Math 181 Miniproject 9: Related --- --- tags: MATH 181 --- Math 181 Miniproject 9: Related Rates === **Overview:** This miniproject focuses on a central application of calculus, namely *related rates*. These problems augment and extend the kinds of problems you have worked with in WeBWorK and class discussions. **Prerequisites:** Section 3.5 of *Active Calculus.* --- :::info For this miniproject, select EXACTLY TWO of the following and give complete and correct solutions that abide by the specifications for student work. Include a labeled picture with each solution. Full calculus justification of your conclusions is required. **Problem 1.** A sailboat is sitting at rest near its dock. A rope attached to the bow of the boat is drawn in over a pulley that stands on a post on the end of the dock that is 5 feet higher than the bow. If the rope is being pulled in at a rate of 2 feet per second, how fast is the boat approaching the dock when the length of rope from bow to pulley is 13 feet? ::: ![]( :::info **Problem 2.** A baseball diamond is a square with sides 90 feet long. Suppose a baseball player is advancing from second to third base at the rate of 24 feet per second, and an umpire is standing on home plate. Let $\theta$ be the angle between the third baseline and the line of sight from the umpire to the runner. How fast is $\theta$ changing when the runner is 30 feet from third base? ::: :::info **Problem 3.** Point $A$ is 30 miles west of point $B$. At noon a car starts driving South from point $A$ at a rate of 50 mi/h and a car starts driving South from point $B$ at a rate of 70 mi/h. At 2:00 how quickly is the distance between the cars changing? ::: ![]( --- To submit this assignment click on the Publish button ![Publish button icon]( Then copy the url of the final document and submit it in Canvas.