# Handover eessi-hpc.org (2023-11-22) attendees: Jaco, Kenneth, Lara - register domains eessi-hpc.org + eessi.io to organisation - could be UGent, RUG, ... - RUG seems best option? - Henk-Jan already suggested that RUG could do this - handover of eessi-hpc.org boils down to using token provided by Jaco - implies that Wordpress site disappears - sitemap of eessi-hpc.org - links like /join should point to an existing page - better 404 page that provides useful info - DNS switch for www.eessi-hpc.org to eessi.io - change landing page on eessi-hpc.org to point to eessi.io - next renewal of eessi-hpc.org is May'24 - plan next meeting early next year to update on current status