# Community Team Meeting #12 [<<<- Previous meeting's HackMD](https://hackmd.io/S-RmAF3xRMOGr6mMpGxDyw) [Next meeting's HackMD ->>>](https://hackmd.io/rKSCBQCrTCKgV_BwzGqV6w) **:calendar:** Nov 8, 2021 ### :wave: Attendees - [name=Anthony] - [name=Franz] - [name=Guzal] ### :pencil: Agenda :::info **1. Hello - 5 min** **2. Discussion session - 20 min** **3. Wrap-up, to-do next - 5 min** ::: ### :construction: Reference links *relevant documents, e.g. other meeting's summary, link to a social event in question, etc.* :mega: Discussion --- 1. **Proposition: collect the to-do somewhere outside these hackmds** - sth like Asana/Trello/etc so that they don't get lost - use github board + issue tracker 2. **For newcomers to sktime:** - Many people message about their desire to contribute to some issue and then they disappear - solve this: - organise "setup meeting" so people have everything in place > - **collab meeting - advertise that people may join it and have their env set up** - go through **the instructions for windows** os, and fix them/update! - collect FAQs - record a video on developer setup - bring it up the next meeting - how do we allocate grants etc - add these questions 3. **The fist PRs of newcomers should be a priority for reviews etc** - They should work on PRs that are eventually accepted and merged. 1. Not controversial issues 2. Issues that are easy to work on / solve - check documentation PRs from august - We should give them first issues that require them to code - not documentation first issues, unless they are motivated to do it - questions regarding good first issues - bring it up at the roadmap planning @GuzalBulatova :question: Next meeting & planning --- ### date: November 22, 6 pm UK time ### TO-DO before next meeting: - [name=Guzal] update Google calendar, check the [roadmap planning meeting hackmd](https://hackmd.io/zW0cQipiQVuU_6eAgz5mSQ?both) - [name=] ...