# 2022-11-15 Sculpt/Texture/Paint Module Meeting Note: If you're planning to join the meeting, feel free to add talking points to the agenda. ## Attendees - Julien - Joe - Daniel ## Agenda ### Needs Commit - [⚙ D16225 Sculpt face iterators](https://developer.blender.org/D16225) Joe can commit it ### High Prio Bugs New bugs: - [⚓ T102436 Crash using any Filter when some automasking options are activated.](https://developer.blender.org/T102436) Could be simple. Joe will look into it. ### In Review See [recent meeting notes](https://devtalk.blender.org/t/2022-11-08-sculpt-texture-paint-module-meeting/26497) for current patches. New patches: - [⚙ D16511 Sculpt Mode: Resolve `Shift R` shortcut conflicts](https://developer.blender.org/D16511) Will fix current shortcut conflicts for 3.5 - [⚙ D16434 Sculpt Mode: Invert Expand behavior for masking consistency](https://developer.blender.org/D16434) Based on previous discussions for 3.5 ### Current Topics - [⚙ D16409 Fix inconsistent naming for cavity_from_mask operator.](https://developer.blender.org/D16409) committed to master isntead of 3.4 beta - Joe will add an improvement ot cavity auto-masking Instead of checkmark to use automask in redo panel, pull settings from somewhere else. This would be more helpful. ### Upcoming To Do's Joe: - [⚓ T98070 Improved Rake functionality](https://developer.blender.org/T98070) Julien: - Wrapping up release notes - Brush asset Drafting blog post - Blender Studio work - Manual rewrite Ramil: - Followup patch for [⚓ T97106 Options to convert color attributes to other domain and data types](https://developer.blender.org/T97106)? This is targeted as a more general thing for any convert operator. Add invoke functions to the operators. ### Other Topics #### Cherry picking Useful for brush customisation and right click mcontext menu, and header tool settings. brush refactor is lowered in prio for now until cherry picking becomes a prio for brush assets. It was suggested to find a more general solution for cherry picking in the UI. #### Sculpt Mode boundary detection *Suggested by Julien Kaspar* What are the reasons that boundary auto-masking and the boudnary tool is detecting boundary **loops** instead of the full boundary? Can we improve this? Joe: Stopping at corners is by design for boundary brush. Design reasons unclear. Joe has some improvments in sculpt-dev. He'll look into porting them over. Having boundary brush stop at borders could be an option brush setting. Auto-masking bug found. #### Expand performance *Suggested by Julien Kaspar* Default geodesic behavior is initalizing very slowly on high res meshes. Even spherical expansion takes a long time to initialise. If we want to keep using Expand for face set masking, we need to adress peformace issues. How can we improve performance? - Initialize only visible mesh? - Keep initialising in memory if not mesh cahnges were done? - Iterative iniatising during the operation? Joe thinks it's possible to incrementally calcualte geodesic distances. Could eb fairly simple in principle. All necessary refactors are now in master. We should prioritise this optimisation soon especially with Expand becoming more of an essential shortcut operator. #### 3.5 Priorities for the short term *Suggested by Julien Kaspar* Brush Asset project team is still sceptical of focusing on [⚙ D16320 Brush Properties Refactor](https://developer.blender.org/D16320) right now. It was suggested to find a more generic approach, not just for sculpt mode but other data types and UI as well. What goals do we want to focus on for the 3.5 release then? - [x] Roll brush mapping: - [⚓ T98070 Improved Rake functionality](https://developer.blender.org/T98070) - [x] Auto-Masking wrapup: - [x] Mask icon - [x] [⚓ T102437 Sculpt Mode: Cavity Inverted consistency](https://developer.blender.org/T102437) - [x] [⚓ T102377 Auto-Masking: Propagation Steps needed as a global setting](https://developer.blender.org/T102377) - [?] [⚓ T102432 Sculpt Mode: Occlusion blurring steps](https://developer.blender.org/T102432) + performance improvements? Joe thinks it's doable. Improving pbvh gpu mesh usage. Reducing pen inputs for less work on ray tracing. Test with Wacom. There it might be less of an issue. - [?] [⚓ T101798 Mask from Cavity blurring artefacts](https://developer.blender.org/T101798) Joe: Was waiting for implementing cotangent weights. Also necessary for fixing boundary brush behavior. Could be done both together. Could unintentionally take week instead of days. Has to be seen. If it escelates Joe will give a headsup. Ramil: It might be too much effort for a feture that is rarely used. - [x] Transform Tools wrapup: - [⚓ T80392 Sculpt Mode Transform Tool improvements](https://developer.blender.org/T80392) - Needs a clear design on pivot point UI/UX. Setting the pivot point via shortcut operator could be separate task. - Main task is to recycle old patches for making the transform tools with tool settings fully functional. Ramil: Easier sculpt pivot transform is definitely useful. Daniel: Easier orientation is very important and needs a strong focus. The focus should then be wrappin gup the exisiting patches and on setting pivot point. - [ ] Dyntopo refactor (For 3.6) - Improved performance - Preserved boundaries - Reprojected attributes - Dyntopo support for shape keys This could also get rid of the warning popups. Has to be done before multires anyway. Multires will have to share code with dyntopo refactor. - [ ] Tools as operators: - [⚓ T99607 Resolve "Shift R" shortcut conflict](https://developer.blender.org/T99607) - [⚓ T102427 Sculpt Mode: Add exisiting Tools as Menu Operators](https://developer.blender.org/T102427) - Vital: Add operator property to use eyedropper from menu but cursor position from shortcut. This needs a general solution. Discuss this also with Ui module. Demo file: - Send updated model to Ramil - Add text for introducing all auto-masking modes. - Example tools for each automasking mode