JCConf 2020 共同筆記
- [歡迎來到 JCConf'20!](https://hackmd.io/D-wbDNP-SouXxIwEi4aGJA)
- [JCConf'20 官方網站](https://jcconf.tw/2020/) [target=_blank]
- [JCConf'20 行前通知](https://hackmd.io/@JCConf/Tq_qhKIgRcKX0HqBkBMYbg)
- [HackMD 快速入門](https://hackmd.io/s/BJvtP4zGX)
- [HackMD 會議功能介紹](https://hackmd.io/s/BJHWlNQMX)
### 08:50 ~ 09:25 - Registration
### 09:25 ~ 09:35 - Opening
### 09:35 ~ 09:40
- [宣傳議程(LINE)](/@JCConf/B1gfMu-qv)
### 09:40 ~ 10:25
- [Moved by Java: 25 Years of Innovation - Chad Arimura & Sharat Chander [en][LIVE]](/@JCConf/HyKYguZcD)
### 10:25 ~ 10:40 - Break
### 10:40 ~ 10:45
- [宣傳議程(Innova)](/@JCConf/r1TiWuZ5w)
### 10:45 ~ 11:30
- [RSocket Revolution - Josh Long [en][LIVE]](/@JCConf/BkjDMuZ5P)
### 11:30 ~ 11:45 - Break
## 11:45 ~ 12:30
* @401 [Jakarta EE Tips: Filters & Interceptors - Jorge Cajas [en][LIVE]](https://hackmd.io/@JCConf/HkmpGO-9P)
* @402AB [用 Kotlin 跨入 Serverless 世代 - 范聖佑](https://hackmd.io/@JCConf/rkp1Qu-9P)
* @402CD [如何進行DDD實作 - Steven Wang](https://hackmd.io/@JCConf/ryBbXuW9w)
### 12:30 ~ 13:30 - Lunch and Break
## 13:30 ~ 12:45
* @401 [Migrating to JUnit 5 - Joanna Hu](https://hackmd.io/@JCConf/Hkw7m_b9w)
* @402AB [國泰優惠導入 Kotlin 經驗分享 - Jean Yen](https://hackmd.io/@JCConf/Bk2VXd-qD)
* @402CD [Introduction to AssertJ - Andy Chen](https://hackmd.io/@JCConf/r1MUmdbcv)
* @205 [快來一起認識 Helm 吧! - Cookie Tsai](https://hackmd.io/@JCConf/rJLDXuZ5D)
### 13:45 ~ 14:00 - Break
## 14:00 ~ 14:45
* @401 [New Java Features Released in 2020 - Joseph Kuo](https://hackmd.io/@JCConf/Skzu7uZqv)
* @402AB [Kotlin Flow Application and Testing on Android - 吳于豪 [en]](https://hackmd.io/@JCConf/HJQtmOZ5P)
* @402CD [MySQL Cluster/J使您的Java應用兼具高性能和堅固性 - 杜修文](https://hackmd.io/@JCConf/SJlJruW9v)
* @205 [On component interface - 陳家宏](https://hackmd.io/@JCConf/rJ9cXOWqw)
* @403 [Kotlin coroutine 簡介 - 趙家笙](https://hackmd.io/@JCConf/ByGn7dZ9P)
### 14:45 ~ 15:00 - Break
## 15:00 ~ 15:45
* @401 [Apache Groovy's Metaprogramming Options and You - Andres Almiray [en][LIVE]](https://hackmd.io/@JCConf/BJeJE_bcD)
* @402AB [Kotlin & Android Performance @Mozilla - Nevin [en]](https://hackmd.io/@JCConf/r1SgEOW5P)
* @402CD [Deploy GCP serverless application with Terraform - 王信凱](https://hackmd.io/@JCConf/S1VZEdZcP)
* @205 [Quill - 一個 Scala 的資料庫存取利器 - 鄭紹志](https://hackmd.io/@JCConf/HkGfVOW5P)
* @403 [Kotlin coroutine 簡介 - 趙家笙](https://hackmd.io/@JCConf/ByGn7dZ9P)
### 15:45 ~ 16:15 - Tea Time
## 16:15 ~ 17:00
* @401 [Functional Programming in Java - 古君葳](https://hackmd.io/@JCConf/ByG7VO-9w)
* @402AB [Lessons learned monitoring in Microservices - 何適宇](https://hackmd.io/@JCConf/SJxVV_W9D)
* @402CD [反璞歸真:街口的"唯服務"之路 - 林世鵬](https://hackmd.io/@JCConf/rkgBV_W5D)
* @205 [Type-level programming in Scala 3 - 張瑋修 Walter Chang](https://hackmd.io/@JCConf/Bkk8V_b5w)
* @403 [Kotlin coroutine 簡介 - 趙家笙](https://hackmd.io/@JCConf/ByGn7dZ9P)
### 17:00 ~ 17:10 - Break
## 17:00 ~ 17:45
* @401 [Porting Spring Cloud Application to Kubernetes - 黃健旻](https://hackmd.io/@JCConf/SJNwEuZ9w)
* @402AB [Responsible Distributed System - poga](https://hackmd.io/@JCConf/SkbOVdW9v)
* @402CD [Building cloud-native applications with Quarkus - Rich Lee](https://hackmd.io/@JCConf/B11KEOZqP)
* @205 [(apply JavaFX Clojure) - hysenbird](https://hackmd.io/@JCConf/r1pKVdbcw)
* @403 [Kotlin coroutine 簡介 - 趙家笙](https://hackmd.io/@JCConf/ByGn7dZ9P)
###### tags: `JCCONF`
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