JSDC 2019 共同筆記
- [JSDC 2019 官方網站](https://2019.jsdc.tw/)
- [Agenda](https://2019.jsdc.tw/agenda.html)
- [HackMD 超快速上手](/s/rylQmiuTX)
- [HackMD 快速入門教學](/s/HJYeXi_TX)
## 議程
### 09:30 - 10:20
- @A [Deep Learning in JS - ashi](/iXbnCgN9QSSEFLjzIrpv1A)
### 10:30 - 11:10
- @A [Embedding V8 in NativeScript - Vladimir Mutafov](/cDtmldFOSNu75umcK_Pr3g)
- @C [現代 Web 開發的現況與未來 - 楊揚](/U3Rn3h8USE25qJpQW-_ZNw)
### 11:20 - 12:00
- @A [Escaping the Web of Insecurities - Alexander Khovansky](/Z_BRPaYmQtWdJhiW-q5-1A)
- @C [前端項目上 Web Worker 實踐 - 鍾恆](/-JXEDew9Q02k1d0q4WKMrg)
### 13:00 - 13:40
- @A [End-to-end Type-Safe GraphQL Apps - Carlos Rufo](/gLx1JsUHRxCgzL75DhG2NA)
- @C [如何共用元件 - 從開發LINE隨你填貼圖來談 - 黃慈霖 Tzu-Lin Huang、Jesse](/dKv1I7u5TxeQ_XC_WI2GLQ)
### 13:50 - 14:30
- @A [Mind-Reading with Adaptive and Intelligent User Interfaces - David Khourshid](/4v40oZ6SSEGUCGuLZSqyaQ)
- @C [Optimize Node.js Performance with fork(2) - 吞吞](/n_oWL0UPQB2VHSWAiWmdow)
### 14:40 - 15:20
- @A [Modern Forms in React - Erik Rasmussen](/MEVcYPfVTG68HVj06or2CQ)
- @C [YodaOS: Resolving IoT fragmentation by Node.js, NPM or Web? - Yorkie](/FEXfBWf2SYeZJjBB4bOjLQ)
### 15:40 - 16:20
- @A [RxJS - Practice makes Perfect - Jan-Niklas Wortmann](/3jgrh1ATTKev85kB7FUcIA)
- @C [Re-Architecture Transaction Page and Sleep Well - Paipo](/pftq-u79RvGidKXHEPUboA)
### 16:30 - 17:20
- @A [CSS-in-JS: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly - Maya Shavin](/CV4d7GQ1QPy4OBfXDTUnzg)
- @C [Let’s go serverless - 七念/吴敏琦](/l5SMQKpkSbSDwho3hrRgiw)
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