance -100% - Production efficiency +20% Purpose: While some meme and colonisation potential, it’s main purpose is to give Shiism and die Lore: When their overlord declared independence, they just went with him. The Belgians are the bravest because they live so close to the Germans. ## Limchow - Global Trade power +10%; Naval Force Limit +15% - Idea Cost -10% - Colonist +1 - National Sailors +20% - Colonial Range +40% - Settlers +20 - Development cost -10% - Trade efficiency +15% - May Raid Coast Purpose: Best idea is to exile to America Lore: Overshadowed by the much more important trade Republic in Canton, the council of Limchow is probing for new ventures elsewhere. ## Guangxi - Development cost -10%; National Tax +15% - Morale of armies +10% - Goods produced modifier +10% - Infantry combat ability +10% - Core creation cost -10% - Diplomatic relations +1 - Domestic Trade power +15% - Monthly Autonomy change -0.05 - Land Maintenance -10% Purpose: Don’t play this, die Lore: Usually tasked with repelling the pagan raiders out of the Shan hills, those haven’t occured in a long while. ## Hainan - Tolerance of true faith +2; May raid coasts - Chance to capture enemy ships +30% - Morale of Navies +15% - Galley Combat ability +15% - Missionaries +1 - Blockade impact on siege +1 - Missionary Strength +2% - Yearly Navy Tradition +1 - Ship durability +5% Purpose: Thanks to being Ibadi, basically a pirate that can raid everyone. Weak start. Lore: The Muslin traders advanced past Malacca and settled on the Island of Hainan, ready to spread the word of Allah to these unsuspecting peasants. ## Sacrificial Boar - Cavalry Combat ability +15%; Administrative efficiency +5% - Morale of armies +10% - Core creation cost -15% - Cavalry cost -15% - Cavalry Flanking ability +50% - National Manpower +15% - Missionary Strength +1% - National unrest -1 - Years of separatism -10 Purpose: Don’t play this, die Lore: Wrong franchise, Bobby B! ## Hong Kong - Provincial Trade power +20%; Ship Trade Power Propagation +20% - Land Force Limit +15% - Development cost -10% - Stability cost -20% - Mercenary Manpower +25% - Merchant +1; Sailor Maintenance -20% - Mercenary Discipline +10% - Trade Efficiency +15% - Yearly Republican Tradition +0.3 Purpose: strong trade based ideas with a mercenary core. Historically one of the most succesful chinese custom nations due to strong starting position and diplo potential. Lore: While holding one of the three imperial cities, pushing a claim would have immediately lead to being decried a dictator and lose all home support. But that doesn’t mean you can’t declare independence in the name of the republic. ## The Fire Nation - Goods produced Modifier +10%; Military Technology cost -10% - Discipline +5% - Spy Network Construction +40%; Rebel support efficiency +40% - Land Fire damage +20% - Land Leader Fire +1 - Monthly autonomy change -0,05 - Development cost -10% - Artillery damage from Back Row +20% - Artillery Fire +1 Purpose: Strong lategame ideas, has never survived so far. Lore: Wrong franchise, Zuko! ## Fujian - Land Force Limit +15%; Advisor costs -10% - Morale of armies +15% - Colonial range +40%; Settlers +10; Colonists +1 - Idea Cost -10% - Production Efficiency +15% - Manpower recovery +20% - Construction cost -15% - Naval Force Limit +25%; Naval Morale +10% - Governing Capacity +200 Purpose: Kind of like Spain where it combines land and navy with colonial nations. In a good position to form the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom for more landbased ideas. Lore: The weakest claim pretender, not even holding an imperial city, but with 2 right at the border that shouldn’t matter for long. Could increase his standing among the chinese by dealing with the new pirate haven, but better do it fast before they’ve secured the island. Starts as a theocracy ## Taiwan - Global Engagement width +10%%; National Sailor modifier +20% - Colonist +1 - Global settler increase +10 - Blockade efficiency +20% - Morale of navies +10% - Hostile core creation cost on us +30% - Tolerance of Heathens +2 - Chance to capture enemy ships +20% - Yearly naval tradition +1 Purpose: while some naval potential, its main purpose is to give Hinduism and die Lore: Talk of the devil. These Polynesians are scratching their heads as to why no one else had thought of this before: A big, mostly uninhabited island right next to one of the richest coasts in the world. ## Djibouti - Missionaries +1; Fort Defense +20% - Manpower recovery speed +10% - Yearly navy tradition +1; Ship durability +5% - Leaders without upkeep +1 - Infantry combat ability +10% - Tolerance of true faith +1; Missionaries +1 - Yearly Prestige +2 - Chance to capture enemy ships +30% - National Manpower modifier +15% 16 Development, Feudal Monarchy, Coptic, Dark Brown Purpose: While decent early game potential due to African tech, its main purpose is to give copticism and die Lore: These merchants from the Horn of Africa have seized the opportunity to settle in a much milder climate with more fertile soil. Furthermore, they’re on a mission from God. Formables ## Taiping Heavenly Kingdom (south)(Theocracy) - Building Cost -10%; Advisor Cost -10% - Land Leader Shock +1 - Army Tradition Decay -0.5% - Tolerance of True Faith +2 - Artillery Fire +1 - Disicpline +5% - Development Cost -10% - Land Morale +15% - Monarch Skill in Mil +1 own: Canton, Ji’an, Nanjing, 20 Provinces in South China Region ## Chinese Peoples Republic (north)(Peasant Republic) - National Manpower +33%; Land Force Limit +25% - Land Morale +5%; Infantry Combat Ability +10% - Shock Damage Received -15% - Manpower Recovery Speed +30%; Reinforce Cost -20% - Development Cost -10% - Trade Efficiency +15% - Possible Advisors +1; Stability Cost -10% - Harsh Treatment Cost -50%; National Unrest -2 - Governing Capacity +500 own: Beijing, Xi’an, Taiyuan, Qingzhou, 20 provinces in North China Region ## Celestial Empire (Super formable) - Goods Produced +15%; Governing Capacity +400 - Monarch Skill in Mil +1 - Development Cost -10% - Discipline +5% - Land Morale +15% - National Manpower +20%; Manpower Recovery Speed +20% - Administrative Efficiency +5%; Diplomats +1 - Infantry Combat Ability +10% - Artillery Fire +1 own: all of china