# How Does an AI Essay Writer Compare to Human Writers? There has been a constant debate about content creators vs AI Content Generators - which one is better? Even seasoned writers are worried if AI essay writers like OpenAI’s ChatGPT or academic writing tools such as [EduWriter](https://eduwriter.ai/) can take over their jobs and if essay writing tools have become this good. Many content gurus claim that no matter how advanced AI Content Generators become they can't add personality or show passion for something in their writer. They claim that essays generated by essay AI Essay Writers are bland and dull and do not engage reader engagement. Seasoned writers admit that AI content generators are now a reality and not just some passing hyped trend, but they have an opinion that AI can never replace humans. The same job replacement fear came in the early 2000s and everyone thought that computers were going to replace humans but that only created more jobs rather than take away the existing ones. Let's not forget that these are the same content GURU’s who were not long ago claiming that no matter how advanced AI becomes it can NEVER EVER write an essay. So how can you say that content GURUs are right about their NEW arguments about AI Content Generators and were completely wrong when they claimed that AI can't create essays - confusing right? ![image3](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/HJl3I8LZA.png) So are Human Essay Writers actually better than AI Essay Writers or it's the other way around? Let's settle this debate once and for all - however, this time let's base our arguments on facts and figures and not mere word of mouth. To make a decision we need to first see how AI Essay Writers are Better than Human Writers and then How Human Writers are better than AI Essay Generators - so let's get right to it: Human Essay Writers VS AI Essay Writers Detailed Comparison Clear Winner in that Criteria = = 2 Points The loser in that Criteria = = 0 Points For instance, we made human content creators clear winners in creativity and emotional appeal when AI can sometimes surpass humans in that because of the deep learning algorithms + natural language processing capability. AI Essay Writers become smarter with every answer they generate. The above table proves that AI Essay Writers are generally better than human writers when it comes to creating detailed essays. How AI Essay Writers are Better than Human Essay Writers Let's discuss the pros of hiring a human essay writer over choosing any of the AI essay writers available in the market: Speed: AI essay writers are at least 30 times faster than human writers even if you consider the editing time that is required to edit and brush off the unnecessary details. ![image7](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/Sk9ctLIb0.png) Consistency: AI essay writers maintain consistency throughout their essays. Humans can become inconsistent at times and might add irrelevant details that are not about the topic subject - but that is not the case with AI. No Writer's Block: A white page also called an empty writer's block can be a nightmare for people who hate writing. Motivating yourself to start writing your essay can sometimes take hours. However, this is not a problem when using an AI essay writer, and the only thing you need to do is eliminate irrelevant content to stay within the word count limit. ![image4](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/r1m5KLLWC.png) Advanced Deep Learning Algorithms: Deep learning algorithms enable AI Essay Writers such as EduWriter to become with every prompt and every new essay that is generated by them. This algorithm helps them understand the user intent and what would be the best response to a prompt. [Best Ai Essay Writing Tool in 2024](https://form.jotform.com/241154219164047)