# OpenSearch Community Meeting - 2022-0503 - open office Agenda: - Open discussion [Meeting Link](https://www.meetup.com/OpenSearch/events/285396685) **Passcode:** - **931474** Feel free to comment on the agenda before the meeting if you want to add an item or have a question. During the meeting the agenda will be unlocked for collaborative editing / note taking. After the meeting the agenda will be set to read-only mode. ## Chat log 15:01:59 From Kris Freedain to Everyone: Hello OpenSearch community! 15:02:06 From Nathan Boot to Everyone: Greetings team! 15:02:18 From Kris Freedain to Everyone: Yep 15:02:27 From Kris Freedain to Everyone: OpenSearchers 15:02:58 From Joshua Bright to Everyone: New branding! Question: Andriy - who is the right person to review new doc PRs 15:06:12 From Kris Freedain to Everyone: tag me in and I can assist with tracking them down @krisfreedain 15:10:44 From Kris Freedain to Everyone: Updated releases (including patches) https://opensearch.org/blog/partners/2022/02/roadmap-proposal/ 15:12:38 From Nathan Boot to Everyone: Will RC-1 have all the plugins normally bundled? (Yes - 'OpenSearch' on the download page has everything, while 'OpenSearch Minimum' has just core) 15:12:42 From Kris Freedain to Everyone: 2.0.0-rc1 blog post: https://opensearch.org/blog/releases/2022/05/release-candidate-2-0-available/ 15:13:06 From Kris Freedain to Everyone: https://opensearch.org/docs/2.0/ 15:13:06 From Nathan Boot to Everyone: The GitHub project has a tag for 2.0 I think 15:14:11 From Andriy Redko to Everyone: Thanks Kris and Nathan 15:14:17 From Nathan Boot to Everyone: LInk us David! 15:14:27 From David Tippett to Everyone: https://github.com/opensearch-project/opensearch-clients/issues/19 15:21:19 From Ed Williams to Everyone: Lots of Docker experience, but used none of that for this deployment 15:21:35 From Nathan Boot to Everyone: Link us your issue Andriy! 15:21:46 From Ed Williams to Everyone: I use tarball exclusively -- though I might be convinced to use RPM when that is available 15:22:15 From Andriy Redko to Everyone: https://github.com/opensearch-project/OpenSearch/issues/2603 15:22:25 From Ed Williams to Everyone: I saw that ... will test soon ... 15:23:19 From Kris Freedain to Everyone: 🥳 15:25:05 From Nathan Boot to Everyone: Gitpod++ 15:27:57 From Nathan Boot to Everyone: See you in Dallas! 15:28:03 From Kris Freedain to Everyone: OpenSearchCon! https://www.meetup.com/OpenSearch/events/285152025/ 15:28:36 From Nathan Boot to Everyone: oOOoh! I'd love to see it in action. 15:29:32 From Nathan Boot to Everyone: C#-- 15:30:24 From Andriy Redko to Everyone: Thanks a lot!