# Some Decentralized Alternatives Definitely not an exhaustive list. I biased towards user friendly options that require limited setup and limited technical knowledge and would be immediately helpful for the DAO. I also biased towards stuff that I have personally used or have some experience in, light or otherwise and stuff that has generated a lot of buzz and support either through funding or community or both. I can expand this list to have a full suite of decentralized options in software architecture and development if we so choose. I was planning to make one for the community in general for anyone interested. | Centralized | Decentralized | Notes | |---|---|---| | Google Drive | [Internxt](https://internxt.com/) </br> [Ardrive](https://ardrive.io/) | Internxt currently has drive, photos. "Send" is coming soon which is supposed to be email. The caviat to this is that I am unsure of their tech stack. They say they have a similar architecture to Sia and Storj. </br> </br> Ardrive is built on Arweave. | | Docs & Wiki | [Skiff](https://www.skiff.org/) | It does look like they are trying to be some type of combo of Google Docs and Notion with their introduction of Workspace. Has IPFS integration | | Github | [Radicle](https://radicle.xyz/) </br> [Gitopia](https://gitopia.com/) | Powered by their Radicle Link gossip-based protocol, which is a P2P way for distributed systems to disseminate info to all members of a group. </br> </br> Gitopia is built on top of Arweave | | YouTube | [D.Tube](https://d.tube/) | Built on IPFS | | Substack/Medium | [Mirror](https://mirror.xyz/) | Built on Ethereum | | Discourse | [Boardroom](https://www.boardroom.info/) | I totally forgot about this when talking about Discourse alternatives. It stores proposals, comments, votes, and other user-generated content for governance. Built on Ceramic. | | Identity + Decentralized Profiles | [IDX](https://idx.xyz/) | Built by 3Box which is behind Ceramic. | | File Sync/Dropbox | [brig](https://brig.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) | P2P version of dropbox. Very lightweight. Built on IPFS | | Hosting | [Skynet](https://siasky.net/) </br> [Fleek](https://fleek.co/) | Easy storage hosting. Full disclosure: I have not played around with Skynet except for uploading an image. Looking to do more work with it on the weekend. | | Github Sponsor | [Gitcoin](https://gitcoin.co/) | Grants, Hackathons, Connecting with builders around Open Source Software | | Patreon/Ko-Fi/Kickstarter | [Juicebox](https://juicebox.money/) </br> [Rally](https://rally.io/) | Rally is more around creating a full economies around the communities with their own branded coins and Juicebox more functions like a funding tool | | JustWorks/WorkDay (Payroll Management) + Expensify (Expense Management) | [Utopia](https://www.utopialabs.com/) | Utopia was made for DAOs and their payroll and expense management | | Spotify/Pandora/Soundcloud | [Audius](https://audius.co/) </br> [Royal](https://royal.io/) </br> [Mint Songs](https://www.mintsongs.com/) | I don't have too much experience and knowledge on Royal |