## Scientific name & Common name
***Ficus septica Burm. f.***
Angular Fruit Fig
## Morphology
* **root**
The special introduction of root can not be found. :)
* **stem**
The bark is smooth and gray-white, with smooth and thick twigs that are brown in color, featuring prominent leaf scars. The sap is milky yellow. The trunk often grows in a slanted manner, not straight.
* **leaf**
Leaves are symmetric, elliptic to oblong. The texture is like leathery or thick papery. The leaf margins are entire, with the surface being rough and glossy, while the underside is smooth and lighter in color.
* **flower**
Syconium inflorescence. Dioecious.
The male flowers and insect galls grow on the same inflorescence, while female flowers grow on a different inflorescence.
The female flowers have entire perianths, with rod-shaped, unbranched stigmas that have short hairs at the tip. The ovary is ovate and smooth.
The gall flowers long pedicellate, perianth lobes short, stigma dilated.
* **seed**
The special introduction of seed can not be found. :)
* **fruit**
The syconium fruit is flattened spherical, growing in the leaf axils, with white spots on the surface. Due to the presence of ridges, it is known as the ridged fig.
| ![158283_0](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/HyI2sohER.jpg ) | ![158281_0](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/SkcAwi24R.jpg ) | ![158286_0](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/B1CkuihVR.jpg ) |
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## Adapation
**How this plant adapt to an aquatic environment**
Ficus septica can expell some water drops itself, and this activity is called “guttation”. Guttation is common with many species of ficus. It can live in various soil types such as limestone.
## Distribution
**Native distributions**
At low altitudes from northeast India to north Australia (Queensland), and throughout Malesia.
**Current distributions**
Widespread in S. Asia and E. Asia southern Japan, Taiwan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, New Guinea, northern Australia, Solomon Islands.
(more widely than before)
## Ecology
Ficus septica live in low altitude areas, often along mountains or streams.
Ficus septica are usually pollinated by rats, bats, and especially Fig wasp.
Ficus septica are usually dispersaled animals and insects.
## Others
# Photos
| ![158288_0](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/SySVsjhNR.jpg) | ![158284_0](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/BJGrsi3V0.jpg ) |
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| ![158285_0](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/rkTYio340.jpg ) | ![158289_0](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/SyM-_ihVA.jpg ) |
# Reference
[Ficus septica: Introduction](https://borneoficus.info/2017/03/11/ficus-septica-introduction/)
[Ficus septica Burm.f.](https://profiles.ala.org.au/opus/foa/profile/Ficus%20septica)
[Ficus septica](https://tropical.theferns.info/viewtropical.php?id=Ficus+septica)