# OpenSearch Community Meeting - 2022-0208 - open office hour Agenda: - Distributions for Opensearch: RPMs, DEBs, ... https://github.com/orgs/opensearch-project/projects/13 - Plugins in core vs separate repos: https://github.com/opensearch-project/OpenSearch/issues/1754 Feel free to comment on the agenda before the meeting if you want to add an item or have a question. During the meeting the agenda will be unlocked for collaborative editing / note taking. After the meeting the agenda will be set to read-only mode. Prior meeting: [OpenSearch Community Meeting - 2022-0201](https://hackmd.io/LsZzgDEBRr6zRAu2jx5xtw) ## Chat log: 08:01:54 From Ryan Paras to Everyone: howdy 08:02:48 From Kris Freedain to Everyone: Howdy! 08:02:59 From Jules Graybill to Everyone: Agreed: howdy! 08:03:00 From Nate B to Everyone: Morning! 08:06:18 From Nate B to Everyone: https://github.com/orgs/opensearch-project/projects/1 08:06:37 From Nate B to Everyone: https://github.com/orgs/opensearch-project/projects/13 08:06:45 From Kris Freedain to Everyone: Thanks Nate 08:06:55 From Nate B to Everyone: This is the way. 08:08:11 From Kris Freedain to Everyone: 😃 08:09:36 From nean to Everyone: someone considered to go via snap/flatpak to avoid distro hell? 08:14:17 From Nate B to Everyone: Could you link us Kyle? 08:14:35 From Kyle Davis to Everyone: https://hackmd.io/H7XQPrGESAC1NnlxZYXf9g?both 08:14:41 From Nate B to Everyone: Humble and abject thank you. 08:16:25 From Daniel Doubrovkine to Everyone: Want to mention homebrew ? 08:16:25 From Nate B to Everyone: Bring them all! Level that playing field! 08:17:37 From Guru to Everyone: Sorry if I missed this, yum release on the timeline ? 08:18:23 From Nate B to Everyone: @guru: https://github.com/orgs/opensearch-project/projects/13 08:18:46 From stek0v to Everyone: could you add a description of how to create your own plugins? I think it would stimulate interest in creating connectors 08:18:46 From Ryan Paras to Everyone: TOTALLY DIFFERENT TOPIC There seemingly is a good amount of investment going into PPL (with some exciting features slated) As noted in https://github.com/opensearch-project/observability/issues/131, PPL still does not support anything like index patterns. Can we please see this issue updated as to whether this is expected to ship in 1.3? 08:19:49 From Kris Freedain to Everyone: https://opensearch.org/blog/technical-post/2021/12/plugins-intro/ 08:20:09 From Kris Freedain to Everyone: https://logz.io/blog/opensearch-plugins/ 08:20:09 From stek0v to Everyone: Thanks! Kyle! 08:20:30 From Nate B to Everyone: Thanks Kris 08:21:27 From Ryan Paras to Everyone: here is another issue that would be related - https://github.com/opensearch-project/observability/issues/350 08:22:18 From Nate B to Everyone: It reminds me of Cloudwatch insights. 08:22:51 From Guru to Everyone: do we have ref for running OpenSearch as a service in production on amazonlinux ? 08:22:55 From stek0v to Everyone: And I would like to take this opportunity to pay attention to this bug https://github.com/opensearch-project/security/issues/1596 08:25:05 From Joshua Bright to Everyone: Kyle - I’ll work with Ryan to make sure we are on the same page. Ryan, let me know if you want to add more detail for the follow up. 08:27:07 From Mark Brandon to Everyone: Hello, all. Mark Brandon here, newly installed Director of Search Technologies at Instaclustr, and former founder of Qbox, which was a hosted Elasticsearch provider since the beginning. 08:27:12 From Mark Brandon to Everyone: My question is... 08:27:35 From lukas.vlcek to Everyone: Hello Kyle, this is Lukáš (at Aiven). Is there any plan to give 3rd party OpenSearch plugin communities an option to host their source code in AWS managed GitHub repo? The point is that non-free GitHub organisation/repos allow for greater control of PR approval/review/release process compared to free GitHub plans. In other words, paid GitHub plans provide better tooling for building communities around plugins. And maybe no every individual developer really want to host OpenSearch plugin source code under his/her personal GitHub account. 08:27:42 From stek0v to Everyone: Thanks! 08:27:43 From Mark Brandon to Everyone: Has there been any discussion about making the project under the auspices of an open source foundation like Apache, CNCF, etc.? 08:31:28 From Mark Brandon to Everyone: thanks 08:31:36 From Jules Graybill to Everyone: You bet - thanks for asking! 08:31:41 From Nate B to Everyone: heh 08:37:51 From lukas.vlcek to Everyone: Any link to the future plugin architecture document? to start exploring and bit about use cases possible with OpenSearch 08:42:41 From Kris Freedain to Everyone: @Lukas.vicek https://github.com/dblock 08:44:13 From lukas.vlcek to Everyone: Thanks, I will ping you later @dblock 08:44:35 From Eli Fisher to Everyone: Community Project Page https://opensearch.org/community_projects 08:46:47 From stek0v to Everyone: Nice!!! 08:46:53 From Andriy Redko to Everyone: https://github.com/opensearch-project/OpenSearch/issues/1754 08:51:56 From Nico H to Everyone: Hi everybody, I‘d like to ask if there will be Releases for opensearch and Dashboards before march. As you Upgraded Many libs and solved several cve‘s, this is very interesting to me 08:52:33 From stek0v to Everyone: Marketplace plugins for OpenSearch ?) 09:00:23 From Ryan Paras to Everyone: thanks everyone! :) 09:00:26 From Nico H to Everyone: Thanks a lot - looking forward to it. :) 09:00:33 From Andriy Redko to Everyone: Thanks a lot guys! 09:01:04 From lukas.vlcek to Everyone: Thank you. 09:01:42 From Mark Brandon to Everyone: Thanks, all. 09:01:44 From Terry Q to Everyone: Thanks 09:01:52 From Eli Fisher to Everyone: thanks! ### Notes: Andriy - Aivan - distribution - Debian - don't get them built properly from source - new distros are something the project is continuing to work towards someone considered to go via snap/flatpak to avoid distro hell? - a way to avoid RPM/Deb and get a easier way to distribute - Jules will be looking into this - wants to ensure it's high quality - feels like it fits the OS - is something that can be maintained in the long-term dB - home-brew - clones the source from GitHub and builds on your machine Amazon Linux - OS level service? (Our Docker image is based on Amz Lnx) - get more detail and add to notes / doc / blog? Lukas - Aivan - GitHub accounts - Kyle, moving from plugins to extensions - plugins are tightly integrated w/ core so challenging to move w/out core -- extensions are where we're moving to ; makes it much easier to do this - w/ GitHub, if it's there, it means it's an 'official' release and needs to be maintained - so we have to build in checks for this - Jules; we are working on a Oracle plugin to add to the GitHub repo, so, yes, we're working to figure this out. They are working to develop a plugin - may be best to house under main repo. dB asked to open issue under there, and tag him in it so they can work together Eli - are we getting the community's feedback? Is it easy? Does the community know where to give feedback? Are there ways to improve? - Ryan - going to be a challenge with how it is currently organized - escalate to Ambassadors in the community - divide into areas that make - how it works as application / Dashboards --- not deployment - Mark Brandon - part of the way to work towards gov change is moving towards this model - Kris - great input, we're working to improve the layout of the forums to make it easier to use - these are topics we want to consider as well.